Chapter Nine

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 Annetta sat outside on the front porch of the Inn and cried. One of the patrons, named Reginald, whom had caught Maybelle in slipping the powder in Thorin's drink, decided to follow her, because he had some information he needed to tell Annetta. "Excuse me, are you Annetta?" spoke up Reginald. "Yes, who are you? And how do you know my name?" Annetta replied. "My name is Reginald, but most people call me Reggie for short. I overheard you and Mister Dwalin talking it seems you are close with this Thorin lad." began Reginald. "I was close with Thorin, until he had to go and pull this stunt!" snarled Annetta. "Miss, I would not put all the blame on Thorin if I were you, he wasn't entirely at fault for what happened tonight. Trust me, I know because I saw everything that happened tonight, and there is some things you need to know." said Reginald. 

"What do you mean?" asked Annetta. "Annetta, a few hours prior before you and Dwalin showed up, I caught Maybelle slipping some type of medicine in Thorin's drinks, and I believe it has caused him to behave very strangely." concluded Reginald. "What? What did you just say? Run that by me again?!" snapped Annetta, shocked at hearing what Reginald had just said to her. "You heard me the first time, Miss Annetta. And what I am saying is true, I would never lie about some thing like this." said Reginald. Anger clouded over Annetta, and she needed to find Dwalin and tell them this right away."Thank you, Reginald!" said Annetta, as she stood up to go back inside the Inn. "Lass, what are you going to do?!" called out Reginald. "I'm going to take care of this Maybelle!" replied Annetta, as she went inside the Inn. 

But first, I must tell Dwalin and tell him every thing, thought Annetta. And so she did. Instead of her finding Dwalin, Dwalin had found her. "Are you okay, lass? I've been looking all over for you! I wanted to tell you Thorin has became ill. He blacked out a few minutes ago!" said Dwalin. "WHAT?! Where is he now?!" cried out Annetta. "He's in his room, and by the way I told Maybelle to stay away from him, but she refused to listen to me." said Dwalin. "Uh, Dwalin, about Maybelle, I just found out something from the Inn Keeper you should know. He had spoken to me that he witnessed Maybelle slipping something in Thorin's drink. Maybelle has poisoned Thorin, Dwalin!" said Annetta, tears running down her face. "WHAT?!" bellowed Dwalin angrily. "We got to do something about this, Dwalin! We got to do something about her--she's a trouble maker! This whole thing was on her!" said Annetta.

"Lass, you leave Maybelle to me, right now go track down a healer!" said Dwalin. Annetta nodded. And so Annetta walked around the Inn, asking everyone if there is a healer nearby. Suddenly, Reginald's wife, Velma, approached Annetta. "I'm a healer, Miss Annetta. Is someone hurt?" asked Velma. "Yes, it's my friend Thorin. Someone has poisoned him--please help him!" Annetta pleaded to the woman. "Hold on, I'll get my things, and we'll go look at him." said Velma. After Velma went to get her medical gear, she followed Annetta up to Thorin's room. There, Thorin lay in his bed, appearing to be sleeping. "He's unconscious! We must drain the poison before it goes further in him!" said Velma. And so Velma begin her work as Annetta opened Thorin's mouth, as Velma fed the dwarf two bottles of potion, supposedly to be an antidote to reverse the poison from Thorin's body.

"I hope this work. This potion remedies all different types of poisons." said Velma. Now its the waiting game for the two of them, as they sat nearby Thorin, as they waited for the antidote to work.


An hour later, to Velma and Annetta's surprise, Thorin woke up, and color came back to his features. Unfortunately however, Thorin began to throw up. Velma told Annetta that is the medicine working through him. Don't worry, he will be fine." said Velma. Once he finished throwing up, velma cleaned up the mess, while Annetta went to get a glass of water for the Dwarf. Once Annetta returned, Thorin sat up in his bed, and he looked up at Annetta. "Annetta, what are you doing here? Where am I?" asked Thorin. "Thorin, Maybelle slipped some poison in your drink tonight. The Inn Keeper told me he had seen everything!" said Annetta. "I knew it. I just knew that witch is nothing but trouble!" sighed Thorin. "Thorin, now you need to answer another question. Why did you leave us without a word? You could have told us where you went! And why did you leave?" asked Annetta. 

"I was going to find my father--Annetta--I'm sorry, I'm really truly sorry for getting all over you to worry!" said Thorin. "You should apologize to Dwalin and your sister as well. They seemed to very riled about this as well." said Annetta sadly, as she quickly turned away from Thorin. "Ann--whatever I said to you earlier, it wasn't me talking--and I wouldn't blame you for being upset with me. Ann, I love you,you're the only one I love!" said Thorin gently. "Are you sure about that?" said Annetta quietly "I am very sure, Ann." said Thorin, as he gently guided Annetta onto the bed. "You know I still love you,Ann, and nothing is going to change that! I hope you know it." said Thorin. "I know you do, Thorin!" whispered Annetta, as she lay her head upon Thorin's broad chest. Suddenly, they heard a knock on the door. "Who is it?" Thorin called out. "It's me, Dwalin! May I come in!" called out Dwalin. "Come in, Dwalin!" Thorin and Annetta called out together. And Dwalin enters the room. 

"You and I are going to have some words, laddie!" fumed Dwalin. "Go ahead, Dwalin! Let me have it. I Deserve it. If you have to, you can punch me in the nose!" said Thorin. "I'm not going to punch you in the nose, Thorin--but I'm very disappointed in you for talking to that trouble making witch!" said Dwalin. "I tried to avoid her, Dwalin! I swear! But she kept coming at me! And Annetta just told me that broad poisoned me!" snapped Thorin. "Yes, she did poison you, and she is being taken to the dungeons as we speak." said Dwalin. "Good!" murmured Annetta. "All it matters now is that I'm recovering from this. When should we head home?" asked Thorin. "After you recover Thorin. We'll go ahead and stay another night so you can recover your strength." said Annetta. And so, the trio remained in the Inn, as Annetta stayed in Thorin's room to keep Thorin company.

The two of the made up for lost time by talking for the remainder of the night, while Thorin held Annetta in his arms. "It would have be nice if you punched Maybelle in the nose. I would pay to see that!" said Thorin, with a grin. "Thorin!" laughed Annetta, as she playfully slapped the dwarf in the shoulder. "Come now--we both need our rest!" said Thorin. And the two of them laid down in bed, as Annetta settled in Thorin's arms, resting her head on Thorin's chest. To Annetta's surprise, Thorin started to sing softly to himself, as he gently ran his large fingers through her hair. Annetta closed her eyes and sighed in content, as she listened to Thorin's beautiful baritone voice, ringing in her ears. She soon dozed off to the sounds of the dwarf's steady heart beat and singing. "Good night, imur! I love you!" Thorin whispered to Annetta, when he had finished singing his song. 

The Commoner and the KingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora