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luke and ashton are seven

i won my first basketball game today everything hurts and this hoe gave me a nose bleed


harry's pov

"i think we should go to disneywold." ashton gave me innocent puppy dog eyes and i rolled my own. "where are you going to get the money from?"

"trees?" he tilted his head to the side a bit and i groaned quietly. 

"ashton i'm sorry, we can't go to disneyland. besides, we wouldn't be able to afford it." i tried to reason but he stood his ground. "i want to go to disneyland!"

"and you cant!" i mocked his loud voice and he stomped his foot again. "i'll ask papa then."

i shrugged, knowing that louis would say no and flicker my eyes back from the tv. a couple minutes later ashton came back out, the same frown on his face as he climbed on the couch and leaned his head against my shoulder. "he said no."

"i know."

"are you a sidekick?"

"do i kick you in the side?"

"no! the mind thingy."

"my brain?"

ashton groaned in annoynace. "i don't like you."

"well that's too bad." i pulled him to my chest and started to squish him. as soon as he started to struggle i tickled his sides making him shriek. "p-papa! help!"

louis ran through the hallway, rolling his eyes once ashton was just being tickled. "this is your emergency?"

"d-stop!" he cried and i let go. ashton slowly tried to catch his breath. "i just wanted to go to disneyland." 

"we'll see what we can do." i looked at louis and he nodded his head in agreement. ashton grinned and pulled me into a hug. "i love you."

before i had the chance to say it back he let go and ran to louis, repeating the process and running back to his room. i leaned against the couch and sighed, closing my eyes and the couch dipped. a pair of hands grabbed at my shoulders lightly and i choked on a moan as they started to work against my skin. "keep doing that please."

louis chuckled, continuing his movements. gradually his hands started to move lower and i tensed, feeling his hands slip underneath my sweatpants. (lol no) before anything could move any further though, the phone rang and i grabbed it from it from the table. "hello?"

niall's voice rang through the phone. "harry! my sweet little baby, could i ask a favor from you?"

louis' hands got back to work. 

"depends on what it is." i chuckled. 

"well i'm kind of sending luke over right now i don't think you have a choice."

there was a knock at the front door and louis got up and answered it, smiling at liam before shutting the door and letting luke in. "are you guys going out or something?"

"you could put it like that, we just wanted to have sex tonight."

i grimaced and hung up the phone, smiling at luke. "ashton is in his room, do you want anything?"

the blonde shook his head and i nodded, allowing him to go to ashton's room. "go check on them please."

"why do i have to do it?" louis defended and i glared at him. he pressed his lips into a tight line and ran off the ashton's bedroom. 

i laid back onto the couch, deciding to take a quick nap knowing nothing could go too wrong. right?


louis' pov

i kept my mouth shut as i stared at the two boys in front of me. 

they had opened the door and i fell face first onto the floor, both of them knowing i had been listening to their conversation for some time. "hi?"

"yes?" ashton looked irritated and i tried not to snap at him. i should have respected his privacy. 

"you guys need to go to bed soon, luke i can set up the-"

"he can sleep here!" ashton cut me off and i raised an eyebrow at him. "i- uh- we're both small?"

i narrowed my eyes at him but accepted the answer, closing the door on my way out. i walked back into the living room seeing harry passed out on the couch. i carefully picked him up, carrying him to the bedroom and setting him down on the bed. i pulled the covers over him before climbing in myself, spooning him. 

of course not without hearing the faint giggles coming from down the hall. 

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