Chapter Two

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  Thorin walked over to the Silverbeard's suite and knocked on the door. And it was Lydia who answered the door. "Your Highness! This is a surprise! What brings you here?" exclaimed the dwarf woman. "I'm here to speak to your daughter, Annetta. Is she home?" asked Thorin. "No, she is in the forges now,Your Highness." Lydia replied. "In the forges? What is she doing down there?" asked Thorin. "You can go and see for yourself, Your Highness!" said Lydia. Thorin nodded, as he left the suite. She isn't supposed to be down there! Unless she has a legitimate reason on going down there, thought the Dwarf Prince. Thorin pretty soon arrived at the forges, and it didn't take him long to find Annetta, whom had been working very hard. "Miss Silverbeard?" The Dwarf Prince called out to her. Annetta quickly stopped her hammering at the sound of Thorin's voice and she wiped sweat from her forehead with her apron. 

  "Go ahead, shout at me-I know what you're going to do, so go ahead scream and yell at me!"said Annetta grumpily.  "I wasn't going to do that, Miss Silverbeard. If you must know, I wanted to see you, since I owe you an apology for my actions from a couple days ago!" said Thorin. "Apologize? Why? Of me being a low life commoner? I hope you're not going to ask me to work for you again,because I won't. I already have a job. I'm going to soon work for my mother!" said Annetta. Thorin sighed. "I wish you the best of luck then, Miss Silverbeard." said Thorin, and he turned around and walked away. I try to apologize to her, and she's still being difficult!! Thorin's thought fumed as he walked away. Three weeks later, Annetta had made so many items in the forge, she felt ready to open up shop in Dale--just in time for the Summer festival in Dale. Everyone is attending the Summer Festival, including the Royal Family, as Annetta had over heard her father mentioning to her brother and mother. "I'm going to compete in the sword fighting competition and I'm going to win!" boasts Calin. Annetta laughed. "You are good with a sword, Cal, but you are not a 'sword master'!" chuckled Annetta. "You just take that back,Ann!" said Calin. "No!" shot back Annetta. "Alright you two, no fighting! We got a big day tomorrow, and we all need our rest!

It's time for bed!" said Lydia.


 The next morning, Lydia and Annetta woke up early and set out to Dale, setting up their booth and getting it prepared for the day. "You seem rather quiet today,Ann. Are you alright?" asked Lydia. "Oh its nothing mother!" said Annetta. And there was a brief silence,and momentarily, Annetta spoke up. "Mother, am I always so hard headed?" asked Annetta. "Yes, you are hard headed, Ann,but not all the time! Now why are you asking that?" said Lydia. "Prince Thorin found me in the forges last night,and he came to apologize,and I--sent him away." said Annetta guiltly. "Oh, Ann--why did you that for? He came to you to apologize for his actions! The least thing you can do is to forgive him! He is a Prince, you should give him that respect, Ann!" said Lydia. "I know. It's too late now, if I track him down to forgive him, and I can't--he will turn me away!" said Annetta. "Ann, maybe you should wait until things settle before you confront him again. With Thorin being prince, he's got a lot on his plate, you know!" said Lydia. "You are right, mother!" said Annetta. 

And as the day went on, the Silverbeard  women opened up shop. To Annetta and Lydia's delight, they received many customers, and also praises of Annetta's work. "Your daughter is quite a smith!Her work is simply amazing!" said one patron. "She learned from her father, whom is also a known blacksmith!" boasted Lydia. Annetta sat down, placing a couple belt buckles on the table that she is planning on selling. One belt had ravens engraved on it. "I don't think anyone is going to buy the raven buckle!" sighed Annetta, after they waited for a while. "Don't give up hope,Ann! Someone will eventually buy it." said Lydia. Two hours later, she could hear familiar voices talking. "Laddie! Look! It's Miss Lydia and Miss Annetta!" exclaimed a voice, whom Annetta recognized it belonged to Balin.

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