Chapter Seven: New Home

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A/N: I hate the fact that the idiot looks like an adorable happy little precious smol bean in this pic after they won their award for "Fire"... UGH WHY

I stare at the man before me, completely shocked. I can't believe my ears right now. Min Suga, you don't even know who I truly am... But, it'll look weird if I don't accept. But then again, what if the secret society finds out about me, won't BTS possibly get hurt? And I know for sure they can't know... However all in all, the best choice to stay with BTS, right?

I let go of Suga and look up at him, "Are you serious?"

"Yes." Ugh, he's so straightforward sometimes I can't keep up. Well, will I ever keep up? Maybe not.

"Well, is this really okay? I mean, how will the members react?"

"They're most likely going to be alright about it. You're living in an area with bad news, the group's bound to understand," Suga said in a bored tone.

I nod my head. But won't they be in danger because me? If that secret society or whatever finds me, what will they do to me? What will they do to BTS? I'm getting a bit scared actually, is this what humans feel when they meet their death with a vampire? Is this what humans get the chance to know and feel when they're in danger? Deeply, I feel happy, I'm getting more human by the day; but at the wrong time.

"(Y/N), you're shaking. Are you that scared?" Suga stares at me with what seems like... Worry? Again? I see a face when it looks like he cares even slightly. "Don't worry, you'll be fine if you live in the BTS dorm. In our area, there's no news about vampires; at least not yet." It will possibly be soon because of me...

"Okay, I'll go to the BTS dorm. Thank you for your help, Suga," I say smiling. And sorry for putting you on the line between death and life.


Suga takes me to my apartment and he said he would. "Okay, repeat our plan for you moving in," he said as we stood in front of my door.

"Why do I have to repeat it?"

"You seem like the type to be daydreaming and not listen at all. But since you're still quite startled, I want you to repeat the plan so we can both be rest assured that you got it down."


"Yes, we. Now repeat the plan." Wow, I don't know if he's nice or rude anymore.

"Pack up for tonight, go to work tomorrow as a normal day, after work I get my stuff and go to your place so I can move in."

"Okay, good. Bye now," Suga starts to walk off right as he says 'bye'. Still not sure if he really is mean or not.

I get inside and initiate our plan.


Once I get to watch BTS do their dance practices, Jin comes up to me again. I like Jin, he's actually really nice and talks to me. And when he talks to me, he's actually a gentleman unlike Mister I-don't-even-know-if-he's-rude-or-nice.

"So, Yoongi talked to us last night about you moving in," I nodded.

Jin sighs, "Man, does that boy move fast. You guys seem so close knowing that you tend to see each other every morning." I look at Jin strangely. We're close? What is a human's term of 'close'? Suga and I aren't close at all, honestly he's like a two-faced man that confuses me thinking that he cares about me but at the same time acts rude to me just cause it's his nature.

"We're not too close are we?" What kind of question did I just ask?! Jin shrugged, "You seem like nice acquaintances in my eyes." Great, now I'm wondering how we look like from a distance... But do we really seem like acquaintances... Or only acquaintances?

A/N: Aaaaaaaannnnddddddd here's the update :3 How was it, did you like it reader-nim?? I hope you did~! There's more to come so heads up!

Also have you guys seen the new Bangtan Bomb of the Bapsae/ Silver Spoon dance practice that just came out? I was screaming at Suga like WHAT THE HECK SUGA DON'T BE WEIRD AND CUTE AT THE SAME TIME YOU'RE BEING CRUEL. Anyhow, see you in the next update!

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