Chapter 9- Movie Night

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(New added chapter)

Okay, so I bought tons of snacks for tonight. We are all going to have fun tonight. I got a variety of snacks ranging from gummy bears to ice cream and chips.

Now we have the whole living room to ourselves. I sent Ron away to his friends house and Jax is with someone that I could care less about.

Jax shouldn't bother us because he's out of the house probably banging a chick and I locked the back door.

"Hey girl!" I turned around from putting in the movie. I saw Jelena and Amy come in with pj's on and more food.

"I hope you guys are ready for our movie night," I chimed sitting down on the couch.

In front of the couch was the coffee table and on that coffee table was all of the food.

"Holy shit that's a ton of snacks. I think I'm going to gain twenty pounds tonight," Jelena spoke with crazy eyes.

"Yep and you can thank Jax for the prize. I did bet on if his whore can go another round with Jax. Turns out she couldn't," I said giving a shrug.

Jelena look confused and disgusted. Looking over to Amy who also looked disgusted.

"He already found a girl to sleep with? Damn that guy works fast," Jelena stated sitting on the couch with Amy.

"Yeah, I know and he's so bipolar. I swear he was nice to me at the wedding sorta and when I went to buy you guys food. Now today he is being a total dick saying I'll want him soon. He's dreaming."

Jax makes my blood boil and we haven't even known each other for long. I can tell that having him as a brother would be a mess already.

"So, shall we watch paranormal activity now?" I hummed changing the subject as I plopped down on the couch with the girls. They all nodded with devious smirks written on them.

"let's get this party started!"

Time went on and it was the only one still awake after two scary movies. I was watching a third alone when I heard the bang of a window shut.

I got up picking up my bat, which I kept just in case a real killer came and this was the perfect moment.

I walked into the dark hallway all the way to my room which held the noise.

I crept to my door before slowly putting my hand over the knob. I slowly twisted and then pushed the door open.

"Hey!" I didn't think twice before swinging my bat at the shadow. I swung it until the person caught it with one hand.

"Let go!" I yelled before the person took the bat away.

I almost screamed but it got muffled by a hand covering my mouth. I tried so desperately to claw my way out but I couldn't.

"Chill Morgan, it's me Jax."

I stopped panicking when I heard Jax's warm voice. I am so happy that it wasn't a serial killer.

"Okay," I muffled into his hand with a nodding head.

He slowly let go and I turned around to see Jax standing there in all black.

"God dammit Jax! Don't scare me like that. I could have killed you!" I yelled low so I didn't wake up the girls.

"I doubt that. I caught the bat so you probably would've have got killed or even kidnapped. Watch your back more cupcake." He sang pushing past me with force. I stumbled before turning to him and following him.

"I'm not a cupcake you asshole. Now get out, go back to your whores," I demanded following him to the kitchen.

He ignored me and got out the orange juice carton. He popped it opened and started chugging the thing!

"That's gross and I told you to leave," I demanded snatching it from his hands to only spill some on his shirt. He looked at his shirt then at me with an angry face.

"You bitch. You stained my shirt!" He shouted staring daggers at me. I am so glad looks can't kill because I would be in hell.

"Fuck off Jax," I snapped opening the fridge and tossing the now closed carton in. I slammed the fridge shut to see Jax taking off his shirt.

"Put that back on," I hissed ignoring his toned body in front of me. It was hard not to stare but I can't give in to my girl weakness of guys.

"No, because you got juice all over me. I also have a right be here. Your mom said that I can stay here so deal with it."

He threw his shirt at me hard. I shook from anger bubbling up. I am about to be in jail for murdering his ass.

"Why are you such an asshole? You were nice to me at the wedding and last might when you took me home. Are you bipolar or something?" I asked, looking over Jax who's expression softened a bit.

"I'm sorry, okay. I am bipolar actually and I guess for some reason you just have an affect on me. You sometimes make me mad without trying." I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. I had no words.

"You make feel awkward." I stared at Jax who had on a grin.

I just stood there like an idiot until Jax made a move closer to me. His eyes were soft and his expression relaxed.

His body was inches from mine as his hand went to my cheek. His eyes searched me before he slowly moved his lips towards mine.

His lips pressed against mine making my heart jump to the moon. I was in complete shock from his actions. We were jist arguing now he's kissing me. He's kissing his sister.

I pushed him back breaking away from that kiss. He gasped shocked at my actions against his.

"Jax, I can't do this with you. We are brother and sister now. We only made out at the wedding because we wantes to mess with people. Jax we can't have this kind of relationship," I explained feeling guilt wash over me. I shouldn't be guilty but I am. This is wrong and he knows it.

I watched over Jax as his expression hardened once again. He was back to his angry self already. I guess he really is bipolar like he said. He is a severe case at that.

"Fine, I have plenty of ass that I can have. I don't need you or the sex. Bye Morgan."

He walked out in an angry way. I walked into the living room to see Jax head into the dark hallway.

He was the one that started it and he's getting what he asked for. We can't be together and he should know this, even if it was for a booty call. I won't fall for my stepbrother.

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