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before you read, no, larry and niam won't all be getting their pov's i'm trying to keep it simple and making it ashton and luke's only. the only time they will get their pov's is this chapter or sometimes at the ends of chapters with their parenting modes


harry's pov

"babe just calm down they're almost done stitching you up." louis smiled at me and kissed my forehead. the stupid assholes had put the needle in the wrong place so i felt everything. (this literally happened to my mom when she was having my twin brothers) i closed my eyes, breathing through my nose strongly as i tried to compose myself. i couldn't ask for them to inject another one because too much would have been bad for the baby.

the pain that thing has caused me i swear.

nine months of kicks and cramps i don't understand how he could be so active. yoga couldn't even help me the only thing that seemed to shut him up was louis' hands. 

i grinned when they said they finished.

my whole left side was numb due to the injection but i sighed in content as they cleaned me up and remove the curtain. "can i hold my little devil now?"

the nurse chuckled at me before nodding, leaving the room and coming back with my baby. "name?" she asked curiously as she set him down in my arms. i could tell he was going to have curly hair already. "ashton, ashton fletcher tomlinson" i bit my lip and looked up at louis for approval. he smiled and nodded. 

after spelling it out for her so it wasn't printed wrong, i was wheeled down into another room for recovering while i smiled down at my bundle of joy. "hi baby." i ran my thumb against his cheek as they left and louis quickly grabbed the chair and scooted it closer to the bed before sitting down. "hi ashton."

he curled into my chest more and i looked over at louis, tears starting to prick my eyes. "i love him so much already."

"you're going to love him even m- harry!" he scooted closer as ashton moved back around in my arms and his eyes slowly opened. i stared into the hazel green eyes and louis was smiling so wide i thought he'd get stuck like that. 

"i'm glad that i have you." he spoke quietly, leaning his cheek on his palm and i pressed a kiss to his forehead. "you too."


liam's pov

9 days later

"and finished." the doctor peeked over the curtain and niall sighed out in content. the nurse came back into the room with a small bundle in her hands and carefully handed him over to niall. "name?"

"luke robert payne" i grinned and pressed a kiss to niall's forehead. "looks like you'll be going swimming soon." she motioned to luke as she wrote down his name. his eyes had opened and she wasn't kidding when she said that. they were like a baby blue certainly not from me, i pouted when seeing the tuff of blonde hair. "don't worry, he's got your nose a little bit." niall nudged me and i smiled a little. 

"you're all set, he's very quiet but boy can he cry." she laughed before leaving us alone.

i glanced down at luke once more, catching him stare at me and i knew things were going to be okay.


so first chapter short but lmao what did you want the whole birth expierence?

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