Chapter 2: The Project

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I pull up in my car and mentally prepare my self to be the meanest girl in school. I mean if I had a choice I would treat everyone like I use to but if I did that now... I get out and nearly get ran over by the one and only Luke Hemmings. I texted Stacy this morning about what happened and she keeps mentioning the word ''shower'' and we all burst out laughing as he goes really red. I tick off my list of people to make fun of as I walk towards health class. So far I have made fun of Elanor's big glasses, the fact that Billy will never A) be cute B) get on the football team and C) get laid. I have also lowered about 10 other peoples self esteem but I cant care about that now. I walk round the corner and see Stacy and somebody having a heated make out session.

''Stacy,lets go ''


''No Stacy, you can kiss Mr. Drop Dead Gorgeous later.'' I'm starting to get annoyed since the second bell has just gone.

''I have a name you know...''

''Calum, I know, just let my best friend go.'' He lets her go and we stalk off to health class. We arrive 15 minutes late but who cares the teacher know we have a poisonous tongue so he just directs us to our seats. I march off to the back and start gossiping to the girls until the homework assignment is called out.

''So you will be looking after this doll for two weeks and if I find so much as a scratch you will have a months detention.'' He doesn't look like he is joking, which scares me more but being the new me I need to fight back.

''And what if I can be bothered looking after a piece of plastic, cause I don't have time to look after that piece of crap.''every person is looking straight at me. Mr. Hamlet was afraid this would happen but he stays strong,and in his smoothest voice he says,

''then you fail miss Irwin.''

I stand up ready to storm out because NO teacher talks like that to me, but I sit back down when I realise I can manipulate who ever I get into doing this for me. He goes down his register dishing out dolls left, right and centre. I hear my name and collect the stupid piece of crap and wait for my partner, and I see the smallest grin on Mr. Hamlets face as he tells me I'm working with Luke Hemmings.

I do a double take and realise my mouth has gone dry. I try and convince my self I heard wrong but then I see Luke get up and walk towards me. I am so certain this is a set up that I throw the doll on the floor and realise it starts crying, but I'm too upset to even bother with it so I curse out loud and storm out. I find Josh 10 minutes later and we just make out on my locker. I hear a directed cough and see a very embarrassed Luke with "our" doll.
"Sup, daddy," I tease him and he evidently goes red.
"Here's our project can you look after it?"
"Why,you got things to do?" I'm actually want to know but Josh makes the sly comment of "no, he has Taylor to do" I feel angry so I fight back.
"You leave my babies daddy alone."everyone is looking at me like I'm crazy. Luke goes red...again and I grab his hand and stalk off leaving my boyfriend looking like a div.

I drive home and see Josh on my door step and I automatically hug him. We go into my living room and I hear Ashton upstairs practising. I dump the doll on a chair and we make out. Finally I hear a shout and I turn around to see a disturbed Luke looking really angry.
"What the hell!"
"You couldn't have took the baby upstairs instead of making it watch you straddle him."
"It's a piece of plastic"
"It's our piece of plastic, you idiot."
"Really, well as if I'm going to trust it with you, you microwaved your sisters!(a.n if you don't understand read Esmereldah daddy project you'll understand then)"
I'm so pissed of right now I just want him to go away I just want to be with Luke... Not wait what the f*ck I want to be with Josh... Or do I...

Thx for reading hoped you like this weeks shout out goes to penguinsimagines

Luv you guys
Mia xxx 💋

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