Chapter Twenty

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 It was past midnight, a few minutes after Thorin and Annetta both dozed off into sleep. Annetta began to feel uncomfortable as her mind filled with unpleasant dreams--which began with a scene in Erebor, and she could see a dwarf standing among mounds of gold, dressed in dark royal robes and gold armor. And she could see herself, climbing down stairs, as she approached the dwarf.


"I know you're there, woman! You cannot hide from me!" said the dwarf. "Thorin, please every one is dying out there--this has got to end now!  You nearly killed Bilbo!" said Annetta, placing her hand on her pregnant belly, as she appeared to be pregnant (five months long). Thorin swung around, glaring angrily at Annetta. "He stolen something from me, Annetta!! He had stolen the jewel that is rightfully mine!!" bellowed Thorin. "Thorin, that jewel is the reason why you are like this! Just look and listen to yourself!! This isn't the Thorin whom I met years ago--in this same very kingdom! The same very dwarf who loved his people--whom had cared  less about the gold! Thorin, please! Stop this now!!" pleaded Annetta. "NO!!! GET OUT! I SAID GET OUT! You treacherous little wretch! The master is indeed right! You are a whore!!" screamed Thorin, as he quickly grabbed Annetta by the throat, and he thrown her across the treasury--Annetta screamed, and she crash landed onto the mounds of gold-as she suddenly began to bleed...

End of Nightmare..

Annetta woke up screaming, and she kept crying out, 'No, no, no', and sweat falling down her forehead and nose, as she heavily breathed. Thorin quickly woke up at the sounds of Annetta's screams. Thorin gently wrapped his arm around her. "Ann--Ann-calm down, please--you were having a bad dream--please calm down!" said Thorin,gently. Suddenly, Annetta turned to Thorin, and she buried her head into the Dwarf's broad chest and cried. Thorin wrapped his arms around her, holding Annetta close to him, as he rubbed Annetta's back. Thorin allowed Annetta to weep a little more, and to gather her thoughts, and to calm down before he wanted to ask her what the nightmare was about. Once Annetta had settled down a little bit, Thorin asked her, and Annetta answered. "The worst part of the nightmare--I was pregnant in the dream--five months long to be exact-- and when you came at me in full rage, you thrown me across the treasury, I crash landed, and miscarried right then and there--I laid on the gold in blood--Thorin!" said Annetta, as she began to weep again. 

Thorin's eyes widened when he heard this. I would never do this to my Annetta-I would never hurt her--where is this coming from?! I hope this nightmare won't became a reality--I don't know how I live with myself if I do!--thought Thorin. "Listen to me, Annetta--its only a nightmare! You know I would never, ever hurt you--I love you too much for that--Annetta!" said Thorin. "But the gold sickness--we're getting closer to the Mountain--what will become of us?" asked Annetta. "Ann-there is nothing you can worry about--you stay with Balin and the others in case something happens to me--if I do to fall under the sickness-please stay clear from me." said Thorin, with a pleading look in his eyes. Annetta nodded. "Now you just rest on me,imur! Everything is going to be okay!" said Thorin.And

Annetta lay her head upon Thorin's broad chest, as he gently ran his fingers through her hair. As he done so, Thorin first began to hum a soft melody--and soon, he started to sing in a soft voice in Annetta's ear. Thorin knew his singing always had calmed her.


The next morning, everyone woke up quite early as they prepared to leave Lake Town. Thorin had decided they would depart before the Master and his people would see them off. "I don't want any fan fare from this! And after the way the Master had treated us--he is not worth of saying a farewell too!" said Thorin,as he threw on his clothes that Bard had loaned him. Pretty soon, everyone climbed into the boat, on the exception of Bofur, Oin, Fili and Kili. Fili, Kili, and Oin came along,but they didn't see any signs of Bofur. "Where's Bofur?" asked Bilbo."He better be coming along soon! Or we'll be leaving without him!" grumbled Thorin. Soon, Fili and Kili approached the boat, as Thorin stopped his youngest nephew from boarding. "Not you--you are not coming!" said Thorin. "What are you talking about? Of course I'm coming!" exclaimed Kili, as he thought his Uncle was joking at first. "Return to the Mountain when you are healed." said Thorin gently. "Thorin--you can't do this-- We've long dreamed of this day---the many tales you told us of this place--you have to let him come with us!" pleaded Fili. "Fili, once you are King, you will understand--You belong with the Company!" said Thorin, firmly. "I belong with my brother!" said Fili, firmly, as he stood beside Kili. 

"Oin, you will stay here with the lads, and make sure Kili is looked after." said Thorin, and he turned away climbing into the boat. Annetta sat with Thorin as the Dwalin began to row, as they begin their journey to the mountain. "Thorin? Are you alright?" asked Annetta."That was the hardest decision for me to ever make!" said Thorin. "I know, Thorin--but Kili needs his rest--and to regain his strength! Don't worry, you will see him,as well as the others." said Annetta. "We shall see." sighed Thorin. Hours later, they arrived to Shore, which led them to the ruins of Dale. "I remember this place--I was here--I was here when I watched my parents die in front of me!" gasped Annetta. Thorin looked at Annetta, as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders."Don't worry-we're going to seek revenge on the beast who killed our kin--and I will not rest until that beast is destroyed." said Thorin, as Annetta laid her head upon Thorin's shoulder.

"Come on, lets keep going--this place is bringing back memories for you!" said Thorin, and the Company moved as, as they reached closer to the Mountain. Fifteen minutes later, Thorin had been looking over the map, as he contemplated on where the Hidden Door is located. "Thorin! I think it's over here!!" Bilbo called out to the Dwarf leader. Thorin smiled as he could see the secret entrance. "You have keen eye sight, Mister  Baggins!" said Thorin. "Thank you!" said Annetta smiling at the Hobbit, patting him onhis shoulder. "Now all we need to do, is wait for the sun to set." said Dwalin. And so the Company gathered around the secret gate, as they waited for the sun to set. Hours later, evening came as the sun was about to set. Thorin held up the key and grinned. "To those who doubt us, rue this day!" cheered Thorin, as the Company cheering behind him. Annetta smiled, as she watched Thorin about to insert the key into the door. Unfortunately however, the wall did not budge.

No signs of any movement. Thorin turned and looked at everyone, with a confused expression. "Am I missing something? I know I done it right what it says-stand by the grey stone, where the thrush knocks--the light of Durin's day shine upon the key hole!" said Thorin. Annetta's eyes widened in disappointment. Don't tell me we have missed it! thought Annetta. Then Thorin tried to open it again--but still the wall did not budge. Suddenly, Thorin became very frustrated, as he quickly turned away from the wall. "It's no use--we came all this way--and we missed it! Oh well, there is always next year, I suppose!" sighed Balin. But the rest of the Company weren't going to have it. Dwalin, Nori and Gloin, teamed up together as they attempted to barge down the door. "Oh come on! Like that's going to work! Look! You misinterupted the map!!Thorin, come back! Don't give up!!" cried out Annetta, as she sawThorin and the Dwarves turning away. 

"You can't give up now! We came all this way! Please come back!!" cried out Bilbo.  

The Commoner and the KingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora