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warnings: mentions of rape (not fully, but almost. but that doesn't mean people can't get triggered by it) when you see one of the words bolded that's where it starts and ends so you don't have to read it.

gabriel is who luke lost his virginity too, i never gave him a name


"looking for someone?" a voice certainly not ashton's spoke behind me. 

"yeah, not you." i spat, turning on the light switch and staring at the man in front of me. he was old enough to be a father and i swallowed the lump in my throat. "i'll be going now."

i twisted the knob, expecting it to open but it didn't and i quickly started to jiggle the knob. "let me out!"

"not till i've gotten what i wanted." his voice fanned against my neck and i shoved him away. the music was blaring over our voices and i felt like crying. "you're sick! just give me the fucking key so i can leave." 

"you expect it so easy? wearing a skirt like that." he tsked and i almost threw up. i banged on the door, shouting loudly before he grabbed me from behind and pulled me closer to him. i struggled to wiggle from his grip as he brought me back towards the bed and i fell on top of him. i flipped over and placed my hands on his chest, using all the force i could to push off of him but he pulled me back again. i choked on my sobs as i screamed, moving his hands away as fast as i could before they could reach my skirt. "get off of me!"

he ran his hands over my sides, and brought one hand up to my throat. my breathing slowly started to stop as he started to put pressure and i choked. "s-stop." i spoke with what i had as he reached into my skirt and started to palm me. 

as soon as his hand worked his way back up to his own jeans the door opened and my gaze fell onto gabriel's head peeking into the room.  the man let go and laughed lightly and i took notice of how he tried to hide his face. "thanks for interuppting us, i guess i'll be going now."

"you'll be going where? move your hands away from your face you fucking coward, i know it's you dad." he spoke, now standing in the middle of the room, his jaw was locked as he stared at him.  i sniffled and wiped under my eyes, trying not to scratch at every place he touched. "what the fuck are you doing here you're supposed to be with mom at your anniversary dinner." 

before he could speak gabriel cut him off again. "how many times have you been to these parties?"

he mumbled something and gabriel stomped over to him, forced his chin up to look at him. "how," he gripped harder. "many." 

"i don't need to tell you anything boy." he grabbed gabriel's wrists and i shot up from the bed. "you speak a word of this and i'll make sure you never go to college." 

he pushed past him and gabriel fell to my side, quickly checking to see if i was okay. "oh god what did he do?"

i shook my head. "nothing, i should uhm- i should go home now yeah?" 

"i'll drive you." gabriel helped me up and we pushed our way to the kitchen to where the stereo was. gabriel shut the music off. he turned on the lights and people groaned but payed attention, the noise dying down slowly. "this party is over, if you've seen a man in fourties leave this house please stay and tell me which direction he went."

"why is the party over though?" some kid shouted and i looked down. 

"there has just been an incident, in which someone was nearly raped and if you'd like to tell  the police i'm about to call over here that you were underage drinking i suggest you start leaving."

everyone started to quickly file out of the house, pushing their way past eachother and i grimaced at some of the naked bodies leaving with clothes pressed to their chests. once everyone was gone, i took a deep breath. "you didn't have to stop your party for me you know."

"luke?" my head perked up as charlie ran back into the house and pulled me into a hug. i flinched and she let go. "i've been looking for you are you okay? someone almost got raped and when you didn't come out-"

"charlie i'll be fine,  i uh- i'm gonna stay here for a bit you can just go home. cover for me yeah?" she looked hesitant but nodded and pressed a kiss to my forehead. "please be safe." 

after i promised she left and gabriel slowly picked me up and set me on the counter. "do you need anything? water? you can sleep here if you want-"

"no it's fine, i just want to thank you. i'm sorry about your dad." i spoke quietly but he shook his head. "it's not your fault, i just wished i wasn't the one having to find out. i don't even know how to tell my mom." 

"i can do it with you?" i offered and he smiled and nodded. "that would appreciated. are you sure you'll be okay though? you did drink a lot."

"he must of just snapped me out of it, alcohol can do many things but i guess it won't let me forget what hapened." i leaned my head back against a cabinet and gabriel nodded. 

"let's get going then." 


i watched as gabriel's car drove off as i stood in front of my house. i was freezing to say the most but i dealt with it as i walked around the house and to my bedroom window. i pushed it open, making sure my room was empty before climbing inside. once i closed it i stripped out of my clothes and threw them behind the mirror, making a mental note to wash them when my parents left for work in the morning. 


my heart skipped a beat as i turned around, ashton was leaning against his window, raising an eyebrow at me and i looked down and squeaked as i scrambled to pull on some sweatpants. "what do you want?"

"why are you home? aren't you spending the night at charlie's?" he questioned curiously and i rolled my eyes. "why do you care? why are you even up?"

"don't you remember?" he stood up straight and i felt tears started to well up in my eyes. "what ashton? what could i possibly forget?"

i watched as he went to speak but shut his mouth as a tear slipped. i wiped it away quickly and shut my window, going to the bathroom and closing the door behind me. i turned the shower on the hottest setting and stripped off all my clothes and climbed inside, letting sobs escape my lips as i fell to the floor. 

i reached for the soap bottle and popped open the cap, dumping half of it onto my hands as i violently started to scrub at my body. the water washed over me as i scrubbed harder, the hot water starting to burn my skin as i cried. 

once i started to feel tired i shut off the water and stepped out, wrapping a towel around my body and slowly getting myself dressed. i put on a pair of boxers and black sweatpants, finding one of my dad's t-shirts and slipping it on. i ignored my wet hair as i climbed into bed and laid down, sniffling once more as i pulled the covers over me and shut the world out. 

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