catch up

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"hey wake up lazy head"....

"wtf who the hell is yelling at this time that too in a hoarse voice ms.chang took this person away,how can u allow some person at my room huhh..don't disturb my beauty sleep go away,shoo!shoo!..."i mutter in my sleepy tone..

"oh really i have hoarse voice fine,will u wake up or else u know the misery to mess up with me"hannah smirked and said the last part in a evil way...

I opened my eyes slowly this room is so different and i saw figure standing in front of me,who is this?that too holding a bottle in her hand...oh!shoot..

I jumped from the bed and rushed to the washroom and yelled a sorry to her..

I took a quick shower cause we are going to beach after returning we have to take bath,i wrapped a towel around my body and went to the room where my bag is hanging in a hanger,i took some skinny jeans and navy blue top from that and wore it...

I went to downstairs and saw that hannah is cooking something so i just sit at the breakfast nook..

"good morning babe" i wished her.

"um good morning,will u pass me the eggs?


I took 2 eggs and pass her,she is making some pancakes,beacon,mushroom with white sauce and some avocado smoothie...

Its a heavy breakfast i usually take some cereals..

"umm...smells really good"i compliment her and devour the taste of her dish that's really yummy...

After finishing breakfast we took our bags,lock the house and went to the shopping mall to buy my beachwear...

We went to the swim wear shop and went through the clothes..
There were bikinis,swimwear, lingerie many thing..

I choose some shorts,a bold black bikini,a shrug and some casual tops i went to a trial room and changed my inners with that bikini and wear my clothes so that i neednt have to change that in the beach..

After that we pay off for that things, we fished out from that mall...

We drove off from there and went to the beach hannah pulled off the car near a sack we pull our things out of the car. As we were walking towards the sea the sun was shining too bright above the head and we hurriedly spread our sheets on the sand and put our bags in it,hannah took her sunscreen lotion and applied on her body.she passed me that bottle too we undress ourselves.

Hannah was wearing a hot pink colour bikini with that she was wearing some colouful necklace and with that she put a shrug and I was in then new black bikini .

We ran towards the water beaming so bright and beautiful the crystal clear water was so alluring we splashed water at each other and after some time we came back to our spot.

Returning back to home we went to a restaurant it was a small one but Hannah told me that it has some best burger and pizza. I ordered a Mexican 🍕 and she had a burger and she was right cheese was ozzing out of that pizza and I ganing calories all my diet got wasted after enjoying an amazing meal we went to her house then after some time I went to mine house.

Sorry guys I didn't upload anything this story is getting big and am thinking to end it soon so that I can start a new story am really sorry guys.

Love splandoraa...😄❤❤💓

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