Chapter Twenty-Three

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 Fili had remained with Annetta, during the entire time, as he comforted her, and calmed her down, as Oin examined. "Thank Mahal, the child is fine! Annetta only is minorly bruised from it." said Oin, looking at Fili. The blonde dwarf prince sighed in relief. "Oin, can you look after her for me? I'm going to see how my brother and the others are doing!" said Fili. "Of course, laddie!" said Oin. Fili left the chambers, as he entered the Great Hall. By the time he entered the Great Hall, he saw his brother shouting at Thorin. Fili also noticed a sudden change in his Uncle: Thorin no longer wore the golden armor and the crown had been wearing earlier--and also the change in behavior-Thorin seemed more calm--and back to himself again. "We are the sons of Durin! We will not back down from a fight!" said Thorin gently, as he and Kili touched foreheads. "Uncle!"spoke up Fili, as he walked towards. "My little lion!" said Thorin, smiling at the oldest dwarf prince.  Thorin embraced Fili. "Forgive me, for the way I've treated all of you--I've been a monster,a real monster--!" began Thorin. "You have my forgiveness, Uncle--but there is someone you truly have to apologize to." said Fili, sternly.

And Thorin knew whom exactly Fili is talking about. "Annetta." said Thorin softly, and he closed his eyes, tears falling down his cheeks. What have I done?! I've hurt her!! I'm never going to live with myself is something happened to her and the baby!-thought Thorin. "How is she?" asked Thorin. "She and the unborn child are doing just fine, laddie. Its time for you to go speak to her. She is calling out for you!" said Oin, as he entered the Great Hall. And Thorin quickly left the Great Hall,as he head towards his chambers to see Annetta. Once Thorin entered the bedroom, he saw Annetta now sitting up in bed. "Annetta, Oh Annetta!" said Thorin as he ran to her,and knelt before her. "Annetta, I wouldn't blame you for being angry with me--after the way I treated you earlier-- I wasn't myself--!" began Thorin. Annetta raised her hand. "You don't have to apologize,Thorin! I know! And I'm so glad you're back!" said Annetta, tears running down her face. "Oh, Annetta!" said Thorin, as he pulled her into his arms. 

"I'm glad you and the child are okay! I would never live with myself if something happened to the two of you!" whispered Thorin, resting his chin on her shoulder. Suddenly, Thorin felt tears on Annetta's cheeks. And Thorin turned Annetta around gently to face him. "My dear, what's wrong?" asked Thorin. "It's Just--it scared me very badly--seeing you like that earlier--I'm praying that this sickness will not become inherited!" said Annetta sadly. Thorin sat there quietly, as reality hit him. Inherited? He remmebered his grandfather having it,and he had went through it--and now with their child on the way--it concerned him. Luckily, Thorin sighed in relief as it had never had taken its toll on Fili and Kili yet. They're still young, and they know--they know--they know and they could see what it can do to some one-they are lucky, thought Thorin. 

"Annetta,can we just focus on the present--our child is not yet born--and I'm sure he or she is going to be strong--just like the both of us!" said Thorin, as he gently ran his fingers through her hair. Suddenly there is a knock on the door. "Come in!" Thorin and Annetta both said together.


And it was Balin who came into the room. "Thorin it's time-we got to battle--the Enemy has come!" said Balin gravely. Thorin stood up. "I must go, imur! I'll do whatever I can in my power to return to you--I promise!" said Thorin. Suddenly Annetta climbed out of bed, as she regained her strength back. "No! I'm coming with you, Thorin. This is OUR fight!" said Annetta. "No, Annetta! You're carrying our child--you're not going to fight--not in the condition you are in!" said Thorin firmly. "Thorin, I'm not that far long yet--I'll do just fine! Please just let me come with you!" pleaded Annetta. "Annetta, the lad is right-- you should stay here." said Balin. "Balin, I'm not going to sit still on this matter! I'm going to go!" said Annetta, stubbornly. "Annetta, I wish you can listen to reason! Please, we're only doing this for your own good!" said Thorin in exasperation. "Come, we need to go, Thorin!" said Balin. "I love you, Annetta!" whispered Thorin,as he kissed Annetta, and he followed Balin out of the room.

Not long after they had left the room. Annetta stood there. I'm going with them if they like it or not. I will save them! I will save the Line of Durin, as I promised Gandalf I would do! thought Annetta, as she walked out of her room, and she made way towards the armory. It didn't take her long to find some armor that fit her, and she equipped herself with a sword, alongside with bow and arrows. Throwing on her old cloak, she left the Mountain, following the path where Thorin and the Dwarves had went to. Hours had passed, as she went and fought fierces against the orcs, and other creatures involved in the battle--and unfortuately she ended up getting seperated from the Group. Suddenly she walked through Dale, as she ran into Gandalf and Bilbo. "Annetta!!" exclaimed Bilbo. "Miss Silverbeard, what are you doing out here? Shouldn't you be resting?" asked the Wizard. "Me, Rest? You know I cannot do that, Gandalf--after all, I'm not going to back down on my word. I'm going to help them, and I'm going to save them." said Annetta.

"Listen to me Annetta--they're in Ravenhill as we speak, getting ready to face Azog--he's one orc, you should let Thorin and the others deal with! He will kill you instantly, Annetta." said Gandalf. "Gandalf, I faced that creature before and survived, and I can do it again. And by the way, thanks for telling me where the others are at!" said Annetta, grinning at the wizard and she walked away. "She's insane! The woman is completely insane!!" snapped Bilbo. "She's a dwarf, stubborn, and it seems Thorin's stubborn ways is rubbing off on her." sighed Gandalf. Annetta walked for several hours, and she found some tunnels that led to Ravenhill, and she entered. It didn't take her long to find Fili and Kili in the tunnels. "Annetta!! What in Durin's name are you doing here? Shouldn't you be back in the Mountain resting?" snapped Kili. "Kili, you know I can sit there and do nothing. This is our fight, and I want to be part in it." said Annetta. "Uncle is not going to be happy if he sees you here, Ann! Go back! Let us get Azog!" said Fili. 

"Fili, where are you going?" asked Annetta. Fili told her, and as he was about to walk away, she placed her hand on his shoulder. "No! Fili don't-it's a trap!" said Annetta. Kili and Fili looked at her. "How do you know this?" asked Kili. "I saw them on the cliff inthe distance--as you exit these tunnels! Fili, don't do it! FILI!" shouted Annetta, as Fili continued to walk. Suddenly, Annetta ran after him. "ANNETTA!" cried out Kili, but it was too late, she already had followed Fili. By the time, she walked out of one of the exits of the tunnels, she could see the cliff ahead of her, alongside with Azog, whom now has Fili in his grasp. Annetta took out her bow, as she aimed the arrow at Azog. Her first thought was to shoot Azog in the back, in that way he could release Fili. Soon as she saw Azog getting ready to strike his hammer into Fili's back, Annetta fired her arrow, and it struck Azog, but not in his back, but in his lower thigh. Azog yelped in pain, as he dropped his weapon and Fili. "FILI RUN!!"screamed Annetta. "Annetta, what are you doing?! GO BACK!!" shouted Fili. 

"Damn it Fili! GO!!" screamed Annetta. Azog suddenly turned his attention to Annetta."So, this is Oaken Shield's queen--the one who is in my way!" snarled Azog, as he picked up his hammer,and moved towards Annetta. You really done it this time, Annetta! What are you going to do now? thought Annetta. "Come and get me, Azog!" shouted Annetta, and she bolted away from the Pale Orc. Azog angrily ran behind her, as their chase began. Fili ran back into tunnels. "Kili, we must get Uncle now! Annetta has lost her mind!!" said Fili, quickly. Kili nodded, as they together walked back to where Thorin and Dwalin are standing. 

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