New Year's Eve

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Hey guys so here is a New Year special chapter. This takes place before Morgan and Jax broke up.

"Jax!" I yelled clipping on my hoop earrings. I got no answer.

I didn't have the patience for Jax at this moment. I too my other earring and tried clipping it on as I walked out of my room and into the living room of our apartment.

"Jax!" I yelled watching him lay around in basketball shorts and a shirt that had a stain on the breast.

"Really? Why the hell aren't you dressed!" I raised my voice finally getting my earring on my last ear.

I stood with a pop of the hip while my hands rested on them. I glared at Jax who stared at me enjoying a bag of hot cheetos.

"What?" He asked seeming a little offended by my question.

"Jax, we have to get to the party before midnight. I would really appreciate it if you actually tried to look good," I demanded still giving him my glare.

Jax popped another chip in his mouth trying to look innocent. I sighed shaking my head in disappointment. It's our first New Year's Eve together and he doesn't even care.

"Fine, I'm going alone like always. Have fun eating and watching the ball drop by yourself," I spoke in a soft tone as I grabbed my jacket and phone.

I grabbed the handle before feeling a hand gripped my wrist tightly. I followes the arm to a very sorry looking Jax.

"Don't leave babe. I'll go get dressed and I'll drive us. You're not spending this night alone. Just give me a few minutes and I'll be ready," Jax begged.

I nodded taking my hand off the handle. Jax smiled rushing away to his room.

As I waited my phone started ringing Baby by Justin Bieber. It was Rons ring tone because I know how much he hates the song.

"Hello," I answered already knowing what he wants.

"Where are you guys? It's ten minutes until the ball drops. The party is getting more wild too."

"Jax wasn't dressed so now I have to wait for his ass. We will be there I swear. Just calm down and be patient," I told him trying to keep calm myself.

We are going to miss this party and the ball drop all because Jax wouldn't move his ass. I'm going to be so pissed if we miss midnight.

"Okay, hurry. I still need someone to drive me that won't be wasted. I'll see ya in a bit," Ron said hanging up without giving me a chance to answer.

I shook my head agrrivated with everything right now. I should of left twenth minutes ago but no, I just had to think Jax would be ready to go.

"How do I look?" Jax asked coming out in a black dress shirt with a grey tie. He wore a pair of black dress pants with blacm dress shoes and finally his gelled his hair down finally.

I smirked clicking my heels as I walked over to him. I pulled on his tie bringing him into my body.

"You looking hot. If we didn't have a party to get to I would have you in bed right now," I growled nipping at his lips.

Jax didn't fight but welcomed my flirting. Jax pressed his cool lips against mine before running his hand down and gripping my ass tighlty.

"We could do that.." Jax trailed off breaking away from my lips.

I shook my head letting go of his tie. I walked ahead leaving him behind.

"Sorry, but we have a party to get to and we have less than seven minutes to get there. So let's go!"

Me and Jax walked to his car and got in. We quickly exited the apartment parking and sped onto the empty road.

Thank god everyone was partying. This made getting to the party alot easier since no one is on the road.

We headed out of the small city and drove down a dark lonely road. The house was two miles away and we should make it.


I whipped my head to Jax who's car sputtered. Jax slowly decended the car to the side of the pitch black road that was lit up by his lights only.

"What happened?" I questioned freaking the fuck out.

Jax turned off his vehicle and the lights followed leaving us in total darkness.

"I forgot to put gas in. We ran out."

Jax looked over at me with a forced smile. I wasn't smiling, I was pissed.

"Jax, it's our first New Year as a couple and now it's ruined," I whined hitting my head on the back of the head rest.

"It's not ruined. I got you and you got me. We are alone and we don't need a stupid party even if it probably would be fun," Jax said grabbing my cheek, pulling my face to him.

I stared at Jax who had on a sincere smile. He was right about that but how are we supposed to know when it's midnight.

"What about the ball?" I asked.

Jax let go of my cheek and pulled out his phone. He quickly typed in something before propping it on the dashboard.

It was live video of New York. It was thirty seconds until midnight. The ball was slowly decending.


I felt my heart bubble from how Jax was fixing the situation. It might not be the party but Jax made it ten times better.

"There, now we can watch the ball drop. It might not be perfect like the party but it's something. I'm sorry for ruining your night," Jax whimpered looking at the phone.

"It's perfect. I wouldn't change this night for anything. You made me feel all better," I told him grabbing his hand in mine.

Jax looked at me and smiled. Then the count down from ten has begun. I watched Jax who started counting down.

"Five, four, three, two, one."

Jax crashed his lips to mine just as cheering sounded. I grabbed his face pulling him closer into me.

Our lips assulted each other as we kissed. He bit at my lower lip sending me into moans.

Jax stopped and gazed at me breathlessly. I panted along with him gazing into his brown eyes.

"Happy New Year Morgan, I love you."

"Happy New Year Jax, and I love you."

Well there you go. Happy new year and hoped you enjoyed this short. Give a star and comment if I should do more of these for special occasions like holidays.

My Stepbrother (Editing)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz