Chapter - I Hate You

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It went from early October to the beginning of june.. so many months later...

"Son of a bitch!" I yelled slamming my door shut. I fell onto my bed and instantly covered up in my blankets.

Me and Jax had another fight, this time it was about sex. We haven't had sex since I broke up with Gage at the end of September.

Me and Jax had started fighting since April. It's always something. It's either about sex, me hanging out, or me yelling at him because he doesn't pay attention to me anymore.

"Hola, morgan!" I heard the voices of Jelena and Amy barge into my room. I groaned sitting up watching them as they shut the door and made their way to my bed.

"What are you two up to?"

"Well, we graduate in less than two weeks, and we found a house near our collage in Michigan. It has three rooms, a killer basement, a pool in the ground, and it has lots of stores near it. We just came to tell you that you should start packing and saying goodbye to Jax, Ron, and we can take a trip to your parents as a goodbye," Jelena spoke softly as she smiled putting her hand on my leg. I smiled and put my hand over hers.

"I can't believe it's almost over," I sighed looking at the sad faces of Jelena and Amy.

"Right, I can't believe we went from loser freshman to hot seniors," Jelena chuckled flipping her hair. Me and Amy laughed at Jelena's remark.

"Guys, sorry to change the subject but I have boyfriend trouble."

"Okay tell us about it," Jelena suggested getting comfortable.

"Well, Jax has been acting weird and ignoring me by going out with friends. I'm worried."

"Well first of all, Jax doesn't have friends and you should know this. Secondly, it seems like he's seeing someone, " Jelena said with seriousness in her tone.

"He's not cheating on me, he says he loves me," I whined not even touching on the fact that he could be seeing someone.

"Morgan, this is Jax we are talking about, you know mister bad boy stepbrother. You know that all he cares about is sex and since you aren't giving him that he is finding it in other places," Jelena stated the truth not sugar coating it at all.

"Oh my god, he can't cheat on me! I love Jax and if he is I don't think I could handle it. I need to know if he is though, but how can i?" Asked them panicking my ass off.

"We follow him around and see where he sneaks off to. It's simple really, so when's he going to his friends?" Jelena asked. Well, he goes to his friends every night around ten.

"Ten tonight."

"Alright, it's like 9:46, so we have time to do preparations."

"You guys, if he is cheating I don't think I could live here for another day, so what do I do?" I asked them staring at my hands.

"Well, you can pack your clothes and things now, then you can stay at one of our house's until graduation then we can move your stuff."

I nodded standing up and grabbing boxes from the things I ordered. I kept them.

"Can you guys help?" I asked putting on at least a smile for them. They nodded and started helping me out.

Time passed and I heard Jax leave. I signaled the girls for our plan to go into effect. We all rushed out and hopped into Jelena's car.

I watched Jax pull out and leave. We followed behind slowly. There was one car in between us so he can't see us.

We drove for ten minutes before his car came to a stop in front of a club.

"He goes to clubs?" I questioned as we pulled in and parked the car. Me and the girls walked up to the doors with a guard letting people in.

"You all can go."

We all nodded as we made our way inside the club. The music was deafening and the smell of alcohol was stronger than shit.

"Man this is cool!" Jelena cheered looking around. It seemed like she was in paradise.

"He's right there Morgan!" Amy pointed to Jax who had alcohol in his hand while grinding against a girl.

I was about to run over there and sock him but I got stopped. I looked at Jelena and Amy who held me back. I guess I'll have to find another way to get his attention.

"Hey, instead of beating his ass why don't you do the same thing" Jelena smiled with Amy who nodded. I grinned evilly with them and nodded.

"Wanna dance?" I grabbed the nearest guy there was and pulled him to me.

The guy looked really drunk but it's alright, he will do. He nodded and the girls' grinned grabbing their own guy.

I danced against him with my ass making him get hard and groan with pleasure. We were really close to Jax so he will have to notice me. His hands trailed every part that was personal to me but fuck it.

I kept my eyes on Jax who kissed and danced with different girls. I growled getting more reckless. I grabbed the guys hand and pushed it down to my inner thighs.

We moved closer when finally Jax stopped. He stared at me in shock and I kept it going. His face grew with anger. I pushed the guy away in success.

"Let's go," I told the girls as we made our way out of the club leaving behind Jax.

I was just about to get in when I got pushed in. I looked up to see Jax between my legs. I punched Jax but he didn't flinch. I laid down with Jax on top of me.

"Get off you jerk, i hate you!" I screamed at him causing Jelena and Amy to grow angry. He just stared with cold eyes at me. I punched him over and over trying to get him to move but he wouldn't.

"I hate you Jax! Get off!" I screamed feeling sobs form in my throat. I cried tears of anger and sadness. I gave up and let him stay.

"Jax get off, you hurt me," I said slowly and he didn't move. I looked away and saw Amy and Jelena not paying attention because it was too much to watch.

I closed my eyes praying this is just a dream. I felt his body dissappear and my eyes opened. Jax grabbed my violently and threw my phone at Amy. I screamed as he lifted me up taking me somewhere.

"Let go!" I banged on his back.

I felt myself get thrown into a car and the door slam shut. The door locked and it pulled away out of the parking lot. I cried as Jax drove away with me.

"I hate you, Jax, you lied about everything!" I yelled at him as he ignored me while driving.

"Talk to me!" I yelled staring at him with cold hateful eyes.

"Talk to you Morgan, no I should punish you for this. I should take you home and tie you up. I should slowly but surely, fuck you roughly, so you know not to ever dance with another guy besides me. I should pound you so hard that you bleed and learn your lesson. Better yet, I should spank you over my knee!" He yelled back making my sob and flintch.

"Stop being possessive you freak! I'm not some possession and I will never let you do something like that! Do you hear yourself Jax, this isn't you!" I yelled back feeling my heart shatter.

"Shut up Morgan, this is me, the real me. I only care about sex, not love!" My heart officially shattered.

"So you never loved me, that's why you cheated, so you can just get sex!?" I sobbed holding my knees to my chest.

"Yes Morgan," He said more calmly. My heart shatters turned to dust. My love for Jax was gone now.

"We are over, you dick!" I yelled feeling the car jump. Everything was slowed down.

I screamed as we crashed into another car. I had no seat belt on and I was a goner. My life flashed over my eyes and I was gone.

I looked at Jax who quickly unbuckled and jumped over to me holding me. I screamed as the world spinned as things turned black.

My Stepbrother (Editing)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें