Chapter Thirtheen

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"You take one more step, traitor, and I'll chew you to splinters!" Mr Beaver yelled out as he tried to march towards the Fox, but was stopped when Mrs Beaver started to pull him backwards away from him.

"Relax. I'm one of the good guys." The Fox replied causing me to sigh in relief, but at the same time I can't be too sure if he is telling the truth. Even when my gut tells me to trust him, I still just can't be sure.

"Yeah? Well, you look an awful lot like one of the bad ones." Mr Beaver retorted, with a slight growl in his voice.

"An unfortunate family resemblance. But we can argue breeding later. Right now we've got to move." The Fox said.

As soon as the Fox stopped talking we heard the wolves as they started getting closer.

"What do you have in mind?" Peter asked desperately.

The Fox had a sly smirk on his face causing me to smile as he lifted his head and gestured towards the trees.

~Le Mini Time Skip~

We all were up in the tallest tree, while the Fox was down there getting rid of our tracks in the snow but as soon as he finished the wolves burst through the tunnel and came to a stop when they saw the Fox.

"Greetings, gents. Lost something, have we?" The Fox asked.

"Don't patronize me!" Morgrim snarled. "I know where your allegiance lie. We're looking for some humans and the Princess." Morgrim said causing the Fox to let out a nervous laugh.

"Humans and the Princess? Here in Narnia? That's a valuable bit of information, don't you think?" The Fox said slightly nervous.

As soon as he finished talking another wolf grabbed a hold of the Fox causing all of us to gasp but I put my hand over Lucy's mouth as her's was the loudest out of all of us.

"Your reward is your life. It's not much, but still. Where are the fugitives?" Morgrim snarled causing thr Fox to whimper.

Without the Wolves notice, the Fox looked up at us but stopped at my eyes as I looked down at him. The Fox then looked down sighing in defeat, causing me to turn my head and bury it into Peter's neck. Causing Peter to wrap his arm around my shoulder and pulling me close towards him.

"North. They ran north." I heard the Fox say. Causing myself to pull my head out of his neck.

"Smell them out." Morgrim said.

Just as Morgrim had finished talking, was when I turned my head. Only to see all the wolves leave and one of the wolves to chuck the Fox towards the base of the tree, that we were in and followed the rest of the other wolves that had ran.

~Le Mini Time Skip~

"They were helping Tumnus. The Witch got here before I did." The Fox replied, as Mrs Beaver tended to his wounds. "Ow! Oh!" 

"Are you all right?" Lucy asked.

"Well, I wish I could say their bark was worse than their bite." Mr Fox joked. "Ow!"

"Oh stop squirming! You're worse than Beaver on bath day." Mrs Beaver exclaimed.

"Worst day of the year." Mr Beaver joked, managing to put a smile on my face. As well as the others as well.

"Thank you for your kindness, but that's all the cure I have time for." The Fox said.

"You're leaving?" Lucy asked sadly.

"It has been a pleasure, My Queen, and an honor, but time is short and Aslan himself has asked me to gather more troops." The Fox said causing me to smile at the mention of my father.

"You've seen Aslan?" Mr Beaver questioned.

"What's he like?" Mrs Beaver gasped.

"Like everything we've ever heard. You'll be glad to have him by your side in the battle against the Witch. And also to see his daughter again." The Fox said causing me to smile as he looked at me.

"But we're not planning on fighting any witch." Susan said causing me to frown as I look at them.

"But surely, King Peter, the prophecy!" The Fox exclaimed as he looked at Peter.

"We can't go to war without you." Mr Beaver said.

I looked over towards Peter and saw him looking at Susan, as if they were having a silent agreement. Causing myself to look down with a small frown on my face as I scooted away from Peter without him noticing.

"We just want our brother back." Peter said, causing my eyes to blur as tears threaten to fall.

"If you want your brother back Peter, you're going to have to fight for him." I said looking up and over at him causing everyone to look at me.

"What do you mean Nala?" Lucy asked as she looked at me.

"Without you, we won't be able to get your brother back and save Narnia." I said looking back down at the ground. "These are my people. I feel as if I have failed them." I finish as tears started to threaten to spill as I clenched my hands together.

"No dear this isn't your fault, you haven't failed anyone." Mrs Beaver said as she came over towards me and placed a paw on my leg causing me to look up through my eyelashes and smile slightly.

"Thanks, but what kind of princess am I, if I wasn't here for my people." I say loudly enough for everyone to hear but in a quiet tone.

I felt three sets of arms wrapping around me from different places, one was on my waist pulling me into their chest which I could tell was Peter ,by how is arms wrapped around me, the other two was Susan on my right side with her arms wrapped around my shoulders as she leaned her head against mine and lastly but not least Lucy who wrapped her arms around my torso she her head rest against my chest.


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