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luke and ashton are eleven (feel like you guys are bored with their parenting so ill speed it up)



louis' pov

"happy birthday!" i shouted, grinning as luke peaked his head out from under the covers. niall sadly had to go to work earlier in the morning, but promising he'd be back in time for the birthday party.

that meant i had to plan the entire thing.

i sat down at the edge of his bed and luke grinned. "is that for me?"

"who else would it be for?" i scoffed and handed it to him. he giggled. "where's dad?"

"he had to go to work early, but don't worry he'll be back just in time for your party. ashton is coming too." i watched as he blushed at his name. "who do you want to invite from your class?"

i watched as he frowned. "i don't have a lot of friends."

"oh, then uh- do you just want it to be us and the payne family?" i gave him a worried look. don't all eleven year olds want to go all out on their eleventh birthday?"

luke shrugged but nodded. "can i have my present now."

i handed it to him and watched as he opened it, quickly putting a smile on my face as he got down the box underneath. "you got me a phone?!" he gasped as he held his new samsung galaxy s6. (i fu.cking hate iphones)

i sighed and nodded, it nearly costed me half my life.

"i figured since ashton got one you could have one too? just don't be doing stuff you're not supposed to be doing." i placed a hand on his shoulder and looked at him sternly. "don't fu.cking break it."

luke gulped and nodded his head, throwing me into a hug and almost dropping the phone in the process. i knew niall said it would be a bad idea. "i love you so much! thank you." he kissed my cheek. "can i use it now?"

"we need to get it activated first so get dressed." i stood up from his bed and he carefully placed the phone down on the nighstand. i left the room as he got dressed and slipped my shoes on as he came on. "are you sure you don't want to do anything special?"

luke froze, nodding his head slowly and i sighed. "cmon then, it takes a while."


i have never seen a boy so interested in a phone before. luke's eyes were glued to the screen as he texted, probably ashton since it was the only other number in his phone other than me and niall. i pulled up into the driveway, seeing the porch light on and knowing niall was probably home. the phone wasn't that bad of an idea, he didn't get it taken away at school today but what made me glance over was his blushing cheeks.


no no.

i was never one of those parents to go through their kids phone, that's disgusting and it's called respecting their privacy. i was just hoping luke wouldn't be making any bad decisions with ashton. in fact, the boy has been causing a lot of trouble lately.

i got out of the car, luke following after and going straight to his room. "happy birthday lukey!- oh where is he?" niall frowned as he jumped out from behind the counter.

"he's on his phone, just call him out here." i grinned, a smirk playing on my face.

niall shouted. "luke! come here i want to see your new phone!"

the boy shuffled out of his room and handed the phone over, niall nodding his head at me. "can't believe you bought him a nicer phone than me."

luke was looking around worridely. "when is ashton coming over?"

before either of us could answer the doorbell ring and niall tossed the phone back to luke, who eagerly stuffed it back into his pocket. "luke was just talking about you." niall giggled and let ashton in.

the two made eye contact before looking away.

we decided to just let the boys do what they wanted, of course after harry tackled luke into a hug and hoping his present was the best. by the time it was almost ten we called everyone back into the kitchen to start presents and cake. "okay which one do you want first?"

"i call us going last." harry piped in and niall rolled his eyes and pushed the present towards luke. "you'll make mine look like shit."

luke grinned and opened it, smiling at the new pairs of clothes. "aren't these the ones i picked out yesterday?"

niall shrugged. "i don't know are they?"

luke let out a little giggle. "i love them, thank you."

harry pushed his present forward and started bouncing on his toes. "open them, mine are cooler."

the first thing luke got was a couple new video games that must have costed a fortune and ended in me throwing money back at them because they didn't need to spend so much. the next thing however wasn't given in the kitchen, but instead hiding inside of luke's room where ashton left it.

"it was from all of us so i hope you like them. ashton picked a few of them out since he knows you best." liam grinned and luke pulled them into a hug. "thank you they're great."

he pulled niall into a hug too and said i love you, which niall immediantly responded to and kissed his cheek much to his embarrassment. "so i think that everyone should sleep over, you know so we could also get some alone time. luke you don't mind do you?" i asked and he shook his head no.

so then on for the rest of the night ashton and luke stayed back in luke's room, probably opening the present ashton walked in with. "they're growing up too fast on me." i shook my head smiling as harry and liam finally stopped laughing at something niall had said.

"tell me about it, next thing you know they'll be fifteen and driving and then eighteen and off to college. it's going to be so good having the house to ourselves. all the sex we want." harry said dreamily and i snorted.

"how long have we been friends for? because i'm up for a foursome." louis spoke up and we all broke into a fit of laughter. "what? we've been friends for a long time, i doubt we'll ever start hating eachother.


louis you have spoken too soon (-:

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