Chapter Twenty-Four

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 Time Skip

Thorin's POV

A part of me felt furious with Annetta, when I seen her, walking out of the tunnels with Fili and Kili, but when made me furious even more is Azog's son, Bolg followed them out of the tunnels with Azog as well, and soon the fight began,all of us, facing Azog and Bolg together. I will have a talk with her once we kill these bastards! I thought to myself as we charged at Bolg and Azog. I cried out to Annetta, as I noticed Azog going towards Annetta first, and Annetta managed to dodge Azog as he swung his flail towards her. I stepped in. "You--stand back, I'll deal with him!" I called out to Annetta. Annetta nodded, as she back away as she went to help Fili, Kili and Dwalin with Bolg.

Annetta's POV:

As Dwalin, myself, Fili and Kili faced Bolg, I kept looking over at Thorin and Azog. And suddenly as I done that, I felt the heavy blow of Bolg's large hand striking my back as I fell to the ground. "ANNETTA!!" screamed Fili and Kili, and they  lunged towards Bolg, followed by Dwalin. Suddenly, in the distance, as Fili, Kili and Dwalin are struggling to fight Bolg, Beorn appeared, as he lunged at Azog's son, killing the Large orc. "BEORN!" I cried out to the skin changer, now in bear form. "Annetta, you should not be here--its dangeorus!" the bear growled at me. "I'm not going to back down on my word! Where is Thorin and Azog?" I asked. "Their behind us, I'm afraid things are not going well with Thorin!" said Beorn. I looked ahead, as I saw Fili and Kili standing in front of Thorin, whom is already on the ground as Azog is still throwing his flail towards the young dwarves. I charged towards them, as Beorn came following behind me. I ran and knelt towards Thorin, as Beorn attacked Azog, killing him. I looked towards Fili and Kili, whom to my surprise are standing,as the two of them limped towards my direction.

"Thorin!" I whispered to my King, as Thorin weakily looking up at me. Beorn came towards us, now in human form, as he knelt before the Dwarf. "He's losing blood fast-we must get him to the healers and fast!" said Beorn. I nodded, as Beorn lifts the Dwarf, as we followed Beorn towards the elves and men encampment.


No One's POV:

An hour later, Annetta sat around the fire with the Company, alongside with King Dain and his Dwarves,as she remained quiet,feeling worried about Thorin. She didn't want to lose him. Not now. Oin walked over to Annetta, as he looked over not only her injuries, but also he checked on the baby as well. "Good, everything is looking really good on the child. You are lucky the both of you have survived. Why didn't you listen to Thorin's advice?" asked Oin. "Oin, I had to do what I had to do. If I didn't, Fili and Kili would have been dead by now, and Thorin too. And I made a promise to all of you and to Gandalf that I would help, whatever I can to keep the Line of Durin from being broken." said Annetta. "And you did, lass--the lads are doing fine, in spite of Kili's broken leg, and Fili's broken right leg and toe." said Oin."Any more news on Thorin?" asked Annetta. "Nothing yet, I'm afraid--the elves--including Thranduil and Tauriel are with him right now." said Oin.

Annetta's eyes widened in surprise when Oin mentioned Thranduil's name. "Thranduil? Now this is a surprise! I don't understand!" gasped Annetta. "He told all of us today, its time to put aside our differences-we wasted many decades and years of disputing over something petty as gold, treasure and gems--and Thranduil is willing to become allies with us again. He told us he will do whatever he can to bring Thorin back to good health." said Oin, as he wiped a tear from his eye. Hearing this, Annetta felt her own tears falling down her face. Thorin will be in for a surprise when he hears about this! Hopefully this may change his mind about elves, thought Annetta. An hour later, Tauriel came running towards Annetta. Annetta noticed a smile upon her lips. Annetta stood up. "He's doing fine, Annetta-all of us had worked together to heal him--we stopped the bleeding soon as he arrived in the tent. He has already spoken with Mister Baggins, he wishes to see you!" said Tauriel.

Tauriel didn't have to tell her twice, as Annetta bolted towards the tent, and she entered, and she could see Thorin, now sitting up in his bed, bandaged up. He wore no shirt, and he smiled at her, as she approached him. "Thorin, you're alright!" cried out Annetta, as she gently hugged him. "Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?" said Thorin, gently. Annetta lay her head gently on Thorin's chest. "I've disobeyed you, Thorin, but I had my reasons of doing so!" said Annetta. "Ann, there is no need to apologize. You are one of the bravest souls I know, and that's what I love about you." said Thorin. "Thorin, did you see who was all in here that healed you?" asked Annetta, smiling at the dwarf. "Well the first half, I was unconscious, so I didn't see who was all in the tent with me. By the time I came to, which was an hour ago, I only seen Tauriel and Kili." said Thorin. "Well, while you were unconscious Thorin, Tauriel told me Thranduil did most of the healing work on you, she just stood by and observed." said Annetta. Thorin's eyes widened in surprise when he heard this. 

"Run that by me again?" exclaimed the Dwarf. "You heard me the first time, Thorin. It was Thranduil that healed you." said Annetta."I don't understand--why would he do that--for me?" asked Thorin. "Well, he seen what greed can do to someone, and how greed could do to relationships. He saw the love between the two of us. And he didn't want to see me suffer, so he came in and well--he healed you." said Annetta. "I owe him-- for this--I would do whatever I can to repay him for what he did." said Thorin. "Well, I kind of sort of already had that part done already." said Annetta. "I know--I'm glad you done it." said Thorin. "Now aside to that, how was your talk with Bilbo?" asked Annetta. "It went really well, although Bilbo was a bit scared when he entered the tent. After I spoken to him, he had forgiven me for what I done to him, and I offered him his fourteenth share of the treasure." said Thorin.

"Did he accept it?" Annetta asked again. "Yes. He accepted. He also said he wants to attend our wedding!" said Thorin. Annetta laughed. "Oh he will." said Annetta, as she gently kissed Thorin's chest. As Thorin held her close to him, they laid like that for the longest time in silence. "So,what now love?" spoke up Annetta, breaking the silence. "We will get married, I'll become King, and you'll become my Queen, and start our family!" said Thorin, grinning at Annetta. Annetta laughed. "I knew that!" said Annetta. Soon, Annetta fell asleep in Thorin's arms,and it didn't take long for Thorin too, to drift off into a peaceful slumber.

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