Chapter 12:He Cant Know

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I feel the blood rush to my head and I stumble blindly as Luke pulls me down the road and we reach the end of the road as Ashton runs to catch us. He doesn't know who it is but just jumps in his car to chase us. We carry on running and I get pulled down an alley so Ashton can't follow us. As soon as we have got rid of Ashton we stop to catch our breath. After a while we start to walk in silence, we must have walked for 20 minutes before it starts raining and because I'm just in a dress I'm shivering. Luke puts his jacket round me, grabs my hand and twirls me round. It takes me by surprise but we just keep dancing in the rain. I stare into his eyes and all I can see is lust, that's when I realise how much he likes me. All of a sudden he stops gets down on one knee and pulls out a haribo ring.
"Will you do me the pleasure of becoming my girlfriend?" I'm so shocked that all I can do is nod my head and watch as he puts it on my finger. I giggle as he gets up and towers over me, he's looking at me with a wide grin. I smile as he pulls me in for another kiss and then wraps his arm across my shoulders. I get my phone out my purse and phone Milly.
"Hi Milly, it's Mel erm can you pick me up please I'm by the park on Miltree road."
"Ye sure who's with you."
"Just Luke can we go back to his please."
"Ye, I'll grab your stuff and bring it with me, bye doll." She ends the call and I glance at Luke. He raises his eyebrows at me,
"Hey, only Milly can call me that." I jokingly pout and I run to the swings. By run I mean shuffle because of my heels, but I make it to the swings and I sit down. I turn to face where Luke was but he isn't there, suddenly I feel somthing push me from the back.
"Luke!" I scream but crack up laughing because I sounded so stupid.
"Yes, doll" I look left and Luke is trying to start of with his long legs. I laugh at him and kick my heels off. They land a short distance away and I jump off the swing. I sneak behind Luke and I wrap my arms around his shoulders and whisper in his ear
"Tag." I let go and run away only to be followed by Luke. I run under the climbing frame and Luke follows I get out and run into the middle of the park, when I get picked up from behind by Luke. Then I hear a horn honk and I see Milly in the car waiting , we run up after getting my heels and jump in. Milly says Ashton is at home and I beg her not to say anything about me and Luke.
"Why, not?"
"Because he can't know he would hate me and Luke forever. So please don't."
"Okay I won't." We get to Luke's to find his mum isn't in. I get my stuff and we go inside. When we get in, we get changed, we heat up some microwave popcorn and put on big hero 6. We snuggle on the couch with his arm around me and I feel my eyes become heavy and I drift off to sleep, trapped in Luke's warm embrace.

Hi guys so I deleted my last chapter because my friend gave me loads of hate about it so sorry about that. But anyway I'm so proud of all my friends who are doing amazing with their fanfics so I'm just going to mention them:

Please read their fanfics because they are really good.
Thx for reading,
Bye Mia xxx 💜

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