Chapter Three: Introductions

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I get up with a happy start. Time for my job! I do my daily morning routine and head out the door with a piece of toast in my mouth. It tastes somewhat good, I've practically gotten used to the weird crispness. I really need to get used to human food. I get in my car and start heading to my first ever job.

Once in front of the building, after all the trouble of traffic and parking, I strut to the door with full confidence. It's pretty early, but I want to make a good impression right? Right! Going towards the elevator with my brightest smile, I think of how amazing this day will be. That is... Until I see Suga when the elevator door opens. Shit. Why him?

"Oh," I say in slight surprise to see this rude man. "Is that your 'good morning' to me?" he says each word full of sarcasm.

"Why are you even here this early?"

"Same question to you"

"I'm just making a good impression" I head into the elevator.

Suga nods and heads out the elevator.

"Where are you going?" I ask holding the 'open' button on the elevator.

"None of your business" Suga answers over his shoulder as he head out the glass door.

"Rude," I say out loud as the elevator closes. Man that boy is just so rude! I hate him! The floor opens to me quite quickly and I head out. Time to be a manager assistant!


"I want to introduce you to some people," my boss, or otherwise the manager, said. "They're very sweet boys, you can relax around them!" he reassured.

"How many are there?"

"Seven" Crap.

"Are you sure all of them are sweet?" We walk into the elevator.

"Of course!" The elevator goes to the floor I'm supposed to meet the 'boys'. Well, I could be wrong. Maybe it's a different group of boys as he means.

Ping! We're here. Let's see these boys!

We walk into this 'square room' with some sort of plastic as walls. There's a table in the middle with two small couches surrounding it. There's big coats hanging on the walls and maybe a flower pot in the corner, couldn't tell.

Besides the details I shouldn't have actually paid attention to, there were some boys, or maybe 'men', playing around. Oh yeah! Those people are V, Jungkook, Jimin, and J-hope! Maybe those guys are the most playful? On the couch were three people, two watching and talking while one was writing in what seemed like a notebook. The manger coughed an 'ahem'.

"Boys," he said calmly. Nobody seemed to listen except the two who were talking. Rap Monster and Jin right?

"Boys," he said a bit more sternly and loudly. This time, the guys who were playing around looked up. The only person who wasn't listening was...

"Yoongi, please listen," Jin shook his arm. Yup, Suga. Suga finally looked up. When he saw me, I had a feeling he mentally sighed.

"I want you to meet (Y/N). She will be my manager assistant and be looking out for you guys. Yup! Wait, looking out for them? "Nice to meet you (Y/N)! I'm Jimin!" At least someone gives a bit of respect... Jimin was suddenly out of my sight and instead J-Hope was before me. "Hello (Y/N)! I am your angel! I am your hope! I am J-Hope! But you can call me Hoseok!" he said leaving his bright smile in the end.

Someone jumped onto J-Hope's back screaming, "My name is Kim Taehyung!" Jimin jumped into the 'hug' saying, "Let me join!" I felt someone just staring at the three idiots questioning something. I looked behind the chaos in front of me and saw Jungkook. He seemed to noticed that I was staring at him and introduced himself, "My name is Jeon Jungkook. Pleasure to meet you," the youngest said bowing slightly with hands at his side. This kid is pretty polite!

"I'm Jin," a voice said from the couch giving me a slight wave.

"Rap Monster, but call me by Namjoon."

I nodded at the introduction with a smile. All that was left for introductions was of course...

The manager spook up, "Yoongi please introduce yourself to (Y/N)," but Suga didn't look up. He's quite concentrated there. But I think he takes this as distraction or something?

"It's fine Boss! We've met before!" I speak up. Better notice me for this Suga.

"Oh! I see! I'll take your word for it (Y/N). Make sure they get to their schedule, 'kay?" Hold the phone.

"I thought that I would be assisting you, sir?"

"You are in a way; you're helping me look after BTS! I'm busy with other things like meetings, checks, etcetera," he checks his watch. "I'll need to get going, a meeting starts in 5 minutes. See you (Y/N)!" And he's gone...

I sigh in my head and look at three still playing. Maybe it won't be so bad watch them actually...


A/N: You know that moment when you wrote about 3/4ths of the story and Wattpad says it saves but then you come back to finish the next day and none of it was saved? Yeah, that happened ^^" Sorry for the wait~! Hope you enjoyed! ((Too busy with school and holidays~!))

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