Chapter Twenty-One

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 A few days later, Annetta had notice the sudden drastic changes in Thorin--as he became suddenly distant from Annetta--and it scared her---he also remembered the advice that Thorin had given her in Lake Town. Remember, if I do fall under the sickness-please steer clear from me-the words echoed through Annetta's mind. Suddenly all of a sudden, Annetta became suddenly ill--as she began throwing up. She couldn't keep food in her stomach. I have to tell Oin, I haven't been feeling very well since we got here, Annetta thought again. But she realized that Oin is still with the Dwarves, and she had to be patient until they return from Lake Town--and she didn't have to wait long, when she saw Fili, Kili, Bofur, and Oin running into the private dining hall of Erebor. "Have you been, Ann? Are you doing alright?" Fili asked Annetta in concern. "I'm fine--Fili! Why are you asking me this?" said Annetta.

"Annetta,it's Thorin--he's not acting himself--I have to warn you to be careful around him!" said Fili, sadly. "You must excuse me, I must speak to Oin!" said Annetta, as she approached Oin, welcoming him home, and she told Oin how she's been feeling for the past couple days. "Let me get my medicine bag, so I can take a look at you! Just wait right here!" said Oin. And so Oin went to get his medical bag and returned as he soon examined Annetta. "Good gracious me! Oh my goodness!" exclaimed Oin, and he looked at Annetta and smiled. "In spite of all what we went through, I have some great news for you, my dear! You are carrying child! You and Thorin's child!"exclaimed Oin, in delight. Annetta's eyes widened in shock, and the moment hit her as she remembered the nightmare she had in Lake Town. No! No, please don't let this come true--stay calm, Annetta--you have to make this a happy moment--and don't bother telling Thorin now--you have to stay calm--for the baby's sake! thought Annetta. 

"Congratulations, Annie!! We're going to become Uncles!! This is wonderful!" cheered Fili, as he ran to hug Annetta, followed by Kili. The rest of the Company even congratulated her. "Tonight, we're going to celebration the occasion! Bring in the ale,Gloin! We have a feast in order!" exclaimed Dwalin, cheerfully. And so Gloin, Fili, Kili and Bofur went to bring in the ale, as Bombur began preparing and cooking the impromptu feast. But no soon as they started, Thorin stormed into the private dining area, ordering everyone to go into the treasury to search for the Arkenstone. "You will help too, Annetta! Go and join the others!" demanded Thorin. "Thorin! NO! She hasn't been feeling well lately! She needs her rest!" protested Balin. "She is going to help us, Balin!" shot back Thorin, sharply. "Laddie, if I tell you now why she needs her rest, I hope you change your mind." said Oin.

"OIN! No! Not now! He doesn't need to know yet!" Annetta hissed to Oin. "Lassie--its better safe than sorry--You're in no condition to work! I have to say something!" said Oin. "Fine!" grumbled Annetta. "Thorin, your future bride is carrying your child! Please reconsider your decision!" said Oin. Thorin's eyes widened in surprise. "Annetta?" gasped Thorin. "I hope you're happy, Oin!" shouted Annetta, and she darted away. "Annetta!" called out Thorin, as he ran after her. Shortly, he caught up with Annetta, as he found her standing on the balcony. "Go away, Thorin! I know you're standing there-I cannot face you right now--not in the state of mind you're in now." said Annetta. "Annetta--I'm fine-trust me I won't do anything to you!" said Thorin gently. Annetta turned around, and she noticed the dark and glazed look in Thorin's eyes had disappeared  and the look that Annetta always had been accustomed to, is there.

"Why didn't you tell me this before?" asked Thorin. "Thorin, I just found out moments ago, not long after Oin and the others arrived in Erebor. Please, do not be angry with me!" said Annetta, quietly. "Now why would I be angry with you! Annetta--we're going to be parents! I'm going to be a father--do you have any idea how happy that makes me feel? I'm going to have a heir!! Annetta--I love you!" said Thorin, as he pulled Annetta into his arms. "I love you too, Thorin!" said Annetta. But their moment had became short, when Thorin quickly pulled away from Annetta. "Annetta go to our room-you'll rest there tonight! I have work to get done!" said Thorin, and he walked away. Well--that moment didn't last long-thought Annetta.


Hours had passed, and still there was no sign of the Arkenstone, in which had placed Thorin in a very foul mood, and the sickness grew within him more and more. "I'm glad Annetta is in her room right now--if she saw Thorin like this, this will devastate her." said Balin to his brother. "But Gandalf has asked her to help him through this! How can she help him, if she is locked up in her room?" asked Dwalin. "Thorin had put her in there for her own protection--and I wouldn't blame the lad for doing it--I believe Thorin had done the right thing. Especially with Annetta being pregnant and all." said Balin. Two days had passed, word had came to Thorin and Company that an army of elves and men are setting up camp in the ruins of Dale, led by Bard and King Thranduil. Bard is wanting to speak to Thorin in regards of negotiations on the share of the treasure as Thorin had promised to the people of Lake Town. The first time Bard arrived by himself, and had spoken to Thorin, but Thorin refused and rejected Bard, sending him away.

Annetta stood by and watched the scene, and it angered her. How dare he? He made a promise!! He's backing down on his promise!! Annetta's mind fumed. Thorin turned around, and he saw Annetta standing nearby looking at him. "Annetta, shouldn't you be in your room resting?" snarled Thorin."Thorin, I'm tired of being cooped up in there! It's boring! I've been feeling restless the entire time I've been in there! And secondly, we need to talk!" said Annetta firmly. This is now or never, time to put on your brave face, thought Annetta. "Whatever it is, can wait til later." said Thorin. "No! It's not going to wait until later, Thorin! What is wrong with you?! You promised them! You promised you would help them! How could you turn your back on them?!!!" said Annetta, sharply. "They turned their backs on me, you two faced whore!! They have joined alliances with the elves!! They're no help to us now!! They will not get any of the treasure! NOT ONE SINGLE COIN!!" bellowed Thorin. 

"You--you monster!! You are so blinded by greed, it's not even funny! This isn't the Thorin I know and love at all!" screamed Annetta,with tears in her eyes. Suddenly Thorin raised his hand, as he was about to strike her, but when he saw her hand slipping towards her belly, he lowered his hand, and he walked away. Annetta darted towards her room, weeping. Bilbo stood nearby, as he noticed Annetta's distress, and he soon followed her. "Ann, WAIT!" Bilbo called out to her.  

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