Chapter 8: Back Home

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Luke dropped me back home at around 8 o'clock because the hospital just had to do some checks and give me the special pills, plus I had to get emergency numbers. When we got there I waited until Luke ran round and opened the door for me, I thanked him and started walking towards my house. Just as I'm about to put my key in the lock I feel two long arms snake round my waist and pull me forward. I turn in surprise and feel his lips crash into mine, they fit perfectly and I can feel him want to deepen the kiss but he is holding back. I decide to use this as an advantage so I run my tongue along his bottom lip and across his lip ring. He moans in pleasure and I quickly enter my tongue into his mouth, he moans in surprise but agrees. Our tongues battle for dominance and after what seems like forever I pull away for breath. I hear him whine but I just unlock my front door and I quickly kiss him, making him smile. I shut the door and lean on it, I'm completely breathless and I can feel my heart pounding. I suddenly receive a text and as I unlock my phone I realise it's from Luke.
Hey princess, just so u know I miss you xxxx I love u xxx
I text back and smile until I walk into our living room. I see Ashton sat on our couch just staring into space, I run up and jump straight into his lap. I start muttering things like I love him and I've missed him and I ask him where he was and all I get in reply is "They're dead." I can feel the tears running down his face and I look at him. I see his face is bruised and battered so are his knuckles, I'm certain he has been in a fight.
"Ash who did this?"
"The football team." I see the pain in his eyes and I feel my heart tug.
"Why, why would they do this to you? You never get into trouble with them."
I'm really confused and I hope he can help me understand.
"I beat up Josh because he broke your heart and then all his mates came and it was like 5 against 1. I mean I put up a good fight but they were just stronger and there was more of them. Don't worry Josh is ten times worse.'' he tries to give more a confident smile but I see past the toothy grin, but then I see a fresh wave of pain come over him and I just stand there looking oblivious.

''Ash what else happened?'' I can tell by the look on his face its defiantly not good news.

''they are dead Mel, our parents mum dad, their gone.'' I watch in silence as he breaks down, my brother who is as hard as a brick is literally crumbling before my eyes. I feel a burning in my chest and again in my head, I've just got out of hospital and I will need to go back.
"Ash, I need... Hospital... Now" I can hardly talk. Ashton looks up and sees me laying on the floor.
"Mel what's wrong, hospital okay I'm going im going." He picks me up and we rush to the hospital again. I'm wheeled away but at least this time I'm conscious. A few hours later and Ashton walks in looking ashamed and sad.
"I'm sorry Mel, I never knew if only I had known I would have said anything."
"Ash it's okay, I'm just not aloud to get upset but who can blame me for being upset my parents just died." I realise I'm shouting but I don't care. A nurse walks in and says I have another visitor, and I feel my entire body relax as Luke walks in. Ashton leaves to get a drink and as soon as that happens Luke's lips are on mine
"Do you love me Luke?"

Thanks for reading guys sorry if I have just ruined your life but I wanted this to happen so ... Hope you enjoyed
Late merry Christmas

Bye Mia xxxx 🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻

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