Chapter Ten

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Spring, 2845

Early spring came, as the years went by. This had been the fifth year of Vili and Dis's courtship, and Vili had planned on marrying Dis,and to propose to her. As for Thorin, Thorin remained busy as ruling leader of Ered Luin, and also helping Annetta at the forge. Annetta also had been receiving commissions from people outside of Ered Luin, and some of them were elves (and her friends, which she decided to keep to herself). One day, Annetta received a letter in the mail from an elf named Celeran. And the letter read:

Dearest Annetta,

I'm writing to you as a commmission for mysword, and to speak to you on a matter that is between my father and I. I wanted to come to you for this advice because you and I been friends for the longest time, and you give out very important advice. I am planning on visiting you at your forge in three weeks time, if you don't mind me arriving! I will see you three weeks.


When Annetta read this, she couldn't believe it. And now fear and worry clouded over her. She would worry Thorin would find Celeran in her home to speak to her, and if he does see the two of them together, Thorin would get angry. I have to write him back to tell him we need to meet else where, thought Annetta. And so she did. After writing the letter, she sent the letter out, via raven. After sending the letter out, Thorin enters Annetta's home. She noticed Thorin looked very different when entered. He was all cleaned up, and was dressed in a white flowing shirt, and black trousers. Annetta gasped--he looked tremendously handsome, and she couldn't figure out why Thorin was all dressed up for. "Wow, Thorin! Look very--nice! What's the occasion?" asked Annetta, smiling at the dwarf. "The occasion is you, my dear--its our twentieth anniversary together in our courtship, and I have big plans for the two of us!" grinned the Dwarf. "Oh, is that so?" said Annetta. "Yes, I have a picnic basket packed and ready for a intimate picnic outing, and I've also brought along my harp, and a book of poems that I've written and love to share with you! You're not going to go dressed like that, are you?" said Thorin.

"Of course not--I have to get cleaned up first!" stammered Annetta. Annetta nearly forgotten that today was their anniversary. It had slipped her mind because she had been busy working on commissions for different people. And so Annetta quickly went to take a bath and changed into a beautiful green and purple gown that Thorin had purchased her several years ago. I cannot believe this old thing still fits! thought Annetta. After getting dressed, Thorin took Annetta to their picnic spot by a large tree and a small lake. The two sat down and ate their meal. After that, Thorin reached for his book of poems, as he read the poems aloud to her. But it wasn't only the poems that moved Annetta, it was the way Thorin had spoke, and the sound of his voice that melted her. The final poem Thorin read to Annetta, he added music to it, as he played on his golden harp while reciting the final poem to Annetta.

Annetta could feel her heart racing as she listened--she didn't know whether to pounce on the Dwarf, or to pass out right into lap. Her desires for the dwarf increased, as she longed to lay in his strong arms, and feelng the warmth of his body. When Thorin finished reading, Annetta smiled at him brightly. "Those are very beautiful Thorin, that was a talent I never knew you had." said Annetta. Thorin smiled back, as he put aside his harp, and taking Annetta into his arms, holding her close to his chest. "Not many people knew I written poetry. The only few that knew is my sister, my brother and Balin and Dwalin. My grandfather would told me to stop the writing, if he knew, because he believed that poetry is for elves." said Thorin. Annetta laughed. "No, not really-Your grandfather is so wrong there-poetry is universal, Thorin, everyone no matter what race loves poetry--and I love your poetry, Thorin." said Annetta, resting her head upon Thorin's broad chest.

"Thank you, imur!" Thorin whispered to her. Suddenly, he leaned towards her, brushing his lips over hers, embracing her in a deep, passionate kiss. Once their kiss broke, they continued to sit there for a long time.


Three weeks later, Dis announced to everyone that Vili had proposed to her, and she accepted. They have planned that the wedding will be next Spring. "Annetta, I like for you to coordinate our wedding for us, if you don't mind!" said Dis. "I don't mind at all, Dis! I would love to help you and Vili coordinate the wedding!" said Annetta in delight. "And as your brother, I will help as well!" said Thorin, smiling at his sister. "Thank you, nadidith, that means a whole lot!" said Dis, as she and Thorin hugged. Later on that same day, Annetta worked at the forge, as she planned on meeting her elf friend, Celeran at the forge. Annetta had prayed for Thorin to keep busy until her meeting with Celeran is finished. And she knew Thorin would be too busy to work at the forge that day, and so she felt some relief, as she waited for her friend to arrive. An hour later, the brown haired elf with green eyes arrived, and entered the forge. 

Unfortunately, an elderly dwarf woman passing by the forge had took notice, and she scowled, as she quickly walked away. I knew that woman could not be trusted! She has brought an elf here in our kingdom! I must inform the King about this immediately! thought the elderly dwarf woman, as she quickly walked away. Meanwhile, Annetta and her Elf friend ended their meeting with laughter. "Good luck on you marriage with Lorielle, Celeran! She is one of the finest elf maids in Rivendell! I'm sure you two will do great!" said Annetta. "Thank you, Ann. Thank you for everything!" said Celeran, as the two of them hugged. But soon the moment ended when the two of them heard Thorin yelling in the background. "Get your filthy hands off of her!!" Thorin bellowed, as he ran towards them. Oh shit! Some one must had seen us!! Annetta's mind panicked. "Celeran! You have to leave now!" cried out Annetta. Celeran nodded, as he quickly mounted his horse and rode away. 

"Annetta, what is the meaning of this?!" fumed Thorin. "Thorin--I'm sorry, I should have told you about this before!" began Annetta. "You have dealings with the elves and you never told me?!!" screamed Thorin. "Thorin, he's a Rivendell Elf! He's not from the Woodland Realm!" protested Annetta. "I don't care Annetta! An Elf's an elf!! I thought I trusted you Annetta! How could you turn your back on me? I thought you loved me!!" barked Thorin. "I do love you Thorin! And there is nothing between Celeran and I, if you must know!" shot back Annetta. "Annetta, pack your belongings and leave Ered Luin at once! You are therefore banned from Ered Luin, and all the dwarven realms of Middle Earth!" said Thorin, icily.

Annetta's wide eyed in shock, horror and hurt when she heard these words coming from Thorin. "Thorin, you don't mean that!" screamed Annetta. "I mean every word of it, traitor! Pack your bags and leave!!" bellowed Thorin. "FINE!!" screamed Annetta, as she bolted away from the Dwarf and she went to pack her belongings. And it was past midnight when Annetta took her leave from Ered Luin, with a heavy and broken heart.

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