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ashton's pov

i slowly shut my window that i have kept open for the passed twenty minutes. twenty minutes ago where luke left and shut his windows and his blinds. all i wanted to do was scream but i kept my cool as i layed down on my bed and buried my face into the pillow. 

i layed there for a good two solid hours before a knock came to my door and my father's voice was hear. "you okay?"

"fine." i mumbled. "when does school start again?"

"two weeks, you ready to start highschool?" he wiggled his eyebrows at me and i giggled. "i guess, is it hard?"

"shouldn't be, maybe a little more stressful but i'm sure you'll be okay. you've got your friends there to help you out remember?" he gave me a warm smile but i felt like crying. 

i didn't want my friends i wanted luke.

i just nodded my head in hopes he would go away but he stayed. "look, i'm sorry but we just want what's best for you."

"how do you know what's best for me?" i scoffed. "you're not me, you won't ever feel the things i feel."

as soon as the frown came on to his face he left and shut the door after him. i stayed silent, hearing him speak up again to my dad. i knew they were going to start talking to eachother about me. i didn't bother listening as i stayed quiet to myself. how long would i have to deal with this?

luke's pov

i laughed along with my dad at his ridiculous story. after what had happened i felt like i made the right decision. i've been scared ever since i started to wear makeup. ashton would always say i looked cute and that it suited me but that was just one opinion. what would everyone else think? 

although i looked fine it didn't feel like i was fine, all i wanted to do right now was go and talk to asthon but i couldn't. we could have lied through it but i would never lie to my parents, although ashton would find a way to convince me. i groaned quietly, the more i thought about it the more i thought i was right. i shouldn't be hanging out with him he's a terrible influence on me. 

"everything okay?"

"yeah." i smiled. "i'm just going to take a nap."

i mentally slapped myself because i had lied as i made my way to the bedroom. terrible. i laid down on my bed and stayed there, not falling asleep but thinking. how long could i go on with this? i rolled onto my side and stared at my mirror, shaking my head knowing all the secrets hiding behind it. i glanced towards the window and angrily got up, moving the mirror and taking the skirts and hidden makeup and weaving my way out of the house. i clutched them to my chest as i made my way to the trashcan and opening the lid. 

i froze when seeing ashton locking the front door behind him as he stepped back. 

we shared a small glance before his eyes flickered to the items i was holding. i just shook my head and dumped them inside of trashcan, slamming the lid and going back into the house while ignoring the pained expression on his face. i can do this, i can ignore him for the rest of my life. right?

it's whats best for me

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