chapter - my very first date

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"So are you gonna tell us about last night?" Amy asked as we ate our cereal without the guys since they were still asleep.

"Theres nothing to really talk about" i shrugged and ate my cereal ignoring their eyes that bore into my soul.

"Are you sure? Because what i saw was that you and your stepbrother were getting hot and heavy in the hot tub with things off" jeleena pressured onto me. I finished eating and put my bowl up and turned to see them cornering me.

"Leave me alone!" I screamed and ran through them and out the kitchen. I looked back and smacked right into someone. I hope its not ron because i dont want his questioning either. I steadied and i saw jax.

I pushed past him embarrassed and i ran up to jeleenas room. I shut the door and fell onto her bed. Man i screwed up. Im going out with gage now and i just made out with jax a couple hours after i told gage we can date and be together, i feel like a slut.

"Hey morgan, we are so sorry for ganging up on you like that" jeleena spoke as she and amy came in looking guilty and they should. I sat up and folded my arms giving a pout.

"You should be, but i guess you should know and i feel like a slut. I promised gage we'd go out and be together and a few hours later im naked making out with Jax in the damn hot tub at midnight!" I squeakes out feeling like crap.

"Its okay morgan its only one mistake and you and gage haven't even started dating yet so just forget about it. You can focus on gage and leave jax alone. Alright and your not a slut, like have you slept with any guy?" Amy questioned with jeleena. I shrugged and shook my head no.

"Alright then so your still a virgin and it was one little mistake just learn from it. So need help with tonight's date?" Jeleena asked walking over to her closet.

"Well yeah but i need something comfortable not sexy" i told her and she diggged through her stuff and pulled out a pair of leggings and a plain red v-neck. She threw them at me and i thanked her.

"Now get dresses for the day and you can also wear this for later. Maybe wear a black jacket and some shoes with your hair in a loose bun" jeleena studied me and i agree wth her.

"Alright then, thanks" ot old them pushing them out so I can change in peace. I shut the door and sighed but i was happy that they understood.

Hours later

"Hey morgan your mans here!" I made my way down stairs and i was prepared for my date with gage. I saw gage holding a single red rose and it had a expensive looking bracelet on it.

"Oh gage" i gushed as i grabbed it from him and put on the bracelet. I smiled and hugged him and jeleena took my flower.

"You look really hot" he told me and kissed me. I kisssd him back and grabbed his hand. I looked back and saw jax staring at us and ron staring to.

"Well see ya" i told them shutting the door and getting in gages car. We drove away and a few miles away. We stopped and parked in front of a paintball range. I looked at gage and i smiled.

"Omg this seems like so much fun, I've never done paintball before!" I squealed and hopped out and didn't hesitate to wait for gage.

"Woah slow down" he laughed grabbing my hand and walking up there with me. He payed for us to get in and we put on some used gear. I was all ready to go.

"Now we are a team Morgan and we are in the game of war. We have to make it to the other side of this course wih out being hit. Got it?" He asked and i nodded and i kissed him. I loaded my gun and we headed off into the course. Gage stayed by me and we hid around objects.

"Watch out!" Gage yelled and i dunked before getting hit. I pulled out my gun ready and looked around to see where the fire came from. I spotted a guy and i let loose and fired. It smacked his chest and he disappeared, probably out now.

"Nice babe" i grabbed gages hand as we made it all the way to the end. We got the flag and we got cheered on. I kissed gage pulling him close.

"That was fun, now how about we go on a moonlight picnic at the beach?" Gage held my hand and i said yes jumping up.

"Lets go, its walking distance so it will be nice" we to the exit and took off our gear leaving it behind. We held each others hands and walked down the dark pathway to the beach. I kept looking at gage because he was wonderful already and i hope hes the one that i marry and such.

"Wow!" I gasped at tge beautiful sight of the waves spilling over and crashing making a wonderful sound. Above the moon and stars were at their brightest. It was like a beautiful dream that i dont want to wake up from.

"Isnt amazing" i looked at gage and nodded pulling him into a kiss. We walked down and hit the cool sand that felt good on my feet. I took off my shoes before i actually came down. We came apon a spread out blanket with two pillows, a picnic basket and a few candles but i rather have it dark.

"Gage this is amazing" i sat down and gage pulled out food. He took a lighter and he lit up one candle to see the food.

"I got the best pizza in town, chocolate covered fruits, and some champagne that i stole from gabes parents" i saw him smirk as he gave me a plate with the foods on it.

"So how long are you staying here?" I askes him taking a bite of the pizza i miss. He swallowed his food and wiped his hands off.

"Well im leaving tomorrow but i didn't want to ruin your night by telling you that" he pointed out and leaned over to kiss my cheek.

"Well im leaving in less than two weeks and we live across from each other so i think things will be fine. Plua i have your number and you have mine, so we can talk or text" i kissed his cheek back and he chuckled.

"Sounds like a plan" i nodded and finished up my food. We got done and we just decided to lay and watch the scenery from here.

"So have you ever dated before?" I asked gage as we snuggled up.

"Yeah once in my life before you. Before you even ask the questions i know you will want i will answer. Yes I've kissed a girl, and no im not a virgin anymore" he chuckled the last part, making me laugh a bit.

"Its okay i like experienced guys. Oh and i just had my first kiss and im still a virgin thats never dated before. Im a lame person" i chuckled back and he did to.

"Was i your first kiss since you've never dated?" He asked. I swalled hard because my first kiss was jax. I cant say it was jax because then that would be awkward as hell.

"Yeah, and i enjoyed it last night" i lied out of my mouth making my stomach hurt. Hes so honest and i just lied.

"Im glad i was your first and i hope to be your last" he leaned over and kissed me. I kissed back still thinking about my lie.

"Well its getting late want me to take you home?" He asked sitting us up as he stretched.

"Yeah im getting kinda tired" he nodded and we picked up the things saying goodbye to this night and back to the car.

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