Chapter Twenty-Five

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Six months later..


Six months went by since the battle, Thorin already had been coronated as Erebor's new king, but still there was the Wedding and the Queen's coronation yet still to come. However, Annetta's belly had grown as the months passed, and every one that surrounded her, drove her mad, by making sure Annetta would take it easy during her pregnancy. Thorin had decided that after the baby is born that he and Annetta would have their wedding and Annetta would be crowned as Erebor's new queen. That same day, Annetta received a letter from Thorin's sister Dis, letting her and Thorin know she would arrive in Erebor in two weeks. The news excited Annetta, because she hadn't seen Dis, since she had left Ered Luin, and they had a lot of catching up to do. She had a feeling that Dis would give her a earful after leaving Ered Luin the first time, when Annetta and Thorin went through their first rough patch. Two weeks later, Dis arrived, and everyone greeted her at the Front Gate. 

Annetta stood and watched the moving scene between Fili, Kili and Dis, as they embraced. After that, Dis hugged Thorin, Dwalin and Balin as they greeted the Princess. And lastly, Dis walked over to Annetta. "You and I have a lot of catching up to do! And what is this?!" exclaimed Dis in delight as she saw Annetta's belly. Annetta grinned. "Thorin and I are going to have a baby Dis!" said Annetta. "And I do believe a big congratulations is in order!! I'm becoming an Aunt! Oh this is exciting! I can't wait to get started on the baby clothes--we should also throw a small feast to honor the newest Durin.." began Dis. Thorin laughed. "Slow down, sister! I understand this is exciting news, but we have to wait for the child to be born first." said Thorin. "Thorin and I have decided to wait until after the child is born to have the wedding! Who wants to see a very pregnant bride?" chuckled Annetta. Dis laughed. "That is a good idea--because if you are six months long now, it wouldn't be too long you would have the child, right?" said Dis.

"Right!" said Annetta. "Come, lets go on inside! I can imagine you're exhausted from the traveling, and I got your room already ready for you, dear sister!" said Thorin. "Oh, and Gloin's wife and son is with us too! You'll get to meet them later!" said Dis to Annetta. Later, Annetta went to her room, and she sat down, and she found a letter on her table. The letter is from Bilbo:

Dear Annetta,

I just received your wedding invitation, and I will definitely come to your wedding. I will bring my young nephew, Frodo with me as well,as Gandalf will be escorting us. And how is every thing going for you and Thorin now? And how is the child? I hope I see you soon! Sincerely your friend, Bilbo Baggins.

Annetta smiled as she read the letter. She felt happy and excited that Bilbo is going to make it. Several weeks later, Annetta had been taking a walk in the corridors of Erebor, to get her daily excercise (it would help both her and the child). And as she walked, she walked passed a group of dwarrowdam, whom been talking to one another."I think the King has lost his mind--he has chosen the wrong person to marry! He should marry one of a noble back ground, and not choose some common street rat!" grumbled one dwarf woman. "The Council Elders isn't going to like this. In fact, they're going to be irate, once they find out about their union." said another.Anger and hurt clouded over Annetta, as she heard these words coming from the dwarf women--and these were the dwarves that came in from Ered Luin with Dis and many others. Later, Annetta joined everyone for dinner in the private dining hall, and Annetta had barely touched her food, as she remained quiet.


"Ann, what is troubling you? You haven't touched the food on your plate? Are you alright?" asked Thorin gently. "No, I'm not alright." Annetta replied. "What's going on Annetta--you are normally perky around this time." said Thorin. Annetta closed her eyes and sighed. She didn't know whether she would tell Thorin or not of what she had heard from a group of dwarf women in the halls earlier. Finally, Annetta told Thorin of what she had heard. "Who are these women? And where in the halls are they located?" asked Dis, firmly. "They were standing not too from the servant's chambers,Dis. But they were saying some very unkind words about me. One of the ladies, I recognized is Lady Lorraine Redbeard, and another is Lady Borlyn Silver Hammer." said Annetta. "Oh really? I'm going to have some words with those two gossiping old hens! They never have anything kind to say about anything!" said Dis. "No, Dis! You let me handle these women, and whoever is associated with the gossip! I will not tolerate any of our kin, degrading my future bride, after all she had one for my nephews and I! I will tell you the tale, later Dis." said Thorin.

"Tale of what?" said Dis. "Of Annetta saving Fili and Kili, and myself!" said, Thorin grinning. "WHAT?! You went to battle while you are pregnant?!" cried out Dis. "Dis, I had to do what I had to do--I wasn't going to back down on a promise." said Annetta. Dis grinned. "The many years of you being around my brother is rubbing off on you--you take on his pride and stubborn ways very well!" said Dis. "Ha,ha, very funny!" grumbled Thorin, rolling his eyes. Then Thorin turned his attention to Annetta. "You don't need to worry about a thing. Dis and I are going to track down these nay sayers! And they are going to get an ear ful from me!" said Thorin. Later on that evening, the group of dwarf women and men had been tracked down, as they met up with King Thorin in the throne room. Thorin spoken to them, firmly and harshly and informing them of the deeds Annetta had bravely done during the Battle of Five Armies.

"And if this is how you truly feel about your future queen, I highly suggest you pack your belongings and leave Erebor!NOW!" fumed Thorin. "Your Majesty--we're sorry--we didn't know--she done a brave and noble thing for you and your lads--we had no idea!" said the first dwarf male. "Let this be a lesson for you, all of you! And if I hear another bad remark about Lady Annetta, you will receive a most severe punishment, the next time!" said Thorin, firmly. "Yes, Your Majesty!" the Dwarves said,i and they left the Throne Room. Thorin turned to Annetta. "You don't have to worry about them any more, imur! I just hope they keep their word!" said Thorin.

Several More Months later..

Annetta had went into labor, getting ready to deliver her child--which ended up more than one child--she had been carrying TWINS! She delivered a boy and a girl. Thorin and Annetta agreed to name the boy Thror II, and the daughter Autumn Rose. Thorin almost snarled at the name, because he thought the name sounded too elvish. "There is nothing elvish on the name, I like the name." said Annetta. "Well it sounds like a hobbit name. I do believe I have a distant cousin named Autumn!" spoke up Bilbo, whom had arrived in Erebor, weeks before. "Just look at them! They're so beautiful! Thror looks just like Thorin!" said Dis, as she held the newborn boy. Annetta is now holding the daughter. It didn't take long for the room to get crowded with people, but Oin and Dis shooed everyone out, as they wanted to allow Thorin and Annetta spend time alone with their children.

"Dis is planning on keeping an eye on the children during our wedding, with the help of Gloin's wife, Sidhi. In that way when Sidhi takes over, Dis can be with us at the wedding." said Thorin. "That sounds like a plan!" said Annetta. Several weeks went by,not long after Annetta healed up from having Thror and Autumn, The Wedding plans came under way. Three more weeks afterwards,the day of the Wedding and Queen's coronation came, and tension had increased, especially within Annetta,as it had been a big day for her. All that morning, Dis, alongside with Gloin's wife, Sidhi, and several other women helped Annetta in getting ready for the big day. "I'm nervous--very nervous--this is a real big deal, and especially becoming Queen-I'll hope I will do good serving the people of Erebor." said Annetta. 

"Just relax, Ann--it's normal to be nervous. Remembered mine and Vili's wedding day how nervous I felt? You were there, Ann, you helped me got ready for the wedding." said Dis, grinning. Annetta laughed. "Yes-you were a wreck, but you got through it." said Annetta. Dis placed her hand on Annetta's shoulder. "You can do this, Annetta-you'll get through it!" said Dis. 

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