Chapter Fifteen

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Summer, 2935

Two years went by, time drew near for Thorin and Annetta's wedding. And according to their culture Thorin isn't supposed to see Annetta until the day of their wedding, which is four days from that night. Also the women of the family, and the males of the family would have two seperate celebrations. Annetta had felt worried, because it would only be Annetta, Dis, Gloin's wife, Sidhi, and a few other women to attend Annetta's last few nights of her as a bachelorette. All Annetta wanted is to be with Thorin. She felt the parties weren't the same without Thorin there. But that wasn't the only thing she felt worried about. She knew Thorin and the dwarves would be having their party at the village's pub, and Mahal only knows what would go on that night. "Annetta, you've been quiet all evening! Are you alright? You're supposed to be having a good time, this is your night!" said Dis. "I'm fine, Dis--I just got a lot on my mind right now." said Annetta. "Annetta, will you at least focus having a good time? Don't worry, the wedding is in four days, you'll get to see Thorin!" said Dis. Dis's words however, did not help, and so Annetta resolved of taking a walk to get some fresh air. 

Annetta walked into the village, as she decided to walk around the village for a while, and then walk back. But once she was getting ready to walk back home, she walked passed the pub. And she saw Thorin in a drunken state, tumbling out of the pub, laughing hard, with his arm around someone. Annetta thought at first it would be Dwalin,but she couldn't tell at first, because it was so dark outside. But once she moved further, she seen that the person who's arm around Thorin,was not Dwalin at all--it was a woman with peppery blonde hair. And she recognized the woman, a woman she hated and despised the most--Tabitha, the same woman, who came between her and Thorin before. Suddenly to Annetta's shock and dismay, the two dwarves kissed. Annetta released a loud scream in anger and rage, as she threw a large branch at the both of them. After that, she bolted back home. Annetta charged into the house. 

"The Wedding is OFF!" screamed Annetta, as she ran into her bedroom, slamming the door behind her. Dis and Sidhi exchanged looks. "What is going on here?" asked Sidhi. "I don't know, Sid. I'm about to go and find out!" said Dis, standing up. Dis walked towards Annetta's bedroom door, and she knocked. "Annetta, may I come in?" called out Dis. "No! I wish to speak to no one right now! I want to be alone!" Annetta screamed. Suddenly, Dwalin and Thorin, followed by Fili and Kili entered the home, and it appeared they were all arguing as they came in. "You're a bloody fool, Thorin! what has gotten into you? At the rate you're goin' yer going to lose her forever!!" shouted Dwalin. "Will someone tell me what in Durin's name is going on here?!!" shouted Dis, angrily. Suddenly the dwarves turned their attention to Dis.


Dis informed her brother, Dwalin and her sons that Annetta had returned from her walk very upset, announcing that she is calling off the wedding. "Oh no--she saw them!" said Dwalin, gravely, and he glared angrily at Thorin. Thorin slammed his things on the table, and was about to stomp off to his room. "Oh no, Thorin! You get back here right now! We're going to have our selves a little row!" barked Dis. Thorin walked back. "Sit down!" Dis demanded,as she pushed her brother into the chair, and she began lecturing him. "I thought you really truly love Ann, Thorin? Instead you're going to waste your time with some trouble making whore! You know damn well she is nothing but trouble,Thorin! And you once again fell in her clutches! You know what, I'm going to make sure she will be executed for interfering the personal life of her king, and future Queen!" hissed Dis.

Thorin remained silent, as guilt clouded over him. His heart sank. She doesn't deserve me--she will never forgive me, not now, not ever! thought Thorin. "Tonight you will write a letter to her of an apology, since you cannot see her until your wedding day. And make sure your words can win her heart!" advised Dis, and she walked away. When Thorin went to his room, he could not sleep, as his thoughts are plagued of writing his apology letter to Annetta. Finally the words came to him, as he began writing. Once he had finished the letter, he climbed into bed, and tried to go to sleep. And it didn't take him long until sleep clouded over him. The following day at noon, everyone gathered in the dining room for lunch, as they realized that Annetta had not yet woke up from her sleep."That is not like her for sleeping this long--normally she would be awake before the sun rises." said Fili. "I'll go and check on her." said Dis standing up and she approached Annetta's bedchambers. 

First, she knocked on the door twice. But there was no answer. After knocking again, and still no reply, Dis turned the knob and entered the room. To Dis's shock and dismay, there was no sign of Annetta in the room at all! And much worse, she took notice that Annetta's belongings are missing as well. But then, Dis noticed a letter on the bed, and she picked it up and read it:

Dearest Dis,

I'm sorry for the sudden departure, but I am hurt after the actions I witnessed your brother had done the night before--this is the second time he had done this to me, and I'm tired of getting hurt like this--just tell your brother farewell, he had just lost a beautiful friendship and his bride.


When Dis read it, tears fell down her face. How am I going to explain this to my brother? He is going to be torn up about this! Dis thought. And so Dis had to break the news to her brother gently, alongside of showing the letter to him. And of course, Thorin didn't take the news well at all. Thorin went into full rage, yelling in anguish and hurt, as he was about to storm out of the house. Before he done that, he went to his room, taking the letter he had written to Annetta, and torn it to shreds, tossing it into the fire place. "THORIN!" cried out Dis. But Thorin ignored her, as he angrily left the house. "Go after him, brother!"snapped Balin. And so Dwalin followed Thorin out of their home. Finally Dwalin caught up with his best friend and cousin. "You should go after her, Thorin--Talk to her, her know you still care!" said Dwalin. "No! I'm not going after her--she does not deserve me--I have done this twice to her, Dwalin--she deserves better." snarled Thorin. "That's not necessary true. You trulylove her, Thorin! And the best thing for you to do is go after her." said Dwalin. "The answer is no, Dwalin! Besides that, I have other pressing issues to worry about." snarled Thorin. "So you're just going to walk away from a wedding, just like that?!" snapped Dwalin angrily.

"YES!" barked Thorin, and he walked away from his friend. 

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