Chapter Ten

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Susan walked over to the table, with a teapot in her hands that Mrs Braver brew for everyone to drink while they all talked about Mr Tumnus. Well everyone minus Edmund, who was being a moody teen.

"Isn't there anything we can do to help Tumnus?" Peter asked Mr Beaver.

"They'll have taken him to the Witch's house. And you know what they say. There's few that go through them gates that come out again." Mr Beaver said causing Mrs Beaver to rush over to the group.

"Fish 'n' Chips?" Mrs Beaver asked nervously while putting down the bark type plate next to Lucy, only Lucy didn't like what she saw. "But there is hope, dear. Lots of hope." Mrs Beaver said rubbing Lucy's arm, causing Mr Beaver to spit out his tea when Mrs Beaver said 'lots of hope'.

"Oh, yeah, there's a right but more than hope! Aslan is on the move." Mr Beaver said causing Nala to tense next to Peter.

Peter felt Nala freeze at the name of Aslan, but he didn't know why she tensed up at all. What he didn't know was that Nala was having a flashback, a flashback of the day she left Narnia. Never had she had such flashbacks but it seemed that it only comes around when Aslan's name was mentioned or anything that was the topic of Aslan.


Nala felt her eyes opening, but scrunched up her face in confusion as she saw that she was by the lamppost earlier that day. Why she was there, she did not know. What she did know was that it had to be some sort of vision or memory, because the last thing that she remember was sitting next to Peter, talking to two beavers about Mr Tumnus.

Looking around again, Nala saw a flash of gold running through the trees towards her, with someone small dangling from its mouth. As soon as the golden figure got closer, Nala saw that figure was a lion. Making the little figure in the lions mouth their cub, why the lion was running through a forest with a cub in his mouth. Nala had no idea on what was going on.

As the two lion's made their way closer towards the lamppost, Nala could now easily extinguish the sex of the two. It was a father and a daughter. Nala couldn't help but feel as if she knew them, but at the same time. She couldn't get rid of that nagging feeling in the back of her head, that she should know what happened. 

Nala watched with curiosity, when the father lion, stopped exactly right next to the lamppost and leaned down, placing his cub down on the ground.

"Why are we here dad?" The little lioness spoke softly looking up at her father.

As soon as Nala heard the little cub spoke, she instantly knew it was a girl, but that wasn't what threw her off. It was the fact that the little cub had her voice. Nala must of been out of it, because there is no way that the cub could have had her voice. Is it possible that this was her? No... than she would have been a lion. But isn't she a human? So many question ran through Nala's head as she continued watching the scene unfold in front of her.

"I need you to stay safe, so I'm sending you away to the other world." He panted looking down at his daughter while looking around just in case something pounced out of the trees.

"Away to another world? What world father?" The little lioness asked curious, but you could slightly hear the sound of her heart beat beating faster at the thought of leaving her only family memeber.

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