Chapter Twenty-two

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 Bilbo shortly found Annetta in her room,laying on her bed weeping. "Ann, are you alright?"asked the Hobbit gently. "No, Bilbo! Go away, I wish to be alone!" grumbled Annetta, her voice raspy from crying. "Annetta, you've been my friend for a long time, you can tell me anything--what has Thorin done to you?" asked Bilbo gently, as he sat on her bed, placing his hand on Annetta's shoulder."Yes, it's Thorin-he's getting much worse, Bilbo--it's like he's a total stranger to me now." wept Annetta. "Annetta.." said Bilbo. "Bilbo, I'm carrying his child--our child! I wish there is a way to stop him from this sickness taking control of him!" said Annetta softly. "Actually, Annetta--there is way, but I'm not sure how you're going to take it." began Bilbo. "There is a way?" said Annetta, as she sat up and looked at the Hobbit. "Annetta, there is something I should tell you--or I should say, show you!" began Bilbo, and he took something out of his pocket. 

To Annetta's shock and surprise, she saw it was the Arkenstone. "Bilbo! You mean to tell me you had that Arkenstone the entire time, after all the long hard searching every body had been doing?!" exclaimed Annetta. "Yes--Annetta, this is the only way to save Thorin! The further away this stone is from him, the better. I'm planning on giving it to Bard this evening. I cannot do this alone, Annetta." said Bilbo. "I'm going to help you-although this is very difficult for me to do, but I'm going to help you. I have another idea in mind. The White Gems, Thranduil has been seeking, we should give those away to the Elf King as well." said Annetta. "And how are you going to do that without Thorin or the others noticing?" asked the Hobbit. "I'm not the one who's going to be during the burgling, Mister Baggins!" said Annetta,grinning at Bilbo. "What? You're going to have me do it?!" cried out the Hobbit. "Please, Bilbo?" said Annetta. Bilbo sighed. "Oh alright I'll do this. I'll grab the Gems and I'll meet you outside the Mountain at midnight!" said Bilbo. 

"Sounds like a deal!" said Annetta. Once midnight arrived, Annetta waited for the Hobbit outside the mountain. Luckily no one had noticed her leaving, and she sighed in relief at that. However, she felt the stinging in her heart, at the thought of betraying her beloved King. But she had no choice but too. Shortly, Bilbo met up with Annetta. "Are you ready?" asked Bilbo. "I'm ready. Let's get this done and over with!" sighed Annetta, as they climbed down the Mountain, and soon they reached the encampment of the elves and men. Bilbo informed the guards who they are, and they entered the encampment. Soon, they approached the tent, and entered.Not only they saw Bard and Thranduil, they seen that Gandalf is with them too. "GANDALF!" exclaimed Bilbo and Annetta together. "Mister Baggins! Annetta? Why are you down here for, my dear?" said Gandalf. "Yes, why is the future Queen of Erebor doing down here?" asked Thranduil. "We have something to give you, Bard and Thranduil. As the future Queen of Erebor, and speaking on behalf on my husband, whom is not well, We bring gifts as a token--to prevent a war from commencing." said Annetta, and she gestured for Bilbo to go first, as Bilbo presented the Arkenstone to Bard.

Bard and Thranduil exchanged looks and they looked at the Hobbit in surprise. "Gandalf is right--halflings are amazing creatures--I hope you know are you taking a big risk of doing this, Mister Baggins." said Bard. "The risk is well worth it--its the only way to save him from the gold sickness-I'm doing this out of love for a friend!" said Bilbo. "That is really bold of you, Mister Baggins." said Thranduil. "I have something for you, Your Majesty!" said Annetta, as she handed the Elf King a small box. When Thranduil opened it, his eyes widened in surprise-"It can't be-how did you manage to get it?!" exclaimed the Elf King. "With the help of my hobbit friend, that' show we aquired it. It's rightfully yours now, King Thranduil." said Annetta. "My lady--I can't take this." said the Elf King. "Why?" asked Annetta, looking at the King in confusion. "Because you are betraying your beloved--and to do this, it's really kind of you, but if this is going to go between you and Thorin--it should have been left alone." said Thranduil, looking at Annetta with a worried look.

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