Chapter 10- Day Two

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(New added chapter)

"Bye Jelena, bye Amy." I hugged my friends before they both left me for today.

Jelena is leaving on a trip to Texas to see some family and Amy is having a vacation at Disney so I won't be able to see them for a week.

"Don't get in trouble while we are gone Morgan. Use condoms, don't do drugs, and don't get arrested." Jelena teased with a goofy grin on her face.

"I won't. I am quite responsible for your information!" I shouted feeling offended with my hand over my heart.

"Okay, I'm just making it clear since me and Amy are going to be gone for a week. Don't have to much fun without us," Jelena giggled passing me a wink.

"What fun? My only friends will be gone for a whole week. Don't worry, I'll be home watching Netflix the entire time." I waved her off with a grin on my face.

"I believe you," Amy laughed knowing that it is basically true. I have no life without my best friends

"Well see ya Morgan," Jelena said happily getting her car.

"Bye Jelena, have fun and find a boyfriend already!" I teased waving as her car drove off.

"Well, bye Morgan, I'll see you soon," Amy spoke with a smils on her face as she got into her parents car.

"Bye amy!" I waved as Amy waved back before her car took off.

I  headed back inside feeling saddened. I closed the door and took off my shoes. I was too sad to do anything. Taking my butt to the couch, I collapsed on my face.

"What's wrong with you?" I lifted my head up to see Jax come in without shirt and pants, just boxers. I growled with the roll of my eyss.

"My friends are gone, now go put on clothes!" I snapped. He ignored me and left.

I groaned loud and louder each time because I didn't know what to do now

I felt the couch dip and my legs get pushed off. My legs thumped on the floor and my head went up.

"Why did you do that?" I asked glaring knives into his eyes. He smirked looking down at me.

"Because I wanted to and your moping is annoying as hell baby cakes." He winked which got a annoyed growl from me. I smacked his bare leg getting a red mark on his leg.

"That hurt!" He whined rubbing his red leg. I mocked him getting up from my weird position.

"Well I'm bored, want to do something today?" I asked Jax. I really didn't want to do anything with him but I can't go have fun by myself.

"I'm surprised. You are actually talking about me," He teased putting a hand over his heart. Rolling my eyes, I put my hands on my hips.

"Well do you or no?"

"Sure, let me go get dressed."

He hopped up and ran to his room. I was dressed and ready, so I guess I wait for him.

He came out with jeans and a white shirt on. He looked ready, so I got up and walked out the door.

"So where are we going?" He asked behind me. I didn't bother to answer until we were both down the street in my car. I don't want him backing out just yet.

"We are going shopping, I need some new clothes."

Before he could complain I stopped him by putting my finger over his lips. I stopped at a light. I looked over at him who had on a frown.

"Afterwards, I want to go to the beach since it's summer and I haven't been yet," I whispered pressing on the gas and going through the light.

"So, don't complain because you also get to see me buy sexy laungerie." I winked pulling my finger away. He was all but silent until I heard a sigh.

"Alright, if I can see that then we are good and I'm in for the beach. It will just be me and you alone. Something might even happen." I looked at him and stuck out my tongue as I shook my head at him.

"Yeah, we will see about that." I muttered.

We arrived at the mall about ten minutes later. I locked my car before heading in with Jax at my side. He was silent but looked a little anxious. He was probably waiting to see what undergarments I'll buy today.

"So we are just heading to Victoria Secret. That's where I buy my sexy panties at." I flirted passing a wink at Jax. He lick his lips as he pulled down his shirt. I guess I made him a little excited, oops.

We entered and instantly Jax had his eyes on every girl in the store. I felt a pang of jealously hit me. I honestly shouldn't be jealous but something about him gets me going.

"Come help me pick something out," I demanded grabbing his hand. I pulled him away to the bras away from other girls.

"Wow, demanding much?" He scoffed as I let go of his hand. I looked at him with a glare before going over bras.

"Just help me out. I wear 32c, so look for that." I rolled my eyes going through bras.

I can't believe I told him my bra size. I guess when I get jealous I do stupid things.

"How about this one?" I looked up from searching to see Jax holding up a black lace bra with a cute red bow in the middle. I blushed, taking it from his hand.

"This looks good. I like it," I told him holding it while looking still.

I heard him shuffle away which left me relieved. I sighed before taking my time to look over the bra again.

It was very nice and my type too. For a guy he has some taste in bras. I actually might get this for myself.

Yeah, I'm going to get it.

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