Chapter One

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 The next morning, Annetta woke up in her bedroom at the sounds of knocking on her bedroom door. "Ann! Annetta! Wake up! It's past eleven, you're already late for work!" called out Lydia, Annetta's mother. "Past ELEVEN! OH NO!" cried out Annetta. Great! I over slept! Prince Thorin is going to be really angry with me! Now you really done it Ann! Annetta thought furiously to herself. Annetta quickly climbed out of bed, and got dressed. She had a bad feeling that she is going to get reprimended for her late arrival. After grabbing a quick bite to eat, Annetta darted out of the suite, and headed towards Prince Thorin's suite. By the time she arrived, she slowly entered. She knew by now, Thorin would be in his study. And so she approached the study door way and knocked on the door."Enter!"said Thorin's deep voice from behind the door. Annetta slowly entered the study,and once she entered, she could see the Dwarf King, now standing, and glaring at her, with his armsfolded across his chest. 

"You are late, Miss Silver Beard,and I don't like it when someone who is working for me, running late!" growled Thorin. "I'm--I'm sorry, Your Majesty! I overslept! I Promise you it won't happen again!" said Annetta. "It better not happen again, woman! I'm not going to tolerate some low life commoner to stand idle when she's supposed to be working!! Now sit down! You got some mending to do!!" snapped Thorin. "Yes Your Highness!" said Annetta softly, as she took up the mending. There as a tense silence between them. And during the entire time she worked, the Dwarf Prince kept staring at her, which made Annetta feel very uncomfortable."Didn't I tell yout his before its rude to stare? I definitely don't like it when people stare at me while I'm WORKING!" snarled Annetta. "Commoner!" Thorin snorted. "Asshole!" Annetta grumbled. Thorin's head snapped quickly upas he glared angrily at the dwarf woman, after her remark.

After that, Thorin went back to what he was doing. "SHIT!" exclaimed Annetta, as she accidently had pinched her finger on a needle,and she dropped the clothes as her finger is bleeding. "OW!" grumbled Annetta. "You should pay a little more attention the next time, or this would have never happened, commoner!" snarled Thorin, as he approached her. "Let me see your finger!" said Thorin. "No!" said Annetta. She didn't want the rude dwarf to touch her--at all. "I said let me look at your finger! It's bleeding! It needs to be wrapped up!" said Thorin. "I can wrap my finger up myself, shit head!" snapped Annetta. "FINE!" said Thorin, and he walked back to his desk. I don't know how much I can take of this woman any longer! Why does Grandfather have to do this to me! thought Thorin. Two hours went by, Thorin asked Annetta to bring him some snacks and drink from the kitchen. And so Annetta had done just that. Once she had returned, she had given the meal to Thorin, but instead of getting a 'thank you', the Dwarf Prince yelled at her!

"Look what you done to my clothes, woman! You call this mending? NO! This is a half ass job, that's what I call it!!" barked Thorin. "No, it's not a half ass job,Your Highness! I've done the best I can with your trousers!!" shot back Annetta. "No! I'm not going to have this at all! I'm not going to tolerate this nonsense!! GET OUT! You are not to work with me anymore!!" shouted Thorin. "Are you firing me?" shouted Annetta. "Yes! Now get out,you low life of a dwarf!" said Thorin, icily. "FINE!" Annetta screamed, as she darted out of the room, and she ran down Erebor's long corridors, tears running down her face. Once she arrived at her suite, she ran inside. And of course her mother and her brother Calin,whom was also in there, saw Annetta dart past them, as she went to her bedroom and slammed the door. "Ann?" exclaimed Calin. "Cal, you finish cooking, I'll go and talk to her!" said Lydia. Calin nodded, as Lydia approached her daughter's bedroom door. "Ann! It's your mother! May I come in?" Lydia called out."Come in, mother!" Annetta called out from behind the door. Lydia opened the door, and she entered her daughter's room, and she found Annetta now sitting up in her bed. Lydia could tell Annetta had been crying.

"What's going on, Ann? Why are you back so soon and upset?" asked Lydia gently. And Annetta told her mother everything that happened between her and Thorin. Lydia couldn't believe hearing this, and it also angered her. Nobody speaks to her daughter that way. "Don't worry dear, I'm going to speak to your father about this later, and then your father and I will address the King about it." said Lydia gently. "Why bother? He'll most likely take sides with his grandson! So there is no use telling the King, mother!" said Annetta, grumpily. "Anna, your father needs to know! As well as the King. Prince Thorin had no right to treat you this way, and he will answer for this! Now just rest and don't worry! We'll get it under control!" said Lydia gently as she kissed her daughter's forehead and walked out of the bedroom.  Later on that same afternoon,Narvin had stopped in the suite, and Lydia immediately approached her husband and informed him that Prince Thorin had wrongfully had fired Annetta.

"Is that so? He fired her because of our class? Or her abilities?! That is just wrong! I will speak to his Grandfather about this immediately!" fumed Narvin, as he stormed out of their suite. Lydia sighed. There was a few times she went in and checked on her daughter, making sure she is alright. There are other things Ann could do around here that wouldn't have to involve working for that Prince, thought Lydia. And Lydia had a few ideas in mind. And so Lydia knocked on her daughter's door. "Come in mother!" Annetta called out. "I have a few ideas, daughter that may interest you!" said Lydia. "Oh?" said Annetta. "You wouldn't mind joining me to go into Dale for a while. I was thinking of opening up a boutique. You and I can work in that boutique." said Lydia. "Oh mother! That's ideal! Opening up our own business is a great idea! But what will we sell?" asked Annetta.

 Lydia frowned. "I don't know. We have to have stuff to sell first." said Lydia. And now there was a brief silence between them. "You know what, Ann--you are really good in forging, and they have forges here where you can make stuff to sell." suggested Lydia. "Mother, they wouldn't let me down there, you know that." said Annetta. "Well it wouldn't hurt to ask!" said Lydia. "Mother!" protested Annetta. Why should I ask? Maybe I could just sneak in the forges at night and start working! Thought Annetta, and she smiled. "Don't worry, mother! I have an idea!" said Annetta with a grin. Annetta decided she would go shopping in Dale to purchase some materials she needed to continue her plan. After that, she returned the Mountain,and she waited for a while. Meanwhile in the Throne Room, Narvin had just finished speaking with King Thror about his Grandson's behavior, and soon he ended up watching The Dwarf King and Prince Thorin now involved in a heated arguement, which the Dwarf King ended up winning. "Lad,she is of our blood too! She may not be of royal blood,but she is a dwarf too! You can't just treat her any different." King Thror concluded calmly, as Prince Thorin stood there silently.

The Dwarf Prince sighed. "I will talk to Miss Silverbeard later." said Thorin, as he walked out of the Throne Room.  

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