Chapter 15: The revel

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It's 1:30 in the morning and the boys are stood around Simon and Harry. I'm sat with Louis and he is holding my hands telling me everything is okay.
"It's fine, they are going to make it." I smile gratefully and he gives me a hug. I wince in pain and he pulls back mortified.
"Omg, I'm so sorry I completely forgot oh my gosh please forgive me." He looks like he is about to cry so I pull him in for a hug.
"I forgive you." I pulls away and smiles and we turn our heads to the sound of cheering. The boys are high fiving each other and I run over to Luke. Before I actually remember my brother is there I run to go kiss Luke. He realises what I'm about to do and goes to hug Calum, I stop and wait but then Michael runs and gives me a light hug. I hug him back and move to ashton, he looks at me and gives me a hug. He whispers to me that he is sorry and as I pull away I know he means it. I hug Calum and turn because Simon and Harry are walking away. I run and hug Louis cause he is like my bestfriend and then he runs to Harry. They all leave and we are stood in silence. I hear a cough and hear ashton call me.
" Mel I'm really sorry about my behaviour but can I ask who was it?" I pause and take a deep breath but before I can speaking head Luke's voice.
"It was me." I head Ashton take a sharp breath and I see his knuckles clench. I run I front of Luke and stand up for him.
"Ashton don't hit him please." He looks at me and calms down he gives me a nod and I release me breath. He starts to walk away but turns to Luke.
"Break her heart, and I will break your nose." Luke gulps and Ashton walks away. I run to Luke and kiss him, I'm so proud of him but what does it mean for us...

Short but double update xxx ❤️

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