Chapter Thirteen

305 5 1


Fili, 28

Kili, 18

Thorin, 136

Annetta 145

Years went by, as the young dwarflings grown much older,and as they gotten older, Thorin had kept them busy with their education, and weapons training, which Thorin and Dwalin had both had taken charge of. But also, as the young dwarves have gotten older, they became a challenge, especially Kili, who seemed to be reckless all the time. Sadly, things have became difficult for Kili, because there were occasions of he and Fili are out and about in the village, Kili would get bullied all the time by other dwarves because of the lack of beard, and some people have spread rumors that Kili was part elf, which angered Fili tremendously. One evening, over supper, Kili had remained very quiet, which wasn't normal, because he would normally talk and talk until he was finished talking, sometimes he would interrupt Thorin, Dis and Annetta, in the middle of their conversation.

But this very evening, Kili hardly said a word, or even touched his plate of food. "Kili, you haven't touched your food! Could you at least eat a bite?" asked Fili. "I'm not hungry." grumbled the brown haired dwarf. "Kee, you're going to eat--you need your strength for sword training later." said Thorin. "I'm not going to do anything. I rather shoot a bow, just like an elf, since everyone claims that I am one." said Kili. Thorin and Dis exchanged looks, and then Dis turned her attention to Fili. "Fili, is there something we should know? Can you tell us why Kili is not himself?" asked Dis. "I should have told all of you this sooner, but Kili has been getting verbally attacked by other dwarves--they're laughing at him and mocking him because of his lack of beard. They are also calling him a half elf!" said Fili. Thorin's face turned red in anger. 

"Do you know who these said dwarves are that are doing this?" asked Thorin, sharply. "No--I only can recognize them by their appearance, Uncle." Fili replied. Thorin sighed. "Well, then the two of you aren't going to leave this house unless your chaporoned! Do I have myself clear?" said Thorin. "Yes,Uncle!" said Fili and Kili together. After dinner, Dis sent her sons up to bed, as the adults continue their conversation. "I wish there was something we can do about the bullying." said Annetta. "Me too--and I like to get a hand on those in grateful little bastards who called my nephew an elf!" snarled Thorin. "How can you track them down if you have no idea who they are?" spoke up Balin. "I will find a way,and this is going to end soon!" said Thorin, firmly. The next morning, Dis and Annetta was about to go shopping, and Fili and Kili wanted to go with them. 

"Alright, but the two of you stay close with us okay?" said Dis. Fili and Kili nodded, as they followed their mother and Annetta out of their home, and they head into town. "Can we stand outside, amad? There is no way we're going in a girly store!" said Kili. Annetta laughed at the way Kili had called the boutique that she and Dis was about to enter. "Alright you two stay right here and DON'T MOVE!" said Dis, firmly. "Yes, mother!" said Kili, saluting his mother. And Fili nodded. "Fili make sure Kili stays with you in case Kili decides not to stand still!" said Dis. "I will keep a close watch mother!" said Fili. And the two of them watched their mother and Annetta enter the boutique. No soon as they went inside, several young dwarves approached Fili and Kili. "Well, well, well! It's the Elf and his blondie brother again! Why don't you back in the woods where you came from, half sprites?!" snarled the first dwarf with light brown hair.

Fili restrained his brother from attacking the Dwarves, as the dwarves kept going on and on. "You're no dwarf! You don't even like one! Elf Dwarf, Elf Dwarf, Elf Dwarf!" cackled another dwarf. "THAT DOES IT!" screamed Kili, as he shoved Fili away from him, as he began attacking the first dwarf, who spoke. Now a full blown brawl broke out, and Fili tried breaking it up but he ended up fighting with the other dwarves instead. Suddenly, Dis and Annetta came out of the shop, to find in shock and horror the brawl going on. "OH GREAT HEAVEN'S ABOVE!!" cried out Annetta. "Annetta, go get Thorin and Dwalin, quick!" said Dis, sharply. Annetta nodded as she took off running to get Thorin and Dwalin so they could stop the fighting.

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