Chapter 1:The Incident

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I have been bullied since I started high school. I was always bullied by the same four guys each of which I had once been best mates with. Oh well that's life, it's a bitch and always tries to drag you down. I get up and start getting ready. I pick out a purple long sleeve top and some black skinny jeans that make my bum look amazing. I've just started dating this guy called Josh and by started I mean we have been together for a year but back then we were both shy turtles who wanted to be bold and daring but knew everything and were classified as nerds, but now he is on the football team, he made us official and I'm now the girl all girls hate, well in a good way...

I glance at the clock it's only half five so I still have time to pack my bag, go for a jog with our dog Walter, have a shower and walk to school. I get into my jogging pants and an old top. I creep past Ashton's room and hear him snoring ever so slightly. I giggle and run past hitting every creaky floorboard I can. I hear a gasp and Ashton startled voice ask who it was, I just laugh and run down stairs.

I clip the lead to our husky Walter. We leave the house and jog round the block to the park. I bump into someone and I can't tell who it is, until they apologise.
"Sorry, I was just walking my dog Lol and she ran over here."
"Michael, is that you?"
"Oh Mel, hi I though I knew who it was."
"I guess Lol recognised Walter."
We laugh and start walking back towards are houses. Michael lives two blocks away from ours so we say good bye and walk away.

I unclip Walter and he runs outside, I'm guessing to see Chris the dog next door or wing dog as we call him. I yell to my mum that I'm going in the shower and I grab a towel and get in. I go upstairs because the hot water comes on quicker and it has a shower curtain. Only problem is it doesn't have a lock but oh well, I get in and start washing my waist length brown hair. I'm thinking about my walk with Michael and how funny his hair is. I remember how that started, when we were 5 I drew a picture of Michael but I coloured his hair in pink because I like the colour pink, anyway Michael loved it and asked his mum to dye it just like my drawing so she colour sprayed his hair and that is how Michael's hair was born.

I'm so absorbed in this memory I don't realise the door has been opened until I hear some humming. I carful peak out and see a blonde haired boy using our toilet.
"What the hell are you doing?" I shout but realise that if Ashton found Luke and me in the same room when one of us was naked, let's just say he would kill both of us.
"What do you want, can't you see I'm busy?" He sounds irritated but I ignore it.
"Why are you here don't you have your own bathroom, at like your own house?"
"Yes, I do but it's being remodelled so Mandy said I could come here."
"Why couldn't you go down stairs" now it was my turn to be irritated.
"Ashton was showering but I think he's out now." Luke is just sat on our toilet seat lid, acting like this is normal for him.
"You know I remember when you and Ashton made mud pies and mum put you in the same bath tub so don't be embarrassed by seeing Ashton's you know what, you've seen it before" I smile smugly knowing he would probably scream soon.
"And I'll tell Ashton you were in here" I could see this ending really badly well for him anyway.
"You wouldn't" he has stood up and looks like he is about to burst
"Really..." I feel so sly"try me."
"Don't. You. Dare."he's is going to blow one more push and he'll go over the edge.
"Ashton..." I shout, I give Luke a very sly stare and he leaves in a hurry. Holy crap I'm glad that's over.

Thanks guys this is my first chapter and I'm so happy. I got the idea for the whole book of Esmereldah who wrote an Ashton fanfic call the Daddy Project so please go check that out thx bye xxx

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