Chapter 10: Will You Be Mine?

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Its Monday. I have been ready since 6 o'clock because that is just when I wake up now, I have been forced to eat and I'm actually really liking our social worker. She is out all day and doesn't care if we come home late, of course she has her rules like; home by midnight, she wants a text from both of us every hour and she has to know the address before we even go anywhere so she can pick us up if needed. She insisted on taking us to school but we both can drive so she didn't have to, but that didn't stop her taking me to talk to my head teacher about everything. Anyway I don't care about anything people say all I need to do is one simple thing. I walk down the corridor ignoring all stares, I turn the corner and see him leaning on his locker with a very bruised and battered face, I'm so disgusted with him that I feel no pity so I laugh.

''Mel, I'm so glad your okay and ...''

''Shut up with your bullsh*t, I don't have time for your crap today.''

''Mel, look what he did to me. Look at what your brother did to me.''

''Well you asked for it because in case you thought all the medication in my system would drown my brain it didn't, I remember you kissing Megan which is why I'm here.'' I kick his crotch and as he falls to the floor I whisper

''We are over...'' with that I kiss his cheek leaving a big red lipstick mark just as Megan walks around the corner. I glance in her direction then slap Josh with all my strength and walk away straight past everyone including Luke. I hear him shout my name but I cant be bothered with him right now so I walk into the bathroom where he cant follow. A few seconds later Stacy walks in also having seen the entire thing, she gives me a shocked look and as I prepare myself for the biggest lecture ever I'm taken by surprise when she just opens her arms and hugs me tight. I hug her back and I just wonder how I got such a good best friend, I walk out only to be trailed by Luke who walks with me to every lesson considering we have every lesson together. I hate the fact he brings the boys with him considering they all treat me like a broken mirror, so on more than one occasion I have asked myself if I want everything to go back to how it was before I even met Josh and I remember every comment said but then again that would be better than the feelings I have been through dating him. After having all four wait for me outside of art I walk out, turn round, look at them and ask ''why cant you be the normal mean people you were before I became little miss mean girl?'' they all look at me as if its because of the cancer but as the doctor said its nearly gone a few more weeks and ill be cancer free. '' Don't blame the cancer cause if you are promise me you will become your selves in a few weeks?'' they nod in agreement and all but Luke leave so I grabs Luke's hand and pull him away to behind the lockers were he just puts his hands in his pockets and stares at me,


''You remember in the hospital how you told me you loved me and everything.'' I give him a hopeful look which he ignores,

''Ye what about it?'' his hostile attitude confuses me but I carry on.

''Well I wanted to know if it would be weird if we got together?'' I blush realising how stupid I sound but I don't take any thing back.

''Mel, I don't like you like that and I cant do that to Ashton its just mean plus it would be weird I mean I cant do that and I liked you and I thought you might die so I told you I loved you but I didn't so ... I'm sorry Mel really but...'' the end of break bell goes and he just leaves and I try not to break down.

hi guys hope you enjoyed sorry if there is mistakes please forgive me.

bye guys

Mia xxx

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