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Sitting like an idol..thinking about something...

My eyes struck on a guy..... tall ,lean,fair,good physique wow looking like an greek god ...i was attracted to him he was like a magnet ...

Suddenly someone tapped my shoulder i turned my face and there she was huh "ELINA" such a boring girl huhh ....

What happened ..??? I said

Umm...acctuly i want your english book i forget to bring mine ..elina said..

Uggh . thats all ok take it and dn't disturb me now return me later when u are done ..i said

Ummm u know that guy standing there white shirt blue jeans? ...i said

Ohh yeah he is Rayn newcomer ..elina said

Ohh .ok thanks bye ..i said ..

Ohh..Rayn umm nice name suits his personality 1 sec y am thinking about him huh ..stop hannah stop u cant fall for anyone else again its pain what nicole does yo me after that i cant thunk about falling for someone else again....but ....umm..he is so handsome i like

Omg his eyes held mine am off gaurd sh*t ...i took my eyes off from his ...

That whole day i was just thinking about Ryan how handsome he is will he be my friend ?....umm whatever time to go home...

standing on the bus stand suddenly i felt that someone is standing besides me i felt like i know him saw him somewhere turend my face to look at him but unfourtunately the bus arrived and it was too crwody that i forget about him ..and lift up in the bus ...

Ouch....r u blind.?? I said to the stranger who just tapped my toes ..

Oh am sorry its too crowd i havent see that its ur toe ..said stranger

Oh its ok...i said with a pale look..

Aast my stop ..come i drop off ..but again i feel that the guy ryan is here but couldnt find him i thought its jst a vision and i walk towards my home ...

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