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luke and ashton are three

ugh can't go too fast w this so whoop larry


harry's pov

"LOOK HOW CUTE THIS IS!" louis held up ashton, he was wearing one of louis' t-shirts and i rolled my eyes. he's been doing this for the past hour. "you've showed me that shirt already."

"can we play now?" ashton tried to get out of his grip but louis hugged him to his chest. "he's too perfect for this world." 

i kept my eyes reading over the newspaper, looking for a job for myself and groaning when none were in the ads today. i buried my face into my arms until someone tugged on my pajama bottoms. "papa says to ask you what's wrong."

"because he's too much of a-" i cleared my throat. "i'm fine sweetheart."

i picked him up and sat him on my lap as i started to play with his curls. "would you ever put bows in your hair?"

ashton shrugged and leaned his hand against my chest. i placed a kiss on top of his forehead and tapped his thighs so he knew to get down. "go as papa if he'll take you to the park."

ashton grinned, quickly running off down the hall to where louis must have gone. i got down from the stool i was sitting on and followed after him when he hadn't come back in nearly half an hour, peaking through the office door to see louis talking to him about something. 

"what did he say?"


"are you sure? did he look sad or anything?"

my heart clenched a little.

ashton shrugged and louis rubbed at his face in frustration. i knocked at the door before letting myself in. "everthing okay?"

"we're fine." louis got up. "can you get ashton dressed so i can take him to the park?"

i nodded and ashton ran off to his bedroom with me trailing behind him. after putting him in some khaki shorts and a plain purple t-shirt, louis took him to the park while i stayed home and watched tv. overall i wouldn't call my life hard, it was farely easy if i must say. there hasn't been a lot of problems with it but i won't say it's perfect. i rested my head against the couch pillow properly, trying to get myself comfortable but failing miserbly. i threw the pillow across the room, getting frustrated with it but cringed when hearing a loud thud and a following crack coming with it soon after.

i looked at the picture frame of one of louis and groaned when realizing i would have to clean it.

why do consequences exist?

i went towards the kitchen and grabbed a broom and a dustpan, carefully making sure not to step on any glass but shrieked as blood started to trail on the floor. i lifted up my foot, seeing minature shards and what the fuck. how did i not feel this? i hopped on one leg towards the kitchen and lifted my foot up and over the sink. running water over it to dry away the blood. i glanced towards the cabinet where the first-aid was and breathed slowly.

i can do this. 

with one foot in the sink, i hopped on my other foot and outstretched my arm, my fingers barely gracing the knob of the cabinet before i lost my balance. i quickly gribbed onto the whole cabinet, making the mistake of putting my whole weight on it and hearing the faint cracking noise it made before it broke off and i tumbled to the floor. 

i groaned quietly, moving the cabinet door off of me and slowly standing up. i quickly grabbed the first aid and rinsed my foot again, drying my foot off and individually taking out all the shards before wrapping it up before any more blood seaped through the cut. 

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