Chapter 20- Didn't Expect This

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"We need some pasta now."

I looked up from the grocery list. I walked besides Jax as we headed down the pasta isle. He pushed the cart and I was the person to grab and say what we need.

"Alright put it in," He mumbled and I rolled my eyes as I stopped in front of the shelf. Well this is gonna be fun. I leaped up and still couldn't reach the kind we need.

"Need help shorty?" I heard the chuckle of Jax. I looked at him and stared daggers while sticking out my tongue.

"I got this," I told him and stood on my tiptoes.

I felt a warm body against mine and I saw a big hand grabbed two boxes of it. The body disappeared and I turned to Jax who threw the boxes in. He shook his head and pushed the cart leaving me.

"Hey!" I yelled and ran to catch up with him. I walked by him and we didn't speak for a while.

"Is that it?" He asked looking at the full cart. I looked over the list and everything was good but I needed a little something extra for me.

"Not yet," I told him and I led him to the girls items.

I walked up to the boxes of pads and tampons and grabbed a box each. I threw them in the cart and Jax looked a little red from embarrassment.

"Sorry, I have a girl thing coming up in about a week and I might as well be prepared right?" I giggled and pulled the cart with us.

We waited in line and paid for all of the food that we needed. Our shop was a good one I guess and now it was time for me to go outside and tan so Gage can see me.

We put all of the things in the back seat and we drove home. I looked at Jax who pulled out a cigarette and lit it up.

"Jax, you know I don't like cigarettes?" I poked his arm and he inched away. He took out his cigarette and blew smoke at me. I coughed and stuck my head out the window for air.

"Yeah, I don't know why," He commented.

"Cigarettes are bad for you dumbass," I snapped.

"So you say cigarettes are bad and alcohol isn't? You and your friends snuck alcohol after the wedding and your brother is drinking too. So what do you say about that Morgan because they both kill something inside of you."

Well, I guess he was right about that but alcohol isn't really that addicting to most.

"I guess but it's weird to see you smoke." I looked at him and he chuckled.

"Yeah, so what? Hey have this." He handed my the cigarette and I took it and looked at it like it was a mythical creature.

"Umm, why did you give this to me?" I asked and held it out for him to take it back. He looked at me and I saw evil in his eyes.

"I want you to try it," He told me and I shook my head no many times.

"No, no."

I kept holding it out for him to take but he wouldn't. Each time I would get close and I was so close to burning his arm. I kept saying no over and I felt the car jolt to a stop. I looked around and we were on an empty road with nothing but trees and us.

I looked at him and he unbuckled himself and pushed against me making the cigarette fly out of my hand and outside the window. I was trapped between the door and him.

His body crushed mine and he stared me in the eyes. I heard a rustle from him and he pulled out a new cigarette.

I watched and he shoved it into my mouth. I fought but he kept me still. I was frozen as he pulled out his lighter and near it to the cigarette. I tried spitting it out but he forced me still.

I watched as he lit up the cigarette. I tried not to suck in but I was dying. I took a breath and sucked in yhe poisonous gas. I felt him pull it out of my mouth. I saw him smile and lean into me. I watched as his face got so close, I felt his breath on my lips as I held the smoke in.

"Breath Morgan," He spoke and I slowly blew it out and it hit his face.

Jax closed his eyes and breathed it in. I watched him as he took a hit of his cigarette and he blew the smoke on me as I closed my eyes shut. I breathed in the second hand smoke.

"See now was that so bad?" He asked putting the cigarette out leaning closer into me.

His lips brushed mine and I stayed still obviously because I was trapped plus he hates me so he won't do anything. I felt him push his warm lips against mine.

I felt his hand slid under my shirt and his hand brushed my stomach. Oh god it felt nice too. I can't break, so Morgan don't break and kiss him. He pulled me closer and it drove me over.

"Fuck it!" I yelled and I jumped onto him and we started a full make out session.

We were on his side of the car and I was on top of him this time. He sat up and pulled me on his lap. He was in his seat and I joined him with my legs wrapped around him and my hands in his hair.

Our lips trailed each other and he yanked at my bra under me. I pushed his hand away because I wasn't ready.

His hand trailed my butt and he gripped it making me moan loudly. he grabbed my face and he pushed me back with force.

He must of pushed me too far because the horn went of and we jumped up. I jumped back into my seat and I buckled up as Ifixed myself up.

I heard Jax clear his throat and his seat belt click and we drove off to home finally.

Well this was an awkward thing that we did. But I don't think it was out of love it was just a benefit thing. It was just a lust for sex or affection, nothing more and that's how it's gonna stay.

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