Chapter 11:Back To Normal

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Important author notes at the end so please read.

The cancer is gone. It's completely gone, I'm free and I can finally breath. I'm tempted to throw a party but I don't think Milly will agree. I've been invited to a party tho and I've already said I'm going, Milly knows and I've promised I'll text her if I actually can.
(An: Milly is the social worker.)
I make sure that I carefully pack my outfit because I can't let Milly see or she will kill me. I hop in my car at 6:15 and get to Stacy's by 6:30. When I get there she opens the door in her pyjamas, she lets me in and we go up stairs. I curl her hair and straighten my own and then I go get dressed in the bathroom. I've gone with a new lace push up bra with matching panties from Victoria's Secret, a black cocktail dress that fits really tight amplifying all my features, I'm wearing 6" black heels and I've done my make so I have smoky eyes and bright red lips. As I get out I see Stacy in a tight black belly top and a white mini skirt. I grab the keys to my car and change my heels for pumps. When we arrive I change my shoes again and we walk in, heading straight for the kitchen, we both get a vodka and Stacy walks off. I drink my vodka and get another on and after that I've drank about 4 of them. I drain my fourth cup and a blond boy walks over to me, and I must say he looks as fit as hell.
"Hi my name is Tomas, I've just come over here to say you look amazing." His eyes drift down towards my chest but I don't care.
"Well, I must confirm that you are as fit as f*ck." I think I'm slurring but who cares.
"Well would it be bad if we kissed then cause I really want to kiss you."
"I would love that." He leans in and I feel his warm lips on mine, I kiss back and we kiss passionately for what seems like forever. Then I hear a cough and a familiar voice ask if we could move. Tomas says sorry and moves me to the counter were we continue until we here a gasp. I look past his shoulder and see an angry Luke turn away.
"Tomas I'm sorry I have to get him."
"Oh okay." He lets me go and I jump down but turn and give him my number and walk after Luke. I get pushed by loads of people until I get pushed into someone and they spill their drink down me. They apologise but I just push past them, until I finally get to the front door. I see Luke just stood still and since there is no one outside I call his name.
"Are you trying to hurt me?" I'm confused I've never hurt him.
"What Luke you have only ever hurt me."
"Really well you know I like you and yet you kiss someone else." No I'm mad.
"How did I know you liked me, I asked you out yesterday and you told me no, and I felt broken, rejected and shattered all at once!" Luke looks at me and whispers
"Ye because of him."
"Why because of him."
"Because he would tear us apart and I will not let you go through that."
"Baby, I don't care about that but if you truly love me then kiss me." Luke smiles and gently kisses me on the lips. I hear a laugh behind me and then as I turn round I see Megan and all she does is shout,"ASHTON!"

Hey guys so sorry that my updating has been messed up but it's hard around Christmas so sorry about that. I just want to congratulate coolcat9008 for getting 1k on her fanfic so if you haven't read please read and tell your friends about this story because I feel like no one likes it but I'm not deleting because too much work has gone into this but please tell people about it thx

Bye guys

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