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luke and ashton are five


liam's pov

"i still can't believe it's only been two years since we met." harry smiled as he lifted a glass. "and only now finally get a night out to ourselves."

everyone else held up their glasses and laughed as i almost spilled mine. a blush rose to my cheeks but we all pressed our glasses together finally. "to a perfect night out!"

"to a perfect night out!"

i brought the glass to my lips and down the champange. 

it's been two years, and nobody wanted to babysit our kids for either ashton and luke causing some type of trouble we needed to turn the car around for or just the fact that we were gay and parents. i rolled my eyes at the faint memories. i wasn't going to take it to heart because it didn't matter. tonight was going to be one we can have to ourselves, hopefully without a phone call.

our food was set down in front of us moments later and louis mouth watered at the sight of it. i quickly grabbed a fork and picked up a few pieces of chicken before putting it in my mouth and moaning quietly to myself.  louis did the same, "i've never tasted something so much better-"

"than your own cooking." harry cut in and niall snorted. the two have grown close but you know how those typically moms are. 

i patted his back. "don't take it to heart, remember last years thanksgiving?" 

he nodded, smiling like an idiot at the memory

"you almost burned the house down!" i looked up with a blush on my cheeks. the apron had black burn marks on it and i coughed a little as the smoke got into my system. i placed the half burned turkey down on the countertop and took of the burnt mitten gloves too. 

"how do you think the boys are doing?" harry cut in and i shrugged. "do you want to call the babysitter?"

"stop worrying about them, you need to live a little!" niall grunted and quickly excused himself to the bathroom. 

live a little?


babysitter's pov 

i ran a hand through my dark curly hair and stared at the two boys sitting criss cross in front of me, i watched as they eyes eachother a little. "what do you guys want for dinner?"

"pizza!" the said in sync and i nodded, getting up and walking to the kitchen. they trailed behind me and i could still feel them eyeing eachother. honestly it was cute, i already called them lasthon. i grabbed the twenty off the counter and took out my phone, calling the place i work at and waiting for someone to pick up the phone.

usually it was my job.


"yeah hey it's me." i mouthed quietly, "what do you want?"


"are you babysitting char-"

"yes, can i order a medium cheese pizza?"

"okay." my co-worker chuckled. "address?"

after i gave the adress i hung up after it was going to be a ten minute wait. the boys sat and watched tv and i glanced at the clock seeing a i only had a few hours left. i stayed in the kitchen and did a few dishes, not wanting to look like a slob. when i first saw them they looked like they were tired with their life. 

i grinned when hearing the doorbell ring and eagerly opened the door,trying to refrain from frowning when seeing it was the kid who never shut up. he ran his mouth faster than people in marathons. i threw the twenty at him and took the pizza out of his hands, closing the door in his face after saying keep the change. 

people these days, i swear they're just so rude.

"pizza is here!" i yelled, seeing no boys run towards me. 

i looked at the sofa and they were gone. i set the box down on the dining table and tip-toed my way through the hallway, praying that they were at least in the house.

god help me if they're gone.

my prayers were answered when i heard giggling coming from the bathroom. the door was shut and i placed my hand on the handle. please don't be sucking faces. 

wait, they're like five.

i swung the door open, closing my mouth in a thin line before i could speak for myself.

luke was sat on the sink, well mainly in the sink but ashton was standing on the step stool inbetween his legs putting eyeliner on him. "a-almost got it!"he stuck his tongue out and luke held is breath as his eyes were squeezed shut.

i cleared my throat.

"need help?"

ashton nearly fell off the chair and luke tried to scramle out of the sink but i quickly stepped inside and shut the bathroom door. "guys calm down you're too young for an existential crisis"

they stopped moving and i held my hand out. ashton looked down and shyly handed me the eyeliner. "i assume you wanted to try it out?"

luke nodded and i grinned. "sit up straight a little."

at first he looked confused but did as told. i gently placed one hand on his cheek to keep my hand steady and told him to close his eyes. "wait, you guys never sharpened it." i scoffed and dug through the cabinets until i found a pencil sharpener. once it was to a reasonable point i lifted luke's chin up and pressed it to his eyelid, easily making a perfect line. 

"that look okay?" i asked curiously and luke turned his head over his shoulder and smiled. "we should do wings!" i gasped and quickly turned luke back to me. ashton was watching intentally as i winged it and did the same to his other eye. "it's all done, how about we go and get pizza?"

both of there eye's widened and luke jumped down, nearly giving me a heartattack as they both ran past me. 

by the time it was nearly eleven, the two had fallen asleep in ashton's bed cuddled up to eachother. i reminded luke to always sharpen the pencil, make dots and connect them and wing it more upward if he ever wanted to keep wearing it. and to wash it off and never leave it on too long. 

i sat down on the couch scrolling through my phone till the front door unlocked and i shot up, quickly taking my feet off the table and acting casual. "hi."

"are they asleep?" harry whispered as he tugged off his coat and shoes. i nodded and he turned around. "luke can just stay the night, you two have fun."

a loud thank you was heard and i assumed it was directed to both of us, i walked towards them, getting ready to leave but louis stopped me and handed me a hundred. "you earned it."

i smiled, slowly accepting the money not wanting to look eager. "honestly i'd do this every day if i could. they're really cute." i chuckled and they raised an eyebrow. "so they were good?"

"more than that." i shook my head smiling, saying goodbye and walking out the door. 

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