Chapter Eight

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 The next morning, Annetta and Dwalin set out to find Thorin. "Annetta, there is something I should tell you, that Balin or I should came to tell you before." began Dwalin, as they set out on their journey to find Thorin. "What is it, Dwalin?" asked Annetta. "Thorin had been on this thing of finding his father, and on several occasions he have brought up the idea of continuing to search for Thrain. A few years back, my brother and I went on the search to find him, and we could never find him." said Dwalin. "So you're saying you believe that is what Thorin is doing now, is finding Thrain?" said Annetta. Dwalin nodded. "Yes." Dwalin replied. Annetta sighed. "Why couldn't he just give up? He would never had been found--he may have died out in the wild somewhere." said Annetta. "I wouldn't tell Thorin that." said Dwalin. "And I won't." said Annetta quietly. Several weeks had passed, and so far, they had seen no sign of the Dwarf Prince-in Exile. 

 By early evening, they came to a village, where they both decided to stay at the village's local inn for the night. Meanwhile, inside the Inn, Thorin sat at his table alone for the moment, eating his meal and drinking a mug of ale. He enjoyed this time alone and he prayed to Mahal that no one would bother him. Unfortunately, he could hear a female voice all out to him. "Why, Prince Thorin--what brings you here in these parts?" spoke up the female voice. Thorin looked up as he recognized the blonde haired dwarf woman approaching his table. It was Maybelle, the woman whom he was about to marry back in Erebor, but he called off the wedding, because he refused to marry her. "What do you want, Maybelle?" grumbled Thorin, as he didn't seem interested in talking to her. "Now, now, Thorin! That's now you should treat an old friend whom you haven't seen in a long time! It's been a long time since I last seen you! Have you been?" asked Maybelle, sitting across from Thorin. 

 "Never been better. Now if you don't mind, I wish to be left alone!" snarled Thorin. "You shouldn't have to be left alone, Thorin! What you need is some good company, and I love to be your company!" said Maybelle, smiling at the dwarf. "I told you woman, I wish to be left alone!!" shouted Thorin, slamming his fist on the table. "Fine! Have it your way!" grumbled Maybelle angrily, as she stood up and walked away from the table. I'm not going to give up! He's not going to walk from me now, like he had done before! I'm going to make him mine, and I'll be sure of that! thought Maybelle as she walked over to a couple friends and talked to them. "You can't be serious, Maybelle!! If someone finds out you poisoned him, you can get into big trouble!" protested one of Maybelle's friends. "I don't care! I love this dwarf, and he's mine and no one elses!" shot back Maybelle. 

"But he doesn't love you, May! You have to face the facts-and besides that he has someone in his life already!" said another. Hearing this, Maybelle's eyes widened. "Like who? It better not be some tavern wrench! If that's who it is, I will KILL her!" Fumed Maybelle. "No, Maybelle, it's Annetta Silverbeard. I've heard rumors Prince Thorin has been courting this street rat for some time." said another friend of Maybelle's. "You lie! Thror had forbidden the Prince to court her!! How can this be possible?!" shouted Maybelle. "It's possible!" the dwarf shrugged. "I'm not going to have this! Thorin will be mine, and I got some information about this street rat he needs to know!" shouted Maybelle, and she walked away from her friends. First Maybelle went to the bar an ordered a mug of ale for Thorin. After that, she planted a white powdery substance in the drink. What she did not know that some of the Inn's patrons have been watching, and they given her a hard, long glare. 

 After Maybelle done that, she approached Thorin's table again. "Now what?!" snapped Thorin. "Thorin, please--can we try to leave things in the past--I wish to start things over with you again--in fact, I just purchased you another mug of ale, if you wish to have it." said Maybelle, as she handed over the mug of ale to Thorin. Thorin took the mug of ale. "Thank you." said Thorin, as he took a drink of it. Yes! Keep drinking it, lover boy! Soon, you will be in a trance like state, and you will forget about everything else, and soon you'll be mine! thought Maybelle. Twenty minutes later, Maybelle sent for another, placing the same substance in the drink, and gave it to Thorin. Now the effects have began to take its toll on Thorin, as he found himself laughing and dancing with Maybelle, as a group of musicians began playing lively tunes.


After dancing for a while, Maybelle and Thorin sat down, as Maybelle looked at Thorin. "Thorin I've heard rumors you've been courting a dwarf from a common family, named Annnetta Silverbeard! Is that true?" asked Maybelle. "WHere did you hear that? Annetta and I never really courted! I never asked her!" snarled Thorin. "Just some gossip from the dwarves around the village. "Maybelle replied. "Well, they're just rumors, May-don't pay any heed to them!" said Thorin,as he looked into Maybelle's eyes. Maybelle grinned as she felt Thorin's hands covering hers. "You are still as beautiful as the day we met, May--and still the life of the party as well!" said Thorin. Maybelle laughed. "And you still have that same princely charm!" said Maybelle. Suddenly, the musicians began to play a slower tune. 

"Oh, I remember this song! We danced to this one together at one of my Grandfather's balls, remember?" asked Thorin. "Yes, I remember!" said Maybelle. "How about if we share a dance, for old times sake?" asked Thorin. Maybelle smiled back. "I would like that!" said Maybelle. And soon the two of them stood up, as they begin their slow dance. Soon in the middle of the song, and to Maybelle's surprise,Thorin planted his lips over hers, embracing her in a slow, passionate kiss. Mean while, Annetta and Dwalin entered the Inn, and they booked a room. "Wow! Seems like there is a party in the Inn tonight." said Annetta."Let's not worry about it, Ann. We need to focus on finding Thorin! After we get settled in our rooms first." said Dwalin. And so after Annetta and Dwalin got settled in their rooms, they went down into the common area for supper. But no soon as they entered the common area, something or some ones, had caught Annetta's attention.

To her shock and horror, she found Thorin--in the arms of another woman, and the two of them are kissing, with the blonde dwarf woman sitting on his lap. Annetta's heart sank, as anger clouded over her.  She came out all this way for this. I thought he was looking for his father! What kind of game is he playing?!! Annetta's mind reeled angrily. Dwalin was still ordering their meal, as he had no idea what is going on. Suddenly, without thinking, Annetta stormed towards Thorin, taking his drink and throwing it at him. "What was that for?!" shouted Thorin angrily. "You! How could you do this? You left us without a word, and now that I found you, you are with another woman!! You better explain yourself Thorin!" Annetta demanded hotly.

"There is nothing to explain--now if you don't mind, go away! I'm busy here!" shot back Thorin. "You heard him, low life trash! Leave us alone!" shouted Maybelle. "No! You leave my dwarf alone! He doesn't belong to you!!" shouted Annetta."We were never lovers, Annetta--I never asked you for courtship--as for as our relationship goes, there is nothing between us!" said Thorin, icily. "But there is something between us! What about all that we went through before the dragon came?!" screamed Annetta. "I would never get involved with someone who is known to manipulate dwarves for their money!" growled Thorin. "What are you talking about, Thorin? I would never do that to you!!" screamed Annetta. "What in Durin's name is going on here?!" bellowed Dwalin as he walked in the middle of Thorin and Annetta's argument. "Dwalin, go home---and take that piece of trash with you!" shouted Thorin.

"Thorin, what's gotten into yer, lad?" snapped Dwalin. Suddenly, the dwarf saw Maybelle sitting next to him. And Dwalin knew that Maybelle is the reason behind all this, wanting to cause trouble, and it seemed like he was too late. Annetta already had left, running outside the Inn."Annetta!"Dwalin called out to her. I really need to fix this, and fast!  thought Dwalin.  

The Commoner and the KingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora