Chapter Fifteen

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We stopped on the cliff sides and looked down the tiny river, but only to see that most of the icy river was started to break causing me to look at the others.

"We need to cross, now!" Peter rushed, obviously nervous.

"Don't beavers make dams?" Lucy questioned as she looked down at Mr Beaver.

"I'm not that fast, dear." Mr Beaver exclaimed.

"Come on!" Peter said as he grabbed both Lucy's and I hands.

"Wait! Will you think about this for a minute?" Susan rushed out causing Peter to stop making both Lucy and I to stop.

"We don't have a minute Susan." I exclaimed, worry clear on my face as I bit my lip and look down to the river.

"I'm just trying to be realistic." Susan muttered.

"No, you're trying to be smart. As usual." Peter snapped.

"Susan we really don't have time for being realistic at the moment!" I shouted before I let got of Peter's hand and made my way towards the edge of the cliff and started to scale my way down.

As soon as I made it down, I heard wolves howling in the distance causing all of us to freeze, I saw Peter looking down at me with worry in his eyes causing me to nod my head in reassurance. Peter seemed to calm down slightly before turning to look at his siblings again.

I watched as they slowly made their way down the side of the cliffs making me gasp as I nearly saw Lucy fall but a smile made its way on my face as I saw Peter grabbing her and pulling him into his chest. As they finally made it down Peter walked over towards me and gave me a hug causing me to wrap my arms around his neck. After a few more seconds of hugging we pulled apart and made our way towards the river.

Peter was about to step on the ice but I held him back when he was about to fall in.

"Wait. Maybe I should go first." Mr Beaver said as he looked up at all of us.

"Maybe you should." Peter said as he gripped my hand in his holding it tight in his hands, but not too tight so he wouldn't hurt me.

Mr Beaver then went forward slowly as he tapped the ice with his tail feeling which is a good place to stand on or not. But as soon Mr Beaver took a few more steps the ice cracked underneath him causing Mrs Beaver to gasp out loud.

"You've been sneaking second helpings, haven't you?" Mrs Beaver accused, causing Mr Beaver to let out a nervous laugh as he was caught.

"Well, you never know which meal's gonna be your last. Especially with your cooking." Mr Beaver said as he continued on.

We all started to walk forward and walked behind Mr and Mrs Beaver as we all started to cross over the river.

"If mum knew what we were doing...." Susan was cut off from her panic by Peter.

"Mum's not here." Peter snapped.

As we continued to walk I could faintly hear feet running, looking up I saw some of the secret police running trying to find a safe way down towards us.

"Oh, no!" Lucy shrieked causing Peter to grip out hands tighter, pulling us so we started to run.

"Run!" Peter yelled tugging Lucy and I along with him.

"Hurry!" Susan yelled behind us.

I looked up and saw that the wolves found a way down and now are making their way down towards us, cutting us off, causing us to not go any further. One of the wolves pounced on Mr Beaver holding him down causing me to stare wide eyes at what happened.

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