Chapter Twenty

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Here's a picture of Nala in her Lioness form

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Here's a picture of Nala in her Lioness form


It was the middle of the night and I couldn't sleep at all! I tried so hard to fall asleep but I just couldn't. I wonder why Aslan and Nala both looked so sad when The White Witch left. I started to toss and turn in hopes to get to sleep but no matter how hard I tired it seemed that I just couldn't get to sleep no matter what. I then saw two shadows that showed that there was two lions which confused me greatly, since I only thought that Aslan was the only lion in the whole of Narnia, but then I started to think about Nala's display when she snarled or growled at the White Witch when she said that Edmund had to die, which led me to think that Nala had traits of a lion.....

"Susan!" I whispered yelled, waking her up.

I then threw off the covers and jumped out of bed and quickly grabbed my cloak and my daggers and my healing cordial that I got from Santa, Susan did the same as me but instead of daggers she grabbed her quiver full of her arrows and her bow as well as her horn. Stepping outside we both walked to the back and what both Susan and I saw shocked us the most, what we saw was two lions, one of course was Aslan, but the other looked more feminine then Aslan did. I looked up at Susan and she looked down at me nodding her head in the direction the two lions are going causing me to nod my head as we started to follow them.

As we were following them, both Susan and I hid ourselves behind trees so we didn't get spotted by Aslan and the mysterious lioness. Both Susan and I watched as they still continued to walk forward but in a slight slow pace, the female lion was rubbing her head against Aslan's head every now and then, for some unknown reason, this mystery lioness confuses both Susan and I, as we have never seen her before and wondered what her relation towards Aslan is. Both Susan and I continued to follow them a bit more but when we hid behind another tree I saw them stopping.

"Shouldn't you both be in bed?" Aslan asked sadly, making both Susan and I to come out from behind the tree that we were hiding behind.

"We couldn't sleep." I explained as both Susan and I walked over towards Aslan and the mysterious lion.

"Please, Aslan. Couldn't we come with you?" Susan asked as we both came to a stop in front of the two lions.

"Nala and I would be glad of the company for a while." Aslan said causing the mystery lioness to look at both Susan and I.

Susan and I both gasped as we saw that Nala was a lion and not a human girl, but I guess this would explain how and why she started to growl and snarl like a lion when the Witch was here demanding for Edmund's death.

"Don't worry you two, this is just my true form." Nala said sadly, looking at both Susan and I before turning her attention towards the front.

"Thank you." Aslan said as both Susan and I stood on either side of Nala and Aslan. I stood on Nala's side while Susan was on Aslan's side.

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