Chapter Twenty-Six

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 An hour later, the time came for the Wedding Ceremony and the Queen's coronation. Thousands and thousands of people attended, including Dain and the Dwarves of the Iron Hills, the Men of Lake Town and Dale, led by King Bard, and the Wood Elves Led by King Thranduil, and Tauriel and Legolas whom also came to the event. Bilbo Baggins, of course is there, because Annetta and Thorin asked Bilbo to carry their wedding bands for them. The ceremony,is beautiful, as it was presided by both Balin and Gandalf. Towards the end of the Wedding Ceremony, Thorin led all the dwarves in singing an old dwarven hymn, and Annetta stood and listened in awe, as they all sang. And she felt her heart beating rapid, listening to Thorin's rich, baritone singing above the others, as his voice vibrating throughout the Hall. Once the Wedding ceremony potion ended, it was time for the Crowning of Erebor's new queen as Dain presented a golden crown, placing it on Annetta's head, and Gandalf announced to all the guests present. 

Annetta tried her best to hide back tears of joy, but the tears flowed anyway, as she felt Thorin's arms wrapping around her waist. Once that ceremony ended, Thorin led everyone into the Great Hall where the feasting and celebration began. There was a lot of food, music, singing, dancing and laughter, and Annetta felt overwhelmed as she and Thorin had been bombarded by guests who approach them, congratulating them on their marriage, and Annetta becoming Erebor's Queen. There were times where Annetta wanted to go somewhere quiet, with just her and Thorin, so they could have their alone time. "Don't worry, we'll get our alone time--love! How about this? I'm going to perform a special song for you, and afterwards, we can make a run for it?" Thorin whispered to Annetta. "A song?" said Annetta. "I composed a special song for you, Annetta, I'm going to perform for everyone. I finished it last night." said Thorin, smiling at Annetta. 

"I can't wait to hear it." said Annetta. An hour later, Thorin called attention to all the guests as he announced to everyone that he is about to perform a special song he had composed specially for Annetta. Dwalin brought in Thorin's large upright floor harp, as Thorin approached the instrument, and he sat down, resting the golden harp upon him. Thorin placed his large fingers on the silverstrings, as he started to play, and after playing instrumentally for a while, the Dwarf King began to sing, his voice echoing throughout the large hall. Annetta listened to the song, and she felt very moved when she heard it, tears had swollen in her eyes again, and she felt like the whole room is spinning. Once Thorin finished his song, everyone cheered and clapped, and Thorin walked over to her, as Annetta threw her arms around her husband.

"That is the most beautiful song, Thorin! I love you!" Annetta whispered to Thorin. "I love you too, Annetta!" purred Thorin, as he brushed his lips over hers, embracing her in a deep, passionate kiss. When they broke their kiss, Thorin looked at Annetta. "Now we can retire for the night!" said Thorin, grinning. "Good! I was hoping you would say that!"said Annetta. Arm in Arm, Thorin and Annetta announced they are retiring for the night, and they allowed everyone else to continue the feasting and celebrating.


Shortly, Thorin and Annetta arrived to their suite, and made way to their bed chambers, as it didn't them both long to remove their wedding clothes, and Annetta climbed into the large bed, shortly followed by Thorin. Thorin quickly pulled Annetta into his arms, as Annetta laid her head gently on the dwarf's broad chest. "You've just made me the happiest dwarf in Middle Earth, imur! My Kingdom reclaimed, I've became a King, you became my wife and Queen, you gave me twins, a son and daughter! I could not ask any more than that!" said Thorin softly. "You are the reason I'm living, Thorin--you're the reason I live day to day with happiness! You are my happiness!" said Annetta softly. "And you are my happiness, my jewel of jewels!" whispered Thorin, and they kissed. After that, Thorin looked at his wife, with a mischievous look and grin on his features. 

"Now let the real fun begin!" said Thorin in amusement. Suddenly, Thorin climbed on top of her, as Annetta laughed loudly, as they begin their love making, which they have done most of the night--up until--"THORIN OAKENSHIELD!" cried out Annetta. "What?" said Thorin. "What is that horrible smell?" said Annetta sharply. "Oops! I'm sorry--I had way too much of the meat tonight!" said Thorin, blushing. "You just had to fart did you?" said Annetta grinning. "It had to come out sooner or later! I've held it in all evening!" said Thorin. And the two of them laughed.


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