caught off

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Umm...hi. ..,i said with many hesitation.,

Oh so ...finally.u are here....eddy said angrilyy.
Am waiting here for 15mins do u get that 15mins...y u are so late?....

Umm..acctuly..i had to return my book which i had issued last week from the library so i just went to the library..i said
I was very upset and feeling so guilty that i was late he was waiting for me ....

Oh...ok ok...dnt give me an explaination now..walk with me i have something to discuss with u...eddy said......

It was winter season and i forget to bring my jacket now am feeling cold cuz its almost evening now i was shievering, the cold air was touching my bare skin...

Take these...eddy said softly ...offering his jacket to me ...

Umm..noo..ammm..okk ..i said shyly but i realy want that i was feeling too cold ...

Oh please dont give me a damn u are feeling cold i know so please take it...eddy said by ordering me

Oh .okok...i said by accepting his offer ...

I wore the jacket now am feeling god
For me it was like god sent him to me as my protector i was happy ...

Suddenly he wrapped his arms around my shoulder and pull me closer...i was nervous what he was doing ... okk eddy u needn't..he cut my words and said putting his finger on my eyes widened my heart was beating too fast an electric wave was going down to my spine.....

Heyy eddy...whatsup!!...a voice growled

We turned our face to see it was ryan who was running towards us waving his hands in the air ....

Hi...eddy said irritatingly what are u doing here ....

Oh...nothing dude i was here in max's home we are doing group project .....remember...

Oh yes yes ...eddy said

What are u doing here ...?? And also with this nerdy girl he almost whisper

I was standing like a dumb shocked i was not getting that whats happening..there the boys were looking at me ...ryan lefts us alone then..

Heyy.u hear me hey elii..eddy's voice raised ...

Oh yen.yess...yes..say...i almost stammered..

Umm ....ok go to ur home now i have to go ...eddy said hurriedly..

Oh..okkk.i was leavingg when he stopped me..

Hey..hey wait..eddy shout..

Yess...i looked at himm..

Umm..tommorow dont be late mam asked us to be early at scool...eddy said

Umm ...but y.. is there anything ...important..i said

Donn't knw mam asked us so do what i mam say okk...ohh 1sec inform this to hannah too mam asked 4 of us tommorow..eddy said recoolect his memory

4 of us its just two of uss.i corected himm

No mam asked u,me hannah and ryan ..eddy said..

Oh ....but i dnt have her no.i said ...

i dont talk to other gorls they dont like me so i dnt have their numbers too ....i thought..

U are usless good for nothing huh now i have to inform her too nd what u will do nothing huh .eddy yelled at me..

Tears flow down from my eyes...i was crying his was hurts me its like he punched on my chest and the ribs broked .... voice scatterd...

Hey...ididnt mean to hurt u ...i didnt mean....his words left unsaid ....

Alredy i left him ....

I just ran away from that place from him he hurt me like hell he was also the same rude arrogent i was fool to think of him a good friend i forgot that am a nerd i dnt have right to make friends....


Y ru looking upset..??mom asked..

Nothing mom..i have many work now ill be bzy ..i said ..

Oh ..ok dear i gotta go i'll come tommorow so just locked the doors and handover the keys to our gaurd ok bye said and the left the house...

The door shut....

I returned to my room i was tired ....

My room was big like a master room with a queen sized bed cozy pillows and many teddies i have lot of stuuf toys stored in a cupboard closet was full of designer and expensive dresses casuals party wear beach wear al are there insread of that i have many accessories jewles but i dont wear that at school or in school parties i like to be simple and nerdy so i wore boring dresses in which i looked unattractive.....

I searched for a no.

Yipee i got it ...its hannah er no. I git it am not that useless too huh i hate him...

I dailled her no.

It was ringing..tring..tring..tringg..tringg

No answer...

Again i dailled her no.

Thus time a sleepy voice came from the other side was hannah ...

Hi its elina..remember ur clasmate..i said...

Yeah i knww ...she said in half sleep ...

Um i called u to inform u that we have ...sge cut my words and said...

Yes yes i knw eddy informed mee..earlier ...she said...

Oh..okk..i said..

Ok bye if u dont mind i gotta go am damn sleepy and tommorow have to wake up early so bye..

Ya ya sure bye gunnait..but the line already ended...

I was upset that i disturbed her...

I took a fast shower mositured my skin and changed my clothes in a skimpy black baby doll dress it was lil sexy type ...whatever.
Have to sleep now or ill be late ..i dnt wanna late tommorow ...



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