Chapter 20: forever

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Luke's POV
Then she slips... Her hands grab for the barrier as me and Ashton run to save her. She manages to hold on and we get her back. Time flies. I ask her to marry me. We get married. We have our first child Rose. We have our second child Thomas. We have our third child little Alexander. We watch our children grow up. We watch them leave the nest. We grow old together. We die together... But that doesn't happen. Mel slipped. Mel grabbed the barrier. Her hands slipped off the barrier and she fell to her death. For the past year I have woken up screaming and crying because the nightmares still haunt me. Ashton has the same nightmares and hardly sleeps. Michael still cries everyday as he watches the video she made. Calum sits by the barrier every night to tell Mel about his day, he feels closer to her this way. I still haven't watched the video made for me, it would kill me to try. We did try and we managed to pull ourselves back together. We still perform all around the world, always ending each show with Mel's song. It was written especially for her on her 18th birthday as a gift from us. Since we went back on tour Calum couldn't visit the barrier so he just sits on the couch telling her about Dani, his new girlfriend. Everyone else moved on and found the girls of their dreams, I couldn't do that my girl was dead. Me and Ashton have grown closer than ever as we both were hit the hardest. I still cry and have nightmares but there not that bad anymore. We moved into a house after the death and we got to keep Walter. Milly left as Ashton was old enough to look after himself. We gave her a room even though she isn't coming back. I sometimes just sit in her room and stare at the ceiling. I got up off the floor and stretched. I walked to my room and took at shower. I cleaned my teeth and went to bed, where the nightmares took over
And she slipped. Her hands reached out and tried to grab the barrier but all she met was air. Ashton stood frozen as she started falling. I run and try to grab hold of her but she slips through my grasp. Her screams can be heard for miles and they echo in my ear. I hear a bone crunching crack and the screaming stops. I rush to Calum and scream at him to call 911. I run around the barrier to the slope leading down. I hurry down the slope and climb over rocks. I slice my hand and blood pours out but I don't stop, I don't care about anything but her. I search frantically in the dark until I find her broken shattered body. I rush to her side and check for a pulse, nothing. I cradle her in my arms as I hear sirens approach. A few minutes later two medics come and take her away. I cling to her and she is pulled away from me forever. I'm taken back to the boys who are comforting Ashton. A woman takes a look at my hand and I'm taken away for stitches. As I ride to the hospital I look in a mirror. My hair is stuck up and my face is white. I have dirt and blood on my face and my hands are completely red. I can't tell what's mine and hers and I sit silently as we ride on. At the hospital a doctor asks if I would like anaesthetic, I decline as no pain in the world could match this. I barely feel a thing as the doctor cleans my hand.
A few weeks later we hold her funeral and she is buried right next to her parents. Ashton is sat crying silently and I put my arm around him and he starts talking to me.
"She loved you so much Luke."
"I know Ash she loved you too." He starts crying again and we sit as Michael and Calum join in the group hug. Three years later I went to Calum and Dani's wedding, then a few months later Michael and Michaela's wedding then a year later Ashton and Bianca's wedding. I was Ashton's best man and I cried a lot. Not just for them but for Mel as well.
I wake up and look at my hand, the scar left behind of that dark day. I sit for a while and finally decide what I'm going to do. I get out of bed and write two words to everyone. I'm sorry. I grab my lap top and the pen drive and go to the one place I need to be, the quarry. I sit on the grass and plug the pen drive in. I watch as pictures of us fly past. Our first picture as a couple, a few diary entries about me and finally a video.
Hey Luke, so if your watching this it means I'm dead and you found the pen drive. I'm going to start by explaining why I committed suicide, it's not because of you or any of the boys. After you broke up with Arzaylea I got a lot of hate off both your fans. It became stressful and awful, I also was struggling with myself as I felt I wasn't good enough for you and it pushed me over the edge. I'm sorry Luke for leaving you. I love you and I know you will always love me but promise me you will find someone else. I love you.
Then the screen went black. I felt the tears roll down my face. I went to her account and read some comments, I quickly typed a message on Twitter and explained that whoever said those nasty things killed her, and they killed me too. Automatically I was getting tweets telling me to stay, I ignored them and click on notes. I had pre written a note to the boys explaining everything. I stepped up to the barrier and climbed over. I looked over to my left and saw her there. She smiled,
"Hi Luke."
"Hi Mel."
"Are you sure you want to do this?"
"To be with you completely." I take her hand and as I step out off the ledge I whisper to her, forever. And with that I fell to my death, as soon as I died I opened my eyes and there she was. I grabbed her hand and we walked away forever...

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