chapter - no more

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"Home sweet home" i muttered walking up the apartment stairs to the third floor. I wonder what happened while i was gone.

I unlocked the door and set down my keys. I held the plastic bag in my hand as i made my way to the bathroom. The boys are gone thank god or i would have trouble explaining this to them.

I locked the door, pulling out the tiny box. It was pink and had pregnancy test written on it. I sighed opening it up. I was about to read the directions when i heard the buzz of my phone. I picked it up and there was multiple texts from jax, jeleena, and amy. I opened up jax's first

Jax: im coming back from the party, i didn't know you had a missed period and bought a test. I'll be there <3

Great who told jax my situation, i was going to tell him after i find out if i am pregnant or not. It was probably jeleena and amy.

Jeleena: im so sorry morgan i had to tell jax. It was an emergency and i thought you might need him by your side. Dont read amys because i sent the same thing from her phone. Bye ttyl tell me whats happening.

Great now the whole world knows. I just got back from my restful weekend with gage and i come back to a pregnancy. I noticed my period was late the night after me and gage moved to the next base. I had him drop me off at the drug store near the apartment. I walked from there and i text jeleena my news because i thought she should know why i didn't go straight to her house.

"Well i might as well do before jax get here" i muttered pulling the pink test out searching it over. So i guess i just pee on this thing then wait a few for results. It says quick results so about ten minutes max for the results.

I do my business and i put it in a plastic bag made for sandwiches. Well i guess i just wait for ten. I sat on the toilet nervous but not too nervous. I am almost 17 and im a senior. Jax is in college and i have a home. I can finish school before its born i believe. Jax will probably be a good father, so nothing to freak about.

"Morgan!" I groaned rubbing my face over. I stayed quiet untill i heard a knock on the bathroom door.

"Morgan open up" he gently spoke beyond the door. I felt tears sting my eyes, i wiped away any wetness and got up. I opened the door for jax, there he stood looking scared.

"Hey jax" i croaked out feeling my emotions come to the surface. I smiled but jax didn't believe it. He embraced me in a tight hug. I wrapped my arms around him and broke the dam in my eyes. I sobbed as jax rubbed my back, comforting me.

"Oh morgan" he spoke sounding heart broken. I felt my knees collapse and he helped me down. We hugged sitting on the floor.

"Jax will you leave me? Im not ready for this, why was i dumb?" I cried into his wet, damp shoulder covered in my tears. I pulled away my face from him and looked him over. His dark eyes showing all kinds of emotions.

"Morgan i wont leave you, its us till the end. I promise i will take care of you, but lets not be sad now because you might not even be pregnant. So lets go to your room and relax" jax shushed me. I nodded standing uo with him. We made it to my room and i saw a brand new bed in the middle. All around was my furniture that i ordered online. I guess it came in this weekend.

"My stuff" i covered my mouth in awe at how beautiful everything was put in place and together.

"I put everything together for you while you went on your visit. I thought about you and how you might need some happiness when you get home, so i did this. We actually have the whole apartment furnished now if you haven't noticed" jax chuckled as i left him to feel my new bed. I smiled and looked at jax who grinned seductively at me.

"Sorry jax but no more sex for me, not after this scare. I dont want to have a child yet or have another child if i am currently holding one. So im done with sex until marriage" i told jax who looked hurt.

"Well jax i think the results should be done after all of that crying and things" i changed the subject to avoid sex talk and compromises with him. I walked past jax and into the bathroom. I picked up the test and it had the color blue on it. I looked at what the color meant.

"Im not pregnant" i mumbled to myself. I smiled kissing the test but it was still in the bag.

"So?" Jax asked walking behind me. I held it up in jax's face.

"Your not, your not pregnant!" Jax cheered lifting me up and spinning me around. We laughed as he rested me on my feet. I pulled my body close to jax watching his eyes. My arms wrapped around his neck and his arms wrapped around my waist.

"I love you" i told him pecking his check. He smiled pecking me back but on the lips.

"I love you too and i would be as excited you were having my kid" i blushed. He kissed my neck trailing kisses down my neck making me moan a little. I pushed his head away and started doing the same. I kissed his neck making him feel a little turned on.

"Wanna have sex for a celebration?" Jax moaned shoving his hands down my pants. I rolled my eyes and pulled out his hands. I backed away and stood my ground.

"No more sex jax and im serious. Jax i love it but i cant have this happen again. I am going to wait till i start my life after i graduate, so no jax, im sorry but no" i but down the line snd jax looked angry. He walked away. I listened as his door slammed shut.

"Your being childish!" I yelled. I heard yelling back but couldn't hear. I sighed and threw away the test. I put on my shoes and headed to jeleenas, to tell her the news.

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