Chapter Four

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 Annetta had decided to remain in her bedroom most of the evening, as she still kicked herself for rejecting the Dwarf Prince. She realized her mother is right. Annetta also knew it was too late to speak to Thorin now, since she had a feeling her would have given up on her. Meanwhile, Narvin had just returned from working in the mines, and Lydia had finished cooking supper. "Annetta! Supper is ready!" Lydia called out to her daughter."Can you save some food back for me? I'm not hungry at the moment!" Annetta opened her bedroom door and called out. Calin was not going to buy this at all. "I can handle this!" grumbled the dark brown haired dwarf, and he approached Annetta's door. "Ann! You are going to get your lazy ass out of your room now and eat! Moping around over some arrogant gnome of a prince isn't going to help matters any!" snapped Calin. "Leave her alone, Cal! If she doesn't wish to eat, that's her choice! Now sit down!" said Lydia sharply. "Yes, mother!" grumbled Calin, and he went back to sit down. 

 Suddenly, there was a knock at the door of their suite. "I'll get it!" said Narvin. Narvin stood up and went to answer the door. To Narvin's surprise, Prince Thorin stood outside. "Your Highness! Do come in!" beamed Narvin, allowing the dwarf prince to enter their suite. "There is something important I wish to speak to you, Master Narvin!" began THorin. And Narvin guides the Dwarf Prince to the Dining room table. "Tea, Your majesty?" Lydia offers Thorin. "Yes, if you don't mind!" said Thorin. As Lydia went to brew up some tea, Thorin begins his talk with Narvin. "And what is this in regards of?" asked Narvin. "Your daughter, Master Narvin. First and foremost, I wish to have your blessing on my courtship with her, if she ever decides to accept!" began Thorin. "Well, I will give you my blessing, Your Highness, however, this is Annetta's choice on whom she wishes to court." said Narvin. "I see. And would I still get your blessing, if she did finally accept the offer?" asked Thorin. "Yes." said Narvin. "You might as well give up on her, Your Highness-she will keep telling you no, so leave it at that." said Calin, rather unkindly. "Calin, you stay out of this!" snapped Narvin,angrily.

"Son, shouldn't you be on duty right about now?" Lydia reminded Calin. "Oh yes. I got to go!" said Calin, quickly and he stood up, and after excusing himself, he left the suite. "Let me see if Annetta will come out of her room. She's in her room now." said Lydia. Thorin nodded, as he sat and waited.Lydia approached Annetta's room and knocked on the door. "Annetta, you have company!" Lydia called out to her daughter. "Who is it?" Annetta called back. "It's Prince Thorin, Ann! He wishes to speak to you!" Lydia answered back. Annetta's eyes widened in surprise. So there are second chances after all! thought Annetta, as she quickly climbed out of bed. She threw on her robe,and she left her bedroom.  "Why don't you two sit in the parlor, so you can talk alone?" suggested Lydia. "Good idea!Are you coming, Ann?" asked Thorin. "I'm right behind you, Thorin!" said Annetta, as she followed the Dwarf Prince into the parlor room. 

The two of them sat down, as Thorin looked at her."Now before you say anything your High--I mean Thorin, may you let me speak first?" asked Annetta. "Why of course, Ann." said Thorin. "I owe you a apology for rejecting you. I am a fool a bloody fool for turning you away. My mother has talked with me earlier, and she told me herself I should accept your offer-and I am gladly to accept your offer in courtship--if you of course, you will still have me!" said Annetta. Thorin smiled. "You have no idea how long I've waited to hear those words coming from you!" purred Thorin. Annetta laughed. To Annetta's surprise, Thorin pulled her into his arms, as their lips locked into a slow, passionate kiss. What they didn't know that Calin had been standing outside the parlor, watching the entire time, and chuckling at the same time. Thorin and Annetta abruptly ended their kiss when Annetta heard the chuckling coming from outside the parlor room. 

"I am so going to kill him!" snapped Annetta. "Who?" said Thorin. "My brother!" Annetta snapped back, as she and Thorin stepped out of the parlor room to find Calin standing outside. "What in the hell do you think you're doing, Cal?" yelled Annetta. "I wanted to observe that special moment between you and lover dwarf here!" teased Calin. Suddenly, Annetta threw back her left arm, striking her brother across the face."Have you heard a little thing called privacy, asshole?!!" yelled Annetta. Calin turned his attention to Thorin. "I must give you a fair warning about my sister! When her time of the month comes, you better run! Her moods can be very dangerous!" said Calin. "CALIN!!" shrieked Annetta. Thorin laughed. "Shouldn't you be on duty right now?" Thorin reminded Calin. "Yes, yes. I better be on my way!" said Calin,and he left. "Good, I hope he's gone for a while!" grumbled Annetta."Don't worry, he's going to be gone for a while. You probably won't see him at least until after two this morning." said Thorin. "He always have to find a way to embarrass me,and I'm sick of it!" ranted Annetta. 

"Annetta, you're not the only one who has siblings that tend to embarrass. I have a younger sister and brother who do that all the time." said Thorin. "And how do you cope with it?" asked Annetta."Well.." Thorin began slowly. "With Frerin, I would pull his ear so hard to almost pulling it off of him, and with Dis, I give her wedgies." Annetta laughed. "Maybe I should give my brother a wedgie. Maybe that should shut him up!" said Annetta. And both Thorin and Annetta laughed. "Ann, there is something I like to ask you!" began Thorin. "Yes, Thorin?" said Annetta. "How would you like to join me on a picnic this weekend?" Thorin offered. Annetta smiled. "I like that, Thorin." said Annetta. "How would this weekend sound?" said Thorin. "That sounds great, Thorin!" said Annetta. Thorin stood up. "Well, I have to go, since it's getting late. I will see you this weekend, imur!" said Thorin, as he kissed Annetta again. "I will see you this weekend, Thorin! Good night!" said Annetta. "Good night!" said Thorin, as he left the SilverBeard's suite. 

Several days went by, the weekend came for the picnic. Thorin and Annetta found a picnic spot by the lake below the mountain. The picnic was quite lovely, and the two of them talked about many things. "Oh, you brought your harp with you!" beamed Annetta in delight. "Yes, since I seen you enjoyed my performance at the bonfire, I will give you a special private performance!" grinned Thorin, as he picked up the harp and placed it on his lap. Annetta sat comfortably next to Thorin, resting her head upon his shoulder. Soon Thorin started to play,and not long after that, the Dwarf Prince began to sing, his beautiful deep baritone rising above the enchanting floating melodies of the harp. Meanwhile, a family of dwarves whom are nearby the area stopped, when they noticed a woman sitting with the Dwarf Prince. "What is the Prince doing with a commoner?" asked one dwarf. "I've been hearing rumors he's being secretly courting the Silver Beard's youngest daughter!" said an older female dwarf. 

"I'm not going to have this at all! A Prince should marry someone of royal blood, not some rogue garbage out of the streets!" snarled the older male dwarf. "We must speak to the King about this immediately!" said the older female dwarf, and the family walked back to the mountain. Meanwhile, Thorin finished his song,and the Dwarf Prince couldn't help but laugh at Annetta's dreamy expression after he sang. He thought at first she was going to pass out on him. Putting the harp back in it's case, Thorin pulled Annetta into his arms. "Does my singing effect you that seriously?" teased Thorin. "Thorin, your voice is beautiful beyond comparison to any singing I've heard before!" stated Annetta. "And you are more beautiful than any female I've seen before!" shot back the Dwarf Prince, as he planted his lips on Annetta's, and the two kissed passionately.

As they kissed, Annetta ran her fingers down Thorin's broad chest. She thoroughly enjoyed the warmth and comfort of Thorin's body pressing against hers, especially his chest, which she could not help but stare at. After kissing for a while, Annetta rests her head against Thorin's chest, as they satthere in each other arms, where they remained like that for some time. 

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