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dear god save me from my writing

who's not straight so i can date you


luke's pov

the next morning, i did not expect to have arms wrapped around me.

i took a deep breath, trying not to freak out as i glanced down at the very (get ripped) muscular arm hanging loosely around my waist. i pressed one hand firmly on the mattress as i tried to push myself up but they threw their leg over me and pushed me back down. their face buried into my neck and i huffed out into annoyance. i slowly tried to get up again, only to be hugged closer and i quickly turned around. 

i came face to face with ashton.

his hair was a disaster, strands everywhere and i moved one out of his face. his nose scrunched up at the action and i refrained from cooing at the sight. wait fuck, no. i placed both hands on ashton's chest this time to push him away but he pulled me closer and rolled so he was on his back. my cheek was pressed to his chest as i laid on top of him. "i fucking hate you." i grumbled, placing my hands on either side of him and trying again.

ashton only seemed to pull me closer and as i came back down he moved upwards and my cheeks flushed at the friction. i let out a squeak as he moved again but froze as soon as i heard him chuckle. "you asshole!" i slapped him across the face and he grabbed my hand and flipped us both over. "what did you just call me?"

"you heard me." i spat, watching ashton's every move as he sat up more, straddling my lower waist. i tried to push him off but frowned in defeat when he didn't even budge. "what are you doing in my bed ashton?" 

"comforting you." he pulled a big fake smile and i scoffed. "from what? i'm fine." 

"well that's not what your insanely loud sobs at four in the morning said." he outstretched his legs a little and i tried to push him off again. nothing. "i was fine, how did you even get in here?"

"we broke the lock on your window like, eight years ago." he rolled his eyes and i thought back to it. "besides, you didn't sound fine what happened?"

"that's none of your business." i mumbled, turning my head as i stared at the blank wall in front of me. 

"okay, i'll get it out of you sooner or later then." he grabbed my cheeks with one hand and made me look at him. "but we need to talk."


"last night." he spoke quieter but i didn't question it. 

"what happened last night?" i lied smoothly, already knowing the events that took place.

"well, you got a little too comfortable with me." he spoke and my eyes widened a little. i let my thoughts recollect and i buried my face in my hands in embarressment. "please don't tell."

"why would i?" he gently moved my hands from my face. "that just means i wouldn't see you as much as i'm allowed to now." 

"well i still think it's best that you shouldnt." i huffed and his smile fell. "you're still a terrible influence."

ashton chuckled. "really? luke that might have been true five years ago but we both know you're just as bad as i am now. maybe even worse." 

"you have no proof."

"i don't?" he raised an eyebrow at me. "says the one who lied to their parents and went to a party, drank underage, tried to get me to have sex with him, and don't even get me started on the outfit you were wearing. the most i've done is smoke."

i sat there quietly before speaking. "i didn't try to have sex with you."

"your dance moves said otherwise. in fact, i think they went a little like this." ashton started to move his hips in slow circles and my eyes fluttered closed. he grinded down on me and i moaned a little before he stopped his movement. i slapped his arm harshly. "why did you stop?!"

"so you liked it?"

"i never said that."

"you implied it."


my eyes widened and i  pushed ashton away as hard as i could when his body slumped against mine in panic, watching his eyes go wide before he fell off the bed. 

the sound echoed around the room and i panicked when i heard a series of footsteps. i scooted towards the end of the bed and ashton looked up at me as he started to get off the floor. "i bet you i can make you admit that you're no better than i am." he spoke quickly and i narrowed my eyes at him. "deal."

we shook hands on it before i shoved him. "hide!" 

ashton threw himself into the bathroom and as soon as the door shut behind him i threw myself onto the floor and watched my bedroom door open. "are you okay?" my dad looked at me and then towards the bed. 

"fine, just had a really good dream and got too into it." i lied and he raised an eyebrow at me. "what happened in this dream again?"

my cheeks flushed. "nothing that you're thinking about!"

he shrugged his shoulders in agreement, leaving my room but without shouting, "your hard-on says otherwise!"

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