Chapter 9:The Evil Hag

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I've been in the hospital now for two weeks and I was allowed out once for the funeral, even then I was on double drugs for effect so the entire time I sat there looking like a doll. So I've done a total of 7 blood tests and I lost count of the others, this is what my life has been reduced to. I spend all day every day sat in a bed listening to the same song over and over.
You watched me bleed until I can't breath.
Shaking, falling onto my knees.
Now without your kisses, I'll be needing stitches...
I'm just sat on the window seat staring into space, I actually miss life. I turn and glance at the time, 10:12 a few minutes till the nurse comes with the drugs. My eyes glance over the white board, two prescribed drugs plus depression pills great. I look into the mirror and see the dead version of me with pale skin and limp hair.
I take the pills and feel sleepy, I go and sit in my arm chair and just rest my head on my knees. I must have fell asleep because the next moment I'm being picked up and placed on the bed. I blink my eyes and I'm met with sparkling blue ones.
"Hey babe" his voice is sweet and I'm just absorbed." Ash is working because of everything. Ye, so we can go home tomorrow and get back to school by Monday." I sit up and stare, did he really say school.
"Trust me it's not my choice but your social workers, she said so." He gives me a guilty look but I'm just to drained to move.
"But I'm going home," I ask just to be sure. My voice is dry and sounds dead.
"Ye but we need to sleep." I'm too tired to argue so I just cuddle in and I fall asleep with Luke's arms around me.
It's going home day, I'm so happy I finally get to leave. I've got my small case packed with anything I will need in case I break again. I'm smiling but a part of my wants to destroy everything because sick of being treated like broken glass, I might be able to put back together but I will never be whole. I get in the car and just sit in silence, when we get there Ashton opens the door and I'm smothered by the smell of food. I hear a voice but I ignore it, I walk straight past her and I go upstairs to my room. I remember the doctor say I only get sick if I'm upset, not angry...
I run to my room and slam the door as loud as I can, I face plant my bed and just let go. I expected tears but I guess I was completely dry, well then again my parents died, I found out I had cancer and I'm alone so no wonder I can cry, I've cried enough. I hear a whine from my door, I rush up and throw it open and wait for Walter to come in. He runs in and I shut the door, I turn round and he is sat on my bed so I just give him a cuddle. I just think about school and how I'm going to survive but I just end up falling asleep. I wake up as my reminder goes off, it means that I have to take my pills. I walk downstairs to grab my bag and no sooner have I grabbed it she comes out of no where and is questioning me.
"Will you eat food?"
"Please" God she is so nagging.
"Please" now that's it I've lost my temper.
"No I will not eat your goddamn food and you can't force me." Now I'm really mad.
"As your guardian I have to make you eat." Oh she just stepped over the line. I hear ash walk in but I'm to angry to care.
"No, you are our temporary guardian. Just because our parents are dead and no one else wants us. But in 3 months and 73 days I'll be able to walk out." I smile smugly because I've been counting down the days since I turned 17. I've just realised, it's school tomorrow, Sh*i...

Hi guys how is everyone I'm so happy cause it's Christmas and Ye so I'm just going to keep this short ... Sorry this was wrote at 4am.

Bye guys
Mia xxx 👋🏻

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