Chapter Seventeen

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"Thorin!" exclaimed Annetta softly, as she stood up quickly. Thorin took notice of the necklace Annetta is holding. "I cannot believe you still have the necklace I made you! I thought you got rid of it." said Thorin, as he sat down."No, I never wanted to get rid of something as beautiful and precious as this necklace--you really worked hard on making it for me!" said Annetta, looking down at her feet. Now's my chance to make things right with her! As long as she doesn't try and run off from me! thought Thorin. "Annetta, I must apologize for my rude behavior earlier, and we need to talk about this! I was going to apologize to you, but by the time I wanted to talk to you, you already had left Ered Luin-and it had broken me--you had no idea how I felt after you just took off without a word." said Thorin. "No, I should be the one who should apologize for leaving--it's just I was so upset at what you had done that night, Thorin." said Annetta. "Annetta, I was drunk, I had no idea what I was doing--and it won't happen again! And if we're to agree on getting married, there will be no seperate feasts! There will be one for everyone to share. Annetta, you have no idea how badly I missed you." said Thorin, placing his hand gently on Annetta's cheek.

Oh, how long I've missed your gentle touch! thought Annetta, feeling the gentle caress of Thorin's large fingers touching her cheek. "I missed you too, Thorin--every night, you always appeared in my dreams, and it seems I see your face everywhere I go!" said Annetta. "Do you forgive me then?" said Thorin. "You have my forgiveness, Thorin!" said Annetta. Thorin smiled, as he pulled Annetta into his arms, holding her close to his chest. Shortly,Thorin locked his lips onto hers, kissing her deeply and passionately. What they didn't know is Balin stood nearby and grinned, as he witnessed the dwarves in full embrace. Well that saves me of giving them a lecture! thought Balin, and he walked away. Meanwhile, Annetta, still laying on Thorin's chest, as Thorin looked at her. "Have you decided on you coming with us? Please say you're coming!" said Thorin. "Yes, Thorin! I am coming with you!" said Annetta. "Good--because I like for you to be with me, once we enter Erebor." said Thorin. "And the dragon?" said Annetta, sheepishly. "Must you have to remind of the blasted dragon?" shot back Thorin.

Annetta chuckled. "You leave Smaug to us,Ann." said Thorin, and soon they kissed again. The next morning, Annetta woke up, and she found herself in her room, in bed, in Thorin's arms. Annetta smiled--she felt glad and delighted to see that Thorin came in and joined her. Suddenly she could hear a knock on the door. "Thorin! Miss Annetta! Wake up! Breakfast is ready!" called out Gandalf from behind the door. "We'll be down in a minute, Gandalf!" Annetta called back. Annetta shortly approached Thorin and woke him up, and once Thorin woke up, the two of them quickly got dressed, as they went down into the common area. Once Thorin and Annetta entered, they could see only Balin and Dwalin there. "Balin! DWALIN!" cried out Annetta. "Annetta! It is so good to see you lass!" Balin called back as the two embraced. "Never take off on us like that again, lassie! You had us all worried!" said Dwalin,firmly. "About that, I'm sorry, I was upset." said Annetta,sheepishly. "And she is going with us to Erebor!" announced Thorin.

"Thorin, are you sure about this? This quest is dangerous! She should stay here where it's safe!" protested Dwalin. "She is going with us,Dwalin. I will train her--and besides, she has faced and fought of dangers herself--I seen her with a sword, Dwalin--and you would be quite impressed, if you seen her in action, yourself!" said Thorin. Annetta blushed. "And you shall join us,Annetta! Welcome to our Company!" said Balin, in delight. "How are the lads?" asked Annetta, as she sat down next to Thorin at the table. "Being pests, keeping asking me about you!" said Thorin, with a smirk. Annetta laughed. "They are still obnoxious as ever, aren't they?" said Annetta. "Yes. I actually had second thoughts of allowing Kili to come, but Dis kept insisting if one would go, the other had to go too. And Fili told me if Kili wasn't go, he wouldn't, so I ended up bringing the both of them." said Thorin. "Where are they?" asked Annetta. "Fili and Kili and the others are in the Shire as we speak. That is where we going." said Thorin.

Mister Baggins! I haven't seen him in a long time--he's going to be surprised to see me! thought Annetta. Annetta had met Bilbo during one of her many stops in the Shire during her travels, however he was very young, because she befriended Belladonna Baggins. She hadn't seen the Hobbit since, and she felt excited to see him again. "So when are we leaving?" asked Annetta. "Right after our breakfast, so go gather your belongings Annetta once you finished." said Thorin. "I also need to inform the Inn Keeper I'm leaving too. Poor Barley! I can imagine, he's probably sick of me quitting on him again." said Annetta. "He can get over it!" said Thorin, grinning. And the two of them laughed.


After packing her belongings, she met up with Balin, Dwain and Thorin outside the Inn. Thorin had purchased Annetta a new pony. "Thorin, you are not coming with us?" asked Annetta, as she noticed Thorin about to go another direction. "I have a meeting to attend to, Annetta! Don't worry I will be there later tonight!" said Thorin and he kissed Annetta briefly on the lips, and after that, he rode off. "A meeting my ass! Watch him get lost on the way to the Shire!" grumbled Annetta loudly. Dwalin laughed. "You know him too well, don't yer?" grinned Dwalin. "Yes I do!" said Annetta, as she mounted her pony. And soon, Balin, Dwalin and Annetta left Bree as they begin their journey to the Shire. Balin and Annetta spoken quite a bit, informing her how things went after she left. And the more Balin spoke, the more Annetta had felt guilty on leaving. She didn't realize her departure not only effected Thorin, but everyone else as well, including Dis. "I have a feeling the next time I see Dis, I'm never going to hear the end of it from her." said Annetta. "Yes, she is going to tear you a new hide!" teased Dwalin.

I wouldn't say I wouldn't blame her, thought Annetta with a sigh. By nightfall, the trio arrived in the Shire, and they reached the home of Bilbo Baggins. Dwalin and Annetta approached Bilbo's door first, as Dwalin knocked on the door. Annetta chuckled when she could hear Bilbo grumbling to himself inside. The door opened, and she and Dwalin saw the flustered and confused hobbit standing before them, dressed in his brown dressing robe. "Dwalin, at your service!" said Dwalin with a bow. Annetta grinned. "Good evening, Bilbo! Long time no see old friend!" said Annetta. Bilbo allowed them to enter. "Excuse me, do I know you?" said Bilbo to Dwalin. "Nope!" said Dwalin, as he hung up his and Annetta's cloak. "So? Where is it?" asked Dwalin. "Where's what?" said Bilbo. "Supper,of course!" said Dwalin,sharply. "I'll go get it right away! Annetta, I like to have a word with you first!" said Bilbo. Annetta nodded, as she followed the Hobbit into the kitchen. "You never told me, you have associated with these dwarves! Would you mind filling me in on what is going on here? Is this by any chance, Gandalf's idea?" asked Bilbo.

"Yes, this was all planned by Gandalf. Let me guess, he didn't tell you did he?" said Annetta. "No, he didn't---the only thing he mentioned to me when I last spoke to him was this afternoon, was something about adventures, and I told him I don't like adventures,and I went back inside! He never mentioned about inviting dwarves over!" said Bilbo. "Don't worry Bilbo,if they give you any trouble, I will deal with them! Now if you don't mind, I'll help you with supper!" said Annetta, smiling at the hobbit. "That will be nice, thank you!" said Bilbo, smiling back at Annetta. 

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