Chapter Five

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 By the time Prince Thorin and Annetta ended their picnic, they returned back to Erebor. By the time they returned home, Dwalin came to greet them with a grave expression on his face. "Thorin, Miss Annetta! King Thror wishes to speak to the two of you,and I'm afraid he's not happy." said Dwalin. Thorin and Annetta exchanged confused looks,having no idea what is going on. And so Thorin and Annetta entered the throne room,and they could already see a very fuming dwarf king standing before them. "Come forth, the both of you!We need to talk!" said the Dwarf King sternly. "Is there something we did wrong, Your Majesty?" Annetta asked quietly. "YES THERE IS!! Thorin, you have been raised better than this, and you know damn well of the laws! You are to court and marry a noble woman, not some poor raggin muffin off the streets!" bellowed Thorin. Annetta's eyes widened in shock and anger. 

"She's more than a rag doll to me, Grandfather! How dare you say that about her!!!" yelled Thorin, angrily. "I've heard about your little redeavous at the lake, and I'm not stupid." growled Thror. Shit! Oh Shit! Somebody had saw us! Damn it! thought Annetta, angrily. "I'm not going to have my grand son involved with a street rat. As for you, Annetta, you pack your belongings! As of today, you and your family are exiled from my kingdom!" snarled the Dwarf King. "Your Majesty, NO!" screamed Annetta. "Also, I will dismiss your father from his duties as well! NOW LEAVE!" barked King Thror. "You can't do this Grandfather! You can't!! I'm free to see who ever I please!" barked Thorin, angrily. "You are not, you're going to me marry a royal, and I will be sure of that! Princess Maybelle and her family from the Iron Hills are on their way for you to meet them tonight." said King Thror after Annetta had left the Throne Room. 

"I'm not coming! I'm not going to meet this family!" roared Thorin. "You will do as I say, or you will be stripped as Prince, and heir to the Throne!" shot back Thror angrily. "Yes, Grandfather!" grumbled Thorin, as he angrily stormed out of the Throne room, slamming the doors behind him.  Meanwhile, Annetta arrived at her suite in tears, and she told her family everything. This had set her father Narvin into furious rage, as he stormed out the suite to go address the issue with the King. And to no avail, Narvin returned, and he looked upon his family sadly. "We have to leave--we are banned from staying here-The King has fired me!" said Narvin sadly. "Oh, Narvin!" cried out Lydia. And so sadly, the family packed their things and left Erebor without a word. Narvin had planned to set up residency and work in Dale, as he opened up his own forge there, and he has asked both Calin and Annetta to help him, and of course they did. 

The family ended up staying at a inn until Narvin saved up enough money to get them a home. As for Annetta, she had a hard time trying to stay focused on the task at hand, as she felt heart broken on what just happened. "Father, I'm not feeling so well! I need to back to the Inn!" said Annetta softly. "Go ahead, you need your rest dear!" said Narvin gently. And so Annetta walked back to the Inn, and she retired to her room. By the time she collapsed onto the bed, she wept.



Fall, 2769

A few years had passed, as the Silverbeard family have now owned their own home in the city of Dale, as Narvin had finally saved up enough money to buy a home. Also Annetta had taken up a second job, besides working with her father in the forge, she took up waitressing at a local pub and inn. One evening, as she started her shift, she overheard a few patrons gossiping,and it was about the Royal Family in Erebor. "Did you hear? King Thror is going to marry off his eldest Grandson! The wedding is going to be this Sunday!" said one patron. "Yes I know! Prince Thorin is to marry Princess Maybelle Redstone from the Iron Hills! Isn't that exciting news?!" said another. "They are planning to visit Dale a few days before the wedding. In fact, they're going to stop here to have a celebration." said the Inn Keeper. Hearing all of this was too much to take in for Annetta. 

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